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Training Scenario: Defensive Operations


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So I have once again gotten the itch to write some scenarios per the request of the Monday Night Fights and Dogs of War crews. The endeavor I want to embark on, and have started, is to create a multiple missions spanning a defensive operations scenario from the Maneuver Captains Career Course, U.S. Army. I have all of the unclassified unlimited distribution materials, which includes a video operations order brief and the actual written operations order with all annexes and overlays.

I've decided not to the operations type scenario and break the mission up into multiple parts. What would be the best way to post all of the materials and video with the order and annexes in order to provide a realistic defensive operations order?

Volcano had assist me with phase three of this mission back in 2010, so I am looking to expand on it. Threat temp is provided below.


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One way would be via a download here, together in a package that includes all the scenario files and your briefing files - the video(s) and Power Point presentation or whatever, so in one all inclusive set of files. Any other way would likely be too difficult for people to track down all the files).

Just an idea.

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There are limits to the file types you can attach here (unless you want to zip everything).

For the activities that need multiple briefing / support files I tend to use DropBox or pCloud or something similar.

In terms of imbedding images in briefings in posts, again I use a 3rd party site like Flickr to store the files and then link to the images.

Finally we have trialled and now adopted the "BattleBook" concept to gather most documents for a major activity into one place.

For example:


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If you do a quick search for "Rolling Thunder" you can see one possible approach.


- an overview / background thread

- a staffing thread

- an OPORD thread


- and a summary thread that keeps the key documents together (without the numerous posts by participants).

Of course that is for a "live" activity. If you are posting a mission pack, some of those threads aren't required (e.g. you aren't tracking who has signed up to fill which role).

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Maybe you didn't search the right place (they are in the "Multiplayer Games / Engagements" area):

Rolling Thunder: Operation Rising Bear - Dates


Rolling Thunder: Operation Rising Bear


Rolling Thunder: Operation Rising Bear - The Plan


Rolling Thunder: Operation Rising Bear - Manning List


Rolling Thunder: Operation Rising Bear - The Files


Rolling Thunder: Operation Rising Bear - The comms plan


Rolling Thunder: Operation Rising Bear - Software versioning


Rolling Thunder: Operation Rising Bear - Merchandising


Rolling Thunder: Operation Rising Bear - The Final Thread


Then there are branch threads created by the CT commanders, Fires, Engr, etc.

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