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Everything posted by Retro

  1. Which version of the transfer tool suite are you using? Did you try to specify the --ignorelock command line option?
  2. OK thanks for turning over that particular rock. There indeed seems to be a bug in our collision detection system (so that would fix the Fennek). I am not sure about the infantry though, how do you actually get them inside the minefield (they should refuse the order..). Or is this about engineering infantry on 'breach' routes only?
  3. Was there some time acceleration involved? We are talking about offline mode right?
  4. Sorry, by 'worked previously' you mean before 4.363? Can you nail down a version where it still worked (sorry I have to confess that I'm not 100% sure about the PE version numbers..)
  5. Actually there's some code there but right now the 'no stanchion' distance is 1m so we might have to tweak that. There's no check vs other objects, but it does check vs bodies of water (not the 'stream' line actors though). Note that right now, if such a 'collision' is being detected, the code simply does skip the creation of pylons. Sooo I guess we might at least tweak that 'avoidance radius' a bit.. (actually, looking at the screenshot, I'm wondering why it doesn't already skip creating the pylon hmm)
  6. Please read the documentation provided with the tool (there's a '?' button in the toolbar that should open the document), it's possible to do that by changing the XML configuration file
  7. 'Ajax' as in the Ajax vehicle family that is.. it was supposed to go into use in 2017 (with 500+ vehicles on order by the UK MOD!), but now I read that [quote]In June 2021 it was revealed that trials of Ajax variants were halted from November 2020 to March 2021 due to excessive vibration and noise, leaving crews suffering from nausea, swollen joints and tinnitus. Test crews were then limited to 105 minutes inside and 20 miles per hour (32 km/h). The excessive vibration while moving was also damaging electronic systems and preventing armament from stabilising. Suspension issues on the Ajax variant meant turrets could not fire while moving[/quote] Given that this is using the Ulan/Pizarro hull, how can that be? TBH I never gave much thought about such 'pedestrian' design issues in tracked vehicles like ride comfort, but I surely thought things such as this would be understood by now (especially if using a proven hull)?
  8. ..which the game really should be able to handle, and will be, with the next patch
  9. So I really like the vertical video format for watching on the smartphone..
  10. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/C9ON9V3pgcc So what you can do is to click the link to the 'shorts' youtube look at the address bar, which looks something like this https://www.youtube.com/shorts/C9ON9V3pgcc copy the text/ID after the 'shorts', ie C9ON9V3pgcc open a new browser window/tab, paste the following link into the address bar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= append the 'shorts' video ID C9ON9V3pgcc press ENTER That's what I do..
  11. Hm I guess we could add a confirmation dialogue that shows the user where the maps would be placed?
  12. So it's actually a feature that, if the PSS (TC's panoramic sight system) is in ALIGNED mode, and if the gun goes into loading position, the PSS switches over to show whatever the GSS (gunner's sight system) is using. I guess that's another 'safety feature' so that the TC can keep an eye on his gunner (?). Upon leaving the loading position, the original view should be restored (I've found a bug in that code though, thanks for pointing that out). In the PSS's OBSERVATION mode (ie independend view) nothing should actually change. Hmm do you mean in multiplayer, that another player occuping the gunner's position hears the (AI) TC screaming commands? Or if you're in the TC position, you mean you hear TC sound samples being played?
  13. Could you upload the scenario as well please?
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hofstadter's_law
  15. Did you download it from this download page? I went back and downloaded 'version 1' (from Sep 05, 2019), and then the (confusingly named) 'version 1' (from Sep 08, 2019) and these archives are binary identical (even though the changelog says that there are "Fewer rocks and more heaps and holes in the ground! "). Then I compared the map package metadata from the delta contained in the downloaded archive to the delta I downloaded using the '83b496f3-2e61-490c-99c1-9af48903c8e2' UID and found that these are ALSO identical. You wrote 'It now appears there is a newer version. ' but at least to me it seems that there is in fact NO update at all, which then of course makes it clear why SB refused to do anything (because there is no change!). So I'm confused, where did you see this announcement about the new version?
  16. This is correct. Each SB process instance maintains its own list of map packages (and if the process quits this list is lost). The 'refresh' button really is only needed if the user manually adds/deletes/modifies a map package 'outside' of the tools the SB UI provides (not recommended, but necessary sometimes..)
  17. On first evaluation that seems to be a crash in the AMD graphics driver DLL.. but odd that it would only affect this one scenario hm
  18. Ich habe nachgefragt, das Handbuch ist falsch. Ein kurzer Druck genuegt um den Vorhalt zu loeschen. Die Laser Taste muss eine Sekunde gedrueckt werden um den Vorhalt einzustellen. Damit kann nach erfolgreicher Bekaempfung des einen Zieles (mit Vorhalt) sofort auf ein anderes (statisches) Ziel geschossen werden, ohne 1s warten zu muessen Bug in SB. Das Rechnerbediengeraet sollte immer die Einstellung des Daumenradschalters reflektieren.. ist noch nicht behoben
  19. Yes. Also vehicles being skylined will be spotted faster.
  20. These messages are created whenever the application refreshes the list of map packages (this happens at startup, automatically at certain points during runtime, but also if you press the 'Refresh' button in the map package browse dialogue). Basically, a map package is only 'recognized' by SB if the loading code deems that it is complete and uncorrupted (so that the application can forgo checking everywhere maps are touched, as the assumption is that only 'proper' ones get loaded), and these maps fail that check for one reason or other. So I do not believe they are related to the scenario loading issue at hand. To get rid of these warnings, simply either delete or move the folders references in these messages out of your map package folder 'C:/ProgramData\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\maps\packages\Schwarmstedt_Bergen_Soltau (2) [autocreated base]\deltas\Schwarmstedt-Bergen-Munster_summer\' 'C:/ProgramData\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\maps\packages\Sweden Swordsmandk [autocreated base]\' C:/ProgramData\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\maps\packages\Wolf junk [autocreated base]\' 'C:/ProgramData\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\maps\packages\Wolf [autocreated base]\deltas\Beedenbostel_autosave_2018-07-13_1633\' As to WHY these are all corrupted (or 'unloadable', at any rate) I am not sure, we'd have to check them individually (and if they are too large or if you know they're junk, it might be not worth the bother). Might be because SB crashed while saving the map (apologies if that happened, shouldn't obviously) or maybe some beta/interim version, or if you manually moved/copied a delta map and accidentially put them into the wrong base folder, or something else..
  21. Danke sollte behoben sein Den Knopf muss fuer ein paar Sekunden gedrueckt werden.. es scheint aber ein Problem zugeben wenn die Richtanlage nicht schon aktiv ist.. also zzt brav vorher R/A einschalten, dann Stab gedrueckt halten.. Das Bundesheer hat sich die ball. Werte fuer MZ nicht leisten koennen/wollen, und Ueb scheint nah genug dran zu sein - also Feature, nicht Bug Ich schliesse nicht aus dass unsere Dokumentation hier falsch ist, muesste man nachfragen.. Muss noch untersucht werden Muesste man auch mit den RL Bedienern checken.. Danke sollte behoben sein
  22. This is actually surprisingly hard to do (if you're not interested in details, now would be a good point to bail out) since the theme file's information (but not its filename!) is directly embedded in the scenario file, so we actually don't know where the theme data came from. You might have noticed that with 4.2 theme files allow to add 'author' and 'description' info but that likewise does not contain the file name (since that might change at any point anyway) so that's not too helpful either and would not contain any info for older-version themes as well
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