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Design Question


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Hi All,

I'm a returning user of SB and am getting back to grips with the excellent mission editor and its control logic.

I have a 'test bed' scenario which I use to experiment with using different triggers, conditions etc. It centres on a OPFOR motor rifle battalion advancing east to west behind a recce screen. Once the recce elements come under direct fire from blue units the motor rifle companies spawn and advance. This is my way of simulating/emulating the FIND, FIX and STRIKE.

Rather than having the BMPs rolling fat, dumb and happy I use shorter conditioned routes that link BP to BP to have the platoons of the coy's moving forward, stopping for 10-30 secs then moving on again. I'm using distances of 1km or so for these bounds.

I'm not from an armoured background (I'm army aviation) so what is considered a realistic tactical bound length for this sort of scenario?

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I'd like to answer your question directly, but by trade I'd be compelled to respond, "It depends." And it does depend on METT-T considerations.

For instance, if the command intends to overwhelm the opposing force by concentrating mass, the unit may never leave march formation in order to conserve momentum. If the intent is to clear and occupy a fortified area, at some point there may be a halt where the subunits dismount their infantry. Where the halts take place should be determined by engagement distance considerations. Et cetera.

However, the management here have provided storage space for a documents library in the downloads area. It has some stuff that may be helpful for you:

DIA Report on MRB

FM 100-2-1 Soviet Army

FM 71-123 Tactics and Techniques for Combined Arms Heavy Forces, Brigade through Company Team

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Hi All,


I'm not from an armoured background (I'm army aviation) so what is considered a realistic tactical bound length for this sort of scenario?

Well depending on the ground, half the effective range of your armament.

So if you have rolling ridges 500-1,000m apart, great, you can stop on each one.

If you are in a flat grassland or something then you need to start trying to find defensible terrain in roughly each grid square of your advance.

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Sorry need to clarify / expand on my post.

That is all terrain dependent.

Don't assume that if your weapon has an effective range of 2,000m that every bound will be 1,000m apart.

In Savanna perhaps in jungle, thick woodland, urban terrain it will be shorter (in urban OPs it maybe the next intersection at the end of the block).

On top of that is the weather and time of day. crossing the same piece of terrain by day or by night may have totally different bound locations depending on your force's night fighting capability (or if its raining or fog or mist or...).

The key determinant is the available range to effectively employ the weapon (not a theoretical number).

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