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Top Tank Platoon 2010 (TOURNAMENT)!


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Hello all,

Now that I have some free time since the upgrade has been released, for the whole 100 years of Steel Beasts celebration, I have put together the Top Tank Platoon Tournament 2010 which will begin on 5th/6th November (the sign up deadline is November 3rd, so that I have time to make a list of match ups).

!!!EVERYONE is invited to participate!!! All time zones, communities, nationalities and ability levels are welcome!!! SB.com, SB.eu, SimHQ, all VUs -- ALL WELCOME!

The basic premise of the tournament is this:

A friendly competition within the community to see who can be the best tank platoon and also the best individual gunner (the "top gun").
The competition is team based where four people band together as a "platoon" and participate in 4 vs. 4 head to head SHORT (~45 min or less) scenarios.
The teams that participate will be paired up, and through the process of elimination, two teams will eventually play each other for the title of "Top Tank Platoon of 2010".

Needless to say, the tournament is just for fun, and if it is popular enough then it will be something that would occur every year or even every six months or so.

Interested? I hope so! What are you waiting for? All you need to do is find three other people who wish to be on the same team and contact me with the following info:

  • Team/platoon name (optional)
  • Forum names/nick names/handle names of the four participants on the team (mandatory)
  • The tank type of choice that your ENTIRE platoon will use for the duration of the tournament (mandatory); the list of selectable tanks and the ammunition types they will have is listed HERE, make your selection from this list (this list is non negotiable).

You can send me this information either by posting it here in this thread (which is the preferred method), or by sending me a Private Message.

The full list of contest rules are HERE. It might look like a lot, but it is just that all facets had to be covered. At least one person on the team should familiarize themselves with the rules, but all participants should familiarize themselves with the time and place of when the games will be played and the details relating to the Execution section of the rules.

Edited by Volcano
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Well, I'll try to scrape up a platoon...start is in november?

Yes, the first weekend of November. I figure I would give about two weeks or so to start, that way there is plenty of time for everyone to form teams -- plenty of time for negotiations and work to spread (I hope). Now if I only had time to announce it at SimHQ forum...

Also, from now until then, I will officially announce known teams and their vehicle selection as I am made aware of them (and as I add them to the tournament tree), unless of course the participants announce their team and vehicle selection themselves in a post in this thread.

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UTC=GMT=CST(central standart time?)+6...right?

I think its actually -6 isn't it? plus daylight savings time makes it -5 for now, doesnt it? So, actually its CDT(-5) right now and on 7 Nov 2010 it will become CST(-6). Anyone need to be further confused?


Edited by Mogwa
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What is CST and how does it translate to GMT?

("Fridays at 2330 CST (after TGIF) OR on Saturdays at 1400 CST.")


nevermind, found it: UTC=GMT=CST(central standart time?)+6...right?

Right, in Germany it would be those times posted +7 hours, if I am not mistaken (I lived there for three years), so it would be Saturday 0630 or Saturday 2100 respectively. Hope that helps (and hope that it allows everyone to participate -- of course specially scheduled matches are possible between teams as well).

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