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Everything posted by 12Alfa

  1. BMPT Terminators (I'll be back) https://rumble.com/v14tc4z-russian-military-in-the-area-of-severodonetsk.html
  2. 12Alfa


    As I understand their use, long road marches, and the fact that most if not all SB missions can operate on a full tank its a feature purely for visuals. That being said , I'm ready for the experience Just more places that will result in fireball, and who doesn't not enjoy fireballs ?
  3. https://rumble.com/v14jzxm-ukraine-war-serial-production-of-the-bm-30-d-spitsa-has-begun.html Wish list?
  4. 12Alfa


    Well. 1. Sn NCO do have authority. This was a priory of Mr. P when he first became prime minister, then later as president. There are many papers, books etc, on what happened to Russian forces on this last 2 decades. To the changes, some good, some not. NCO are not a issue. 2. Maybe in the early years, not trained to western standards to be sure, although I haven't seen any data on large issues in their training schools as of late. There are a number of western armies that are not 100%. The forces have a bad rep there, not well paid, but a huge pool to draw from. 3. ISSIS, doesn't thinks so, and I think in a conflict where both sides have the same it is not a issue, crew performance is the deciding factor given all things equal. My view on this is the west (NATO) has not fought a equal, they are now witnessing it in real time. The west has misunderstood the Z force, and are behind in certain fields (Hypersonic wpns), EW, Drone warfare. This is not the Z force of the Warsaw Pack, this has changed for some time, refined in Syria. The west has drawn down after the fall of the wall, reduced def budgets, men, equipment, and last more importantly the will to know, then fight the real enemy. Where does the EU get their energy? Who just shut down a pipeline to the EU? Will it get cold this coming winter in the EU? See where this is going? The west will sign a peace deal, abet higher prices, it will take decades to recover from this. How is the Ruble doing? Follow the $$$$ Time will tell, Enjoy the show.
  5. 12Alfa


    This would be my: only come to one conclusion may be- There are papers, past conflicts, ect, to suggest they are commanding their B T G, which are led by "high level Officers", may be the cause, where we in the west have kept our officers where? Sqn CO, Inf CO? Recce Sqn CO? Thinking they are maneuvering like the1970-2000's would be incorrect, consider what happened a few short years ago in Syria. Many will be surprised on this outcome, some...not so much. Actions not words, led to knowledge
  6. 12Alfa


    I may have missed that quote, can you send a link?
  7. Rare ACS 2S5 "Hyacinth-S" in action https://rumble.com/v13pq2k-05.12.2022.-demilitarization-and-denazification-of-ukraine.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=22 https://rumble.com/v13hfi9-05.10.2022.-demilitarization-and-denazification-of-ukraine.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=29
  8. Uniforms in back of truck...not Z forces it looks like.
  9. More training required........................... https://rumble.com/v13pq2k-05.12.2022.-demilitarization-and-denazification-of-ukraine.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=22
  10. BMD-3 https://rumble.com/v14aorj-ukraine-war-battle-footage-russian-landing-forces.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=17
  11. BMP-3 https://rumble.com/v14cobn-russian-bmp-3-strikes-at-firing-points-of-snipers-of-the-armed-forces-of-uk.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=13
  12. Field repairs.... https://rumble.com/v14fia6-work-of-repair-units-of-the-rf-armed-forces-during-a-special-military-opera.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=10
  13. Think you can adjust this, if I understand the question. Have you tried to select, and drag?
  14. https://rumble.com/v13zz76-tankmen-in-the-battles-for-mariupol.html
  15. 12Alfa

    We love photos

    "do without questions"
  16. Reported up-coming field ex, where is this taking place, any info?
  17. I have read the training required for this system would take about a year, this level of knowledge, and practice is not over night, Also the same is required for the troops to maintained/fix of said system. And where do the go for range work for confirmation work for both the commander's/gunners? Does this system have, dare I say it "simulators" in Germany for them?
  18. I see your new to this thing called the internet. Let me explain for you,,,,,,,,,,slowly. There are , rare to be sure, when the user has no control what this (internet) does to posts, pictures, and posted links do. Said users thinks they post, and the internet can/does 1-the opposite, or 2.nothing at all. You may find this tip going forward helpful. Or not. I posted the link so, that others would be directed to more details to "requesting maps, and what is required", nothing more. If humans read it differently, I have no control of the reading or critical thinking skills. I would enjoy, as others, if you could give some advice on this map request. Disclaimer: Some will find this tip useful, some my take offence . No pre-judgement was inferred by myself.
  19. Search for in the area (country) for LIDAR data, or DTEM. to see if avib. Such as - https://canadiangis.com/data.php THis may help
  20. Thank you E-Sim team! Over the years (to many to count) you have been rock solid with quality and commitment to us, your customers and, fans.
  21. Possibility, however, In reality b4 the mission green button is activated the CO knows his intent, he would during the planning stage (pre green button) from his sub commanders have a opportunity to confirm their part, and ask pertaining questions. The CO can do this (due to the sent trace/pln file), where team could load said plan, we are not talking new guys here, most if not all would understand the plan/briefing from the CO in little time. This may, for a large plan require just as long as the CO would take if following method now, log on, start scn, and hear the Intent/rec trace for all by the CO work. Sending the info b4 hand, would free up the CO, as to him starting from scratch. One could see in the sent pln method, the CO only confirming the intent from sub units, and, if he is a well trained CO ( and we have few) ask how they plan to carryout their sub unit part ( conformation ), at that point he ok's their plan, or makes needed clarity. Launch. To sum up- Prior to mission time/date team rec's plan, receive, read. sub units plan their given tasks, develop question back to CO and, how they will carryout Enter mission, short planning stage, green button pressed As I posted b4, some trg'ng is required, and as b4 troops will learn the method, and very quickly find this as normal when operating in a plan based operation much like RL, we all had to start somewhere, look at us now Most armies use this TTp's, quick, provides feedback. In my army, the trace is given to a runner, that returns to troops C/S while the Tp leaders is getting his orders from Sqn CO. While this is taking place the troop in copying the runners trace to each c/s, so...concurrent activity When the Tp Ldrs returns from Sqn briefing, the troop has the trace, and by the markings can see the overall plan (not 1st rodeo), load required ammo type, the Tp Ldr has only fill in the details, timings, OOM, comms, etc. When I left the armored trade, and moved into Info warfare we getting pretty printouts (you know the type, place a book of 300 pages, on 1 page in .0001 font), with all the info detailed, most found this time consuming, however all details, trace, ect was on one sheet of paper, and that still had to be briefed by someone. To misplace said paper resulted in "Clown World" for all to see, much like loosing your map itself. Mission starts, CO confirms sub unit CO's plan, rec's question. Launch. Hic-ups can be worked out, method can be fined tuned. Some will not like this method, the reasons will differ. Example: Members' may enjoy a 1 hour planning stage from a famous KY speaker, I myself enjoy this audio, and the talk back and forth, shit happens. Enjoy the poll, and the interest to simulate RL. Thank you. Disclaimer: JK'ing RS
  22. Will the 120 ammo be produce there, or will purchase from USA? Thinking supply chain issues.
  23. Providing, via various means, one could as in RL issue a trace prior, then ( as in the old days) issue orders in ref: to said trace over comms in real time (TS) to others. example: All call signs, as per trace we will assemble, and atk north from Ref point DOG, to be rdy to ATK at 13:00 hrs, all c/s confirm, over Players having been sent "trace", would place in scn, and understand , and see where DOG was, and confirm with ACK, those who are unsure at this time ask if req. Simple, but some trg'ing is needed, but this is no where as difficult as learning in game gunnery, much less time to acquire this TRACE skills. After all.....this is a simulator Mr Hog, Hedge, your onto something..................... Disclaimer: No hedgehogs were harmed in this post, some butthurt has been reported, we are confirming, and will report the results as soon as possible..
  24. Well ok, Myself , if creating a mission, it's little no effort for 3 sides, with 1 unit After all its the mission editor 1. create 3 sides 2. send graphics to all 3. remove from red. no one said there was going to be math This workaround has bee there for a while and has been used, thats why it most likely not a top priory DISCLAIMER: my opinion, no knowledge of what E-Sims is doing, or going to do as for the wish list, or even if possible.
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