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Apocalypse 31

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Everything posted by Apocalypse 31

  1. Spawn-Drain zones to depict random civilian traffic patterns.
  2. why not let users create custom temporary channels, like the SimHQ TS?
  3. Nope. Before a mission starts, you can group pre-selected units. This was a 4.0 addition. The drawbacks are 1. it can only happen before mission 2. the waypoints arent consolidated - when you generate a waypoint for the group, each sub-unit will have its own waypoint and normally not near each other.
  4. Oh yeah, this is toooooooooootally not more gamey than rifle sights.
  5. This concern inevitably arises whenever the discussion of playable riflemen is raised. Some people fear that SB will immediately turn into Counterstrike or Battlefield. I just don't see it happening: 1. We already have crewable LMGs in game and yet we do not see this type of behavior. This is mostly likely because.... 2. The realistic nature of SB doesn't lend itself to rambo tactics - you will most likely be killed the second you rush at a tank or infantry squad. 3. I don't think this is something we'd see from the SB community - at least I've never seen it in the 10 years of play, among various MP groups. This goes back to #2, and the fact that this isn't the type of game. I've seen plenty of players miss their target using an ATGM....a guided rocket. I think human nature would factor in, in some cases.
  6. @Grenny I'm sorry - I forgot I have family in town this weekend and will be unavailable.
  7. Not really a bug. ATGM gunners carrying empty tubes. Their dunnage turn-in must be taken very serious.
  8. Sure, great suggestion. But it doesn't get at the root problem displayed in the video. Infantry engagements are horrible.
  9. I'm assuming you are referring to the GLA as the Grenade Launcher Attachment. If so, then I hope you know that we can already fire them in game. They don't have a quick-key (I have no idea why) but you can manually fire them through the 3d game menu on the bottom right. I also disagree on not being able to manually fire Rifles, but that conversation has been beaten to death.
  10. Please. Just let me manually fire rifles and RPGs.
  11. Two reasons why that didn't happen: 1. We lost most of our combat power before we reached the town. D SQDN lost all but 2 tanks in their first engagement and C CO was down to 2 Brads and 2 Tanks by the time we were organizing our assault. 2. The enemy reinforced with a Company of T-90s when we reached the town. I had already committed to a course of action to attack through the woods on the south (weak) side of the town based on the UAS feed. We went south, the enemy went north. At that point, it didnt matter - D SQDN was down to 2 working CV90s. Edit - Drone usage was successful - We were able to destroy the enemy artillery and locate enemy positions without being surprised. That doesn't matter if you lose the gunfight anyway.
  12. That's not a problem for any of the folks who volunteer to lead.
  13. Warning Order has been distributed to the C and D Commanders. Still need a FO (UAV controller, more importantly)
  14. I was planning on using C Co as our support force, with D SQDN as our Assault force.
  15. We are speaking different doctrinal languages neutralize – A tactical mission task that results in rendering enemy personnel or materiel incapable of interfering with a particular operation. defeat – A tactical mission task that occurs when an enemy force has temporarily or permanently lost the physical means or the will to fight destroy – A tactical mission task that physically renders an enemy force combat-ineffective until it is reconstituted
  16. Ok. Got it. The pumping station is merely a terrain feature, but that tank BN must be 'neutralized' - I'm assuming you mean destroyed? If you want the station seized, then it would be appropriate to assign that as a task.
  17. Just to clarify: which mission is it? Neutralize the tank BN or Seize the pumping station? terrain vs enemy focus - changes the plan drastically.
  18. There's nothing worse than the few people that police this thread telling others what is/is not allowed in a 'wish list'. I can only imagine the type of world we'd live in if everyone thought inside the box.
  19. Yeah. The last time we tried this, the CO A didn't own his vehicle by default.
  20. ehhh. Be careful with this. We tried this for one of the mission you previously made, and it caused some problems.
  21. I'd also recommend giving the Iraq Army HMMWV's and MRAPs rather than BTRs. Maybe also lose the Taliban skin for ISIS.
  22. Re:Morality War is horrible, and horrible things happen in times of war. The effects of a sabot dart hitting a vehicle and turning the crew into pink mist is just as bad as (if not worse than) a 7.62 round to the skull at close range. With that being said, asymmetric and insurgent scenarios always appeal to me - maybe because of my personal experiences - but I generally find them difficult to pull-off in Steel Beasts - its more suited for general/combined arms maneuver. Good luck pulling it off, and I'll definitely try the scenario when its released. Also - @Splash We need modern Iraq Army skins!
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