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Everything posted by Panta

  1. Tough time for the rookies at a Colombian army boot camp! :diable: Cheers, P.
  2. Panta

    Cuban armor

    I wonder how fast could they turn it...:diable:
  3. Panta

    Cuban armor

    Yes, maybe a T-55's, also modified, perhaps? :confused:
  4. Panta

    Cuban armor

    Does anybody know what kind of vehicle is this? It looks like an APC hull with a tank turret on it. It is a grab from a webclip made today in Havan by one of our photographers, during the rehearsal for the military parade to commemorate the Bay of Pigs anniversary. Cheers, Panta
  5. Panta


    I know the topic is drifting like that, but I cannot let this last post go without commenting that I saw never Cry Wolf a longtime ago and found it brilliant too. Cheers, Panta
  6. I have been out a few months (some time travelling) and now I want to join my usual group of players. I have already updated to Teamspeak v.3, but I couldn't find the required password. Please advise. Cheers, Panta
  7. Yeah, same thing here. Every time I ask something and get the usual prompt answer, in the next days I keep watching my bank account to check whether that fast support has a cost, but alas, nope...:debile2: Cheers, P.
  8. It is curious, but I didn't have any problem with my router whatsoever, which is lucky enough, since I wouldn't know what to do in that particular case, and I must say that my old router (Hawkings) ain't big deal either... Cheers, P.
  9. Never mind, anyway it was you (and also James) who gave me right arguments to buy SBPro, and I am grateful for that. I want to use my 100% profile because I also play on map and watching the terrain when needed, not from the gunner's seat; it is a different game, more like a real-time evolved TacOps. :cul: SBP allows several layers of play, it's unbeatable in that sense. cheers, P.
  10. Actually it would be far cheaper to buy just the OS in English... Now I am seeing a possible cause of the problem, mostly due to my own incompetence. It happens that following the example of some Gent from the antipodes, I decided against ole Ssnake's advice about installing the new version on a clean machine, and kept the old version in another folder, in case my US chaps with whom I use to play online, decide that upgrading to 2.538 isn't big deal. A possible cause of malfunction? :redface:
  11. The problem is that the OS itself is in Spanish, and you can change the language of some things but not all of them. OS come in different versions, I suppose, and here they're in Spanish (I always complained, to no avail). I got some troubles a longtime ago updating Cpt.Lundsford´s DECISIVE ACTION. The update needed the folder named PROGRAM FILES, but the OS had installed the game by default in its Spanish version: ARCHIVOS DE PROGRAMA. When I found the problem, I could run the update without inconvenience.
  12. Well, I did everything that it was suggested to me, including leaving Tacops for my cats, to no avail. But I also have to say that all my OS are in Spanish, something I utterly hate but cannot avoid, since I live in a Spanish-speaking country, thus the paths and names of the folders vary even between computers...:decu: I ll better play upstairs if I want to use that profile as a gunner. Thanks, anyway
  13. Nope, both are set as mine, no kids whatsoever and the cats are well trained to not to touch the keyboard, they just scratch my expensive monitors. Same logging.
  14. In the first machine I already had the identity created. I un-installed SBP 2.486 and installed 2.538 fresh over it. Both identities (mine) and that Lt's, appear. On the second machine I installed SBP 2.538 from zero. There I cannot access to the possibility of inserting a nex identity. Both with XP.
  15. I have installed v2.538 in two different machines in separate floors at home. In one of them, I went to the firing range and the only choice the *&%$!gr€ computer gave me was to train as Lieutenant Default. Is it normal? I remember having practiced as myself before. :eek2: Cheers, Panta
  16. I purchased a gamepad with the specific purpose of using it with SBP, but after a few trials found it less effective than the mouse-keyboard combination...
  17. Panta


    Have you seen their "combat" helmets?
  18. Ain't those elite troops scary? :diable: Cheers, P.
  19. Good luck and stay low! And remember what US sci-fi writer Robert heinlein wrote once as a piece of advice for warriors: "When in danger, or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!" best, Panta
  20. In my case the only way to upgrade the cm's firmware was to reinstall the game completely, that reinstalled the CM software, which was, IMO, which was failing. Cheers, Panta
  21. You all guessed well, it was a case of codemeter blockage, I re-installed the software and ran an upgrade at the CM Center and ...voilà! After that I had to re-install SBP, because in that particular machine it didn't work. Some interesting remarks: 1-I hadn't tried to upgrade the CM's firmware and somehow the program was absent (NOD anti-virus?) 2-After that the icon showed up again in the tray down at right, but after I rebooted the PC it disappeared again, though the program runs normally. 3-Uninstalling SBP was a little trickier. At first the program didn't unistall it at all and I had to do it manually. I guess that this is due to the fact that my (bloody) OS is in Spanish and SBP gets installed by default in a directory called "\Archivos de Programa\". The same thing had happened longtime ago when I installed Decisive Action, so it didn't catch me by surprise. The whole unistalling-reinstalling process took a good two hours, but now SBP is running again smoothly. Tx for the assistance!
  22. Well, the Codemeter people says that my problem might be: "thanks for the information. It seems that your CmStick is in the Firm Update Mode. This occurs when a firmware update didn’t work as expected. Please try to update the firmware again in the CodeMeter Control Center. If this won’t work the CmStick must be unlocked and has to be returned to the software vendor." Where is the CM control center? In my Codemeter directory? (coudn't find it) And how do you update the firmware? :eek2:
  23. I sent it to "support@codemeter.com", is it right? P.
  24. Well, my codemeter failed for the first time, the red light remains on permanently and SBP reports a codemeter error at launch. Tried it in different ports and in another computer and it doesn't change. E-mailing separately my registration number and the CmDust log. Cheers, Panta
  25. Panta


    Brilliant, John! I can foresee another innocent being definitely lost for family and sociey. Welcome to the dungeon of the scenario makers as well... :diable: The SBP people are most helpful and trouble-shooting, in the best tradition of our much appreciated Major H. Support is not much publicized, but undolubtedly is one of the more solid assets of the game. Do no trust the in-game's AI though, it will try to blow you up to pieces every single time (the bastard!). Cheers, Panta
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