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Apocalypse 31

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Everything posted by Apocalypse 31

  1. Allowing infantry RPG gunners to carry different types of ammo. Fragmentation against dismounts and HEAT for armor.
  2. I think your use of the word "simulation" is somewhat liberal, even a bit exaggerated for these games, which simply have combined arms capabilities modelled or just depicted. Have you ever used air strikes in SB? Reasonable execution? Eeeeek. Not sure which Air force it's modelled after.
  3. Not for me. Not even close, unless you consider pressing the "T" button like a mental patient while nothing happens. I guess that's simulating something? You use the word "simulated" a LOT.
  4. Has it? Besides artillery, What other arms does SB simulate? Airstrikes aren't effective and rotary wing aircraft have trouble engaging anything.
  5. Mod has been updated, and is pending approval in the mods section. Updates for all 5.56mm, 7.62mm, 12.7mm weapons. Also updated the handheld 40mm (M203) sound and added a reload sound cue for first person - so players know when the next round can be fired.
  6. New Leclerc for DCS @Froggy https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=264251
  7. ArmA 3 Game Mode: Patrol Operations 4 (Altis) Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1217518335 Speak with locals, gather information on the enemy. Seek and destroy insurgent forces and gather intelligence that unlocks missions around the island. Here is a video of my action'ing on some information provided to me by the locals in a nearby village.
  8. This is shaping up to be better than Wargame. Hopefully we get a mission editor
  9. Great mission and scenario . Thanks for having this event. Very fun.
  10. This file WORKS. This is the delta package.... Please place this folder into the following area: maps\packages\Schwarmstedt_Bergen_Soltau [autocreated base]\deltas
  11. I'm 90% certain that I will be there - if so, I will take BRAVO PLT LDR.
  12. I can probably make this today. I'm good to help wherever.
  13. To lose a team member in GR1 was an awful tragedy that usually resulted in me cursing myself for not saving a mission when I was winning.
  14. Ground Branch looks like its getting better, but still lacking some objective-based gameplay. Terrorist Hunt was fun in 1999.
  15. Such a beautiful game! Really good production too. Too bad the game doesn't have a single-life, objective-based game mode. I was getting nostalgic last night.... Heroes Unleashed Mod with the first person weapon mod.
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