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Interesting "Repair If" problem for platoons.


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Snaake is probably the best person to answer this but maybe someone else has a solution. Is this a bug?

In several of the missions I'm creating I want individual tanks to be able to get repaired. When I create a platoon of 2 tanks and go the the "Repair If" option, I'll use the statement "if 1/A is in Region 1" as an option.

The problem is if they split up into 1/1/A and 4/1/A while the scenario is running then the repair doesn't work at all.

If I split them up in the editor into 1/1/A and 4/1/A and then use the "Repair If" in the two different vehicles such as "if 1/1/A is in Region 1" and apply it to the second tank "if 4/1/A is in Region 1" then they can repair separately but if they are attached together in while the scenario is running, again the same problem occurs.

What happens in the logic statement is that the unit turns into "this" instead of 1/1/A or 4/1/A.

My solution so far has been to create two separate platoons of 1 such as 1/A and 1/B but this is not very practical since the player might want to do the scenario alone and use both tanks attached together.

Is this a bug?

I though I remember this working properly in 2.5 version.

Any suggestions?

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Pretty sure the call signs that the logic operates on are those present on the map at the time its evaluated.

So in your case the individual vehicle call signs are subsumed into the collective call sign when its a group of two (so the call sign not displayed is not evaluated).

If you are replicating the vehicle being repaired at a logistic area (i.e. it has made it back to where the repairers are) then can I suggest linking it to a region around the repair vehicle.

You can then add extra constraints (if the recovery vehicle remains in the repair area, not under direct fire and if the crock remains in location for a certain time). This should be easier as the repair vehicle is probably going to be a single vehicle and wont be effected by the problem you are having.

If you want vehicles being repaired without them coming back to a repair area then you can use the conditions to set whatever your criteria are and just avoid the call sign issue.

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can you use 1/1/A and then the 'and/or' statement for the lower echelons?

Not when they're grouped. When you go to the "Repair If" logic statement it will only show either/or and not both. So if they're grouped you'll get 1/A available in the unit box and if they're separate you'll get 1/1/A and 4/1/A available when you click through but the main platoon callsign isn't available to select.

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If you are replicating the vehicle being repaired at a logistic area (i.e. it has made it back to where the repairers are) then can I suggest linking it to a region around the repair vehicle.

You can then add extra constraints (if the recovery vehicle remains in the repair area, not under direct fire and if the crock remains in location for a certain time). This should be easier as the repair vehicle is probably going to be a single vehicle and wont be effected by the problem you are having.

OK, I got it now and I totally understand by what you said here.

The problem was that I wasn't putting in the correct variables.

I also look at a mission created by someone else where it worked.

1 So the main thing is place the platoon and it can be from 1-4 units.

2 Create a region for the repair to take place.

3 Place a vehicle inside the zone 2/B (doesn't have to be a repair vehicle specifically but I used the M88A1 repair)

4. Put the condition to repair on the vehicle needing repair such as 1/A tank platoon using these settings.

I used checkbox 2 and 3:

Repair All If: Unit "this" is in "region 1" (and) Unit "2/B" is in "region 1"

If true delay by 1:00.

You use the unit "this" because that applies to the individual tank out of the platoon or the whole platoon. So now when you either group the vehicles or divide them you will get the "unit this" in the first part of the statement and it works.


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Working from memory/design principles:

Rather than binding the repair function to the region, bind it to the unit (Repair, if... [unit (this)] is in region [n]) or so. If the platoon is split, or diminished, the resulting/remaining unit should inherit the repair condition from the platoon.

  • If you can set that, but it doesn't work, it is probably a bug (let me know!)
  • If you can't set it the way I described, it should probably be made possible (let me know!)

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Working from memory/design principles:

Rather than binding the repair function to the region, bind it to the unit (Repair, if... [unit (this)] is in region [n]) or so. If the platoon is split, or diminished, the resulting/remaining unit should inherit the repair condition from the platoon.

  • If you can set that, but it doesn't work, it is probably a bug (let me know!)
  • If you can't set it the way I described, it should probably be made possible (let me know!)

Another idea Ssnake is that you guys could probably implement a "Repair Zone" function to apply to a custom region or an oval or rectangle graphic. That may be an easier thing to do. A lot of people are using the repair function in their scenarios now.

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Place a vehicle inside the zone 2/B (doesn't have to be a repair vehicle specifically but I used the M88A1 repair)

No it doesn't but it the idea is to reflect the tactical situation where the repair unit is conducting the repair then I tend to link the condition to the relevant asset.

IMHO not much point in say the repair will be completed if say a MICLIC remains in location. ;)

If true delay by 1:00.

Well personally I think that's a bit "quick" (I usually set that to be longer to reflect the continuous amount of time the repair unit needs to be nearby to carry out the actual work - engine lifts in 60sec are a bit optimistic) but up to you.


No worries. :)

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I used 1 minute only as a test. That really is an unrealisticly short time but it's a game so where do you draw the line. Set it to 15 minutes and some people walk away. Set it to an hour and no one would even want to play the scenario. I think 5 minutes is probably a little more reasonable. They might go to another unit in the mean time and come back to find it's repaired. I've done that before. And the M88A1 and the M113 repair are my typical choices for having repair vehicles on station. Anything else would be pretty silly IMO.

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Another idea Ssnake is that you guys could probably implement a "Repair Zone" function to apply to a custom region or an oval or rectangle graphic. That may be an easier thing to do. A lot of people are using the repair function in their scenarios now.

I think (IMHO) that then leads to an ever lengthening list of "special zones" (damage, repair, deployment, ...).

Personally I'd rather stick with the current more flexible approach of providing the tools to let the designer tailor the zones to their requirements and be able to repair just the thing(s) they wanted.

We have already had a few occasions where early model Leos were modelled using a later one but with TI damaged. What has happened is that the Leo has gone back for repairs and due to an oversight the TI and whatever else was damaged were both fixed.

The end result being that the Leo came "out of the shop" with more things "fixed" than should have been.

Again just my thoughts. :)

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