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Quick "Embark If" Question


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So I'm starting to get route and waypoint "scripting" down but I have a problem.


I want a unit that is assigned to a waypoint to retreat if it comes under artillery or direct fire, but I can only assign the "Unit this is under direct fire" to a particular unit I choose specifically. Is it possible to just add a generic modifier for any unit that is going to use that BP?


Thanks guys.

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Hm maybe I worded that badly.


I can choose a specific unit that that behavior will be assigned too in the white text fields, but lets say I want a different unit to use that Embark if option, is that possible or does it require another route/waypoint to be made with that unit in mind?


If not its really not a big deal I just want to make sure I'm being efficient :D

Edited by Raptor
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Not quite sure what you are getting at but you can:


Have Unit A embark on a route if Unit B satisfies (or doesn't satisfy) the condition.


Is that what you mean?


To achieve that:


1. Select Unit A and create the route


2. Set the "embark if" condition by clicking on "this" and cycling through Unit A, Unit B, etc. (depending on how many units you have).


Application: Two units holding ground. To maintain the frontage, you want the right hand one to fall back if the left hand one is being shot at but not before.


Edited by Gibsonm
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If that's not the right answer to your question, perhaps outline what you are trying to achieve and happy to help you to build the logic to achieve it.


Can also do Teamspeak "phone a friend" for the next 3 hours or so  - if that's easier than numerous posts?


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A 'Guard' type Battle Position with a 'Retreat' route leading back from it might suffice? Some info in the WIKI, http://www.steelbeasts.com/sbwiki/index.php?title=Moving_Units_On_Routes however i believe some of the infantry mounting/dismounting behaviour's described there are not correct.


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Ok, sorry for the late response!


I'm back and I have screenshots to help with what I'm trying to ask.


So in this screenshot 1A is designated on this retreat back waypoint from its battleposition, it is to retreat if it comes under direct fire and that works just fine.




However lets say 2A finds itself near this battle position during the action phase and I want it to also be able to use those same parameters, is there a generic option in the embark if scripting that allows any unit to adopt that behavior from that same route or does one have to be created specifically for 2A during planning to account for this possibility?




If this doesn't make sense ill hop on Teamspeak haha!


Edit: I noticed one user commented that the waypoint behavior listed on the wiki isn't necessarily correct, is the manual a better source or is it also dated?

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I can do TS "now" if it helps but I think what you are talking about needs to use the Boolean "OR" (click on the "AND") option at the top of the window.


So embark on route if 1A is under direct fire or embark on route if 2A is under direct fire.


I'm afraid there is no way to have "any unit" go on the route if under direct fire as you'd then may have units several kms away driving over to hop on the route.


If that doesn't help I'll monitor TS for the next 30mins.


Edited by Gibsonm
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5 minutes ago, Gibsonm said:

So embark on route if 1A is under direct fire or embark on route if 2A is under direct fire.


I'm afraid there is no way to have "any unit" go on the route if under direct fire as you'd then may have units several kms away driving over to hop on the route.



Ok, that is the answer I was looking for I was wondering what the "if and" did.


This makes sense now, I appreciate you sticking with me on it!


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1 minute ago, Raptor said:


Ok, that is the answer I was looking for I was wondering what the "if and" did.


This makes sense now, I appreciate you sticking with me on it!



So the way to do that is to tick the first green box (to the left of "AND" above).


Create the first condition (say "1A").


Click on the "AND" to change it to "OR".


Click on the second green box (the one to the right of the now "OR).


Create the second condition (say "2A").

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