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    2.538 feedback

    Sorry, I am lost. Where do I buy an upgrade? I have installed 9 files, but I get an Code Meter error. I do not see in Web shop where I can buy an upgrade.
  2. All of us want a lot. Some of us, feel we deserve it. Here is an article about what it takes to create what we want. I think, it is a good read for all of us on this side of SB. http://www.gamespot.com/features/pcgraveyard_janes/index.html S!
  3. I am glad this thread is not political:)
  4. You guys are funny. There more to any nation or person that we all know. Just ask. Vladimir
  5. I did not know there was a need for Russian voice recording and translation. What exactly is needed? Thank you.


    Some new information about T-95 http://www.janes.com/defence/land_forces/news/jdw/jdw000329_04_n.shtml Here is one of Russian sources. http://www.vpk-news.ru/article.asp?pr_sign=archive.2008.218.articles.defence_02 One can copy to on-line translator. Here are some speculations in Russian Press http://images.izvestia.ru/134237.gif I can translate if needed. S!
  7. Would like to join Hedgehog and say thanks to all SB Generals. Thank you for inviting and all help. It was fun. S!
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