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Everything posted by 3Star

  1. The Afghan jaunt is UN-sanctioned. It's the same with Kosovo: Kosovo is a NATO-run-operation, but it's run with the blessing of the UN. Hence Irish troops (Which by domestic law can only go on UN missions) are both in Kosovo and Afghanistan, but don't wear blue berets. NTM
  2. When I was creating my Bridges at Meragen scenario, I wanted a river crossing, but the problem was that the embankments were too steep to just drive up the other side. I gave the AI routes which plot straight down into the water, get half-way across, then make a dramatic turn at an angle so that instead of trying to get straight out the other side, they go up at a more gradual slope. Over 80% of the vehicles get out, which for an unreconnoitered river crossing with amphibious vehicles really isn't all that bad. NTM
  3. Version 1.1


    Revamped TTVIII, taken from the 2005 3-20.12. Emphasis on machinegun and degraded gunnery. V1.1 uploaded Dec 10th.
  4. I guess the difference between BMP and BTR-T is that of the primary purpose. What does BTR-T do better than BMP? Transport troops under armour: It's reason for existance is to increase the survivability of the troops within it. If anything, it probably qualifies more as a heavy assault vehicle than an IFV which is more generic. NTM
  5. I had a bit of a laugh at that guy's description of the UK Warrior. He was looking at the stats for the Kuwaiti IFV, not the British one. NTM
  6. More of a "La plume de ma tante" thing in my case. The knowledge may be generally correct, but totally useless. NTM
  7. As KT posted earlier, the online translation programme is pretty horrible/amusing. NTM
  8. Don't do that any more. I think they all deserve the joys of Babelfish. NTM
  9. Si je souviens correctement... 8 Dreve des Chasseurs 1410 Waterloo. Deux etages, briques rouge, et trop beacoup des pommiers... Ne plus. Il y a seize ans que j'ai mis un pied en Belgique. Aucun que je sais. Peut-etre si les Francais et les Canadiens cooperer... NTM
  10. I'm very rusty, but you don't live for five years in Wallonia without picking a bit of it up. My major problem these days is vocabulary. I'll usually know a word if I see it, but if I'm trying to come up with something to say, I sometimes need a little help for the specifics. NTM
  11. Joy, evidently my French was that bad. I only computer-translated a few of the more unusual words like 'tutorial' which I've never needed to know in casual conversation before. I picked what seemed the best word from the list. I guess I probably could have opened up SB, and seen what the word was from the menu! Well, correct me if i'm wrong (for those who gonna understand what i wrote down...) As for everything else you wrote, I understood it perfectly without the aid of a translator, and it looks good enough to me. NTM
  12. I just want to know where the hell Froggy et al are. Typical French... first sign of trouble, and they're gone... NTM
  13. OK. Les didactiels pour Leopard 1A5, Leopard 2A4, Leopard 2A5, M1A1 et M1A2 sont tous accessilble en Francais pour apprendre comment utiliser ces chars. En plus, l'interface est aussi accessible en Francais. Malheureusement, les voix sont en Anglais. Le manuel écrit est seulement en Anglais, mais c'est possible de jouer seulement sur les didactiels, ils sont complet. Je pense que c'est cinquante-cinquante si c'est un bonne idee pour depenser cent Euro en votre eventualitée, sauf si les autres Francais ici se réveler et vous aider. Apologies to anyone who has figured out that I have just permanently disfigured the French language. Assuming that the initial post was indeed good French, I'm worried that if I put in my hash of French into Babel Fish, it'll come out as perfect English. You know it's really bad if Ji Yi Mi goes to Babelfish to get it translated. NTM
  14. Les descriptions des scenarios sont presque seulement en Anglais. Il y ons quelques en Allemande. Je ne souviens pas un qui etait en Francais. Si vous voulez savoir que'est qu'on besoin de faire dans le scenario, il faut recherchez un traduison, ou faire un estimation depuis les graphiques sur la carte. J'ai jaimais essayer les didacticiels en Francais. Je retour en quelques heures avec la reponse, si un autre Francophone n'est pas reponder. Je m'excuse que j'ai tuerie ta langue, je ne suis pas aussi courant que j'etais. NTM
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