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Everything posted by aurens

  1. Same issue on my Android. As a temporary fix, go into your phone browser's settings and select "Request desktop site" to see names.
  2. The U.S. Army BRL study noted that the typical ETO tank vs tank engagement involved an average of 9 American tanks and 4 German tanks.
  3. The Ammunition Data Link might be used in the M829A4 (and all ADL rounds) to automatically index the loaded rounds type into the FCS. The wiring on that French round is pretty odd, maybe connected to thermometers to measure propellant temperature?
  4. Over the years, I've come across many sources stating that the dominant factor in determining the victor of a tank vs tank battle is who fires first. The tank(s) that identifies, fires and hits the opposing tank first often emerges as the victor. I'm trying to find sources that have concluded this based on analysis of modern (post-WWII) tank battles, as most sources I've read that state this are focused on WWII. If you know of any material like that, please give a citation or link to it in a reply. I am especially interested in the Arab-Israeli Wars. Here are some sources (with quotes) that repeat the "the side that shoots first, wins" rule. Almost all deal with WWII. Armored Thunderbolt by Steven Zaloga, pg. 230 + Panther vs Sherman by Steven Zaloga, pg. 67 (https://books.google.com/books?id=pE-1CwAAQBAJ&pg=PA67&lpg=PA67&dq=Panther+vs+Sherman:+Battle+of+the+Bulge+1944+BRL&source=bl&ots=eUnP1rQtEA&sig=mHHENxjopki-PSMgwlgY6qC-8tY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiYjvLS76vYAhVDjVQKHYsbB_0Q6AEIOzAD#v=onepage&q=Panther vs Sherman%3A Battle of the Bulge 1944 BRL&f=false) (both refer to a 1954 U.S. Army Ballistics Research Lab study titled "Data on World War II Tank Engagements: Involving the U.S. Third and Fourth Armored Divisions") "The study concluded that the single most important factor in tank-versus-tank fighting was which side spotted the enemy first, engaged first, and hit first." A Survey of Tank Warfare in Europe from D-Day to 12th August 1944 prepared by H.G. Gee, Army Operational Research Group (http://lmharchive.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Survey-of-Tank-Warfare-in-Europe.pdf) The success attending the side who fired first (pg. 5) "The values in Table 5 give further emphasis to the fact that the side having numerical superiority which fired first was invariably successful. In the cases where the sides were evenly matched the first shot appears to have had a significant bearing upon the outcome." Success of side which fired first (pg. 17) "Thus on 77% of occasions success attended the side which fired first" Warriors Rage: The Great Tank Battle of 73 Easting by Douglas Macgregor, pg. 30 (https://books.google.com/books?id=HTLNc5tdRgsC&pg=PA30&lpg=PA30&dq=the+side+that+shoots+first+wins+warriors+rage&source=bl&ots=FcfcLugFWQ&sig=5KRpwhaRY4dCtjoGCHBMNpCsT9I&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj5y9zu8avYAhXlwVQKHbSeAPwQ6AEINzAG#v=onepage&q=the side that shoots first wins warriors rage&f=false) "In the desert, warfare is a gunfight. The side that shoots first wins." M1A1 Firepower Enhancements Program: Maintaining the Combat Edge of the M1A1 by Capt. C.S. Roos, (http://dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a504575.pdf) "Every tanker going through the Armor Course at Ft. Knox is taught the “gunslinger” mentality: “He who shoots first wins.” The success of the M1 family of tanks is the direct result of the ability to accomplish this." Myths of American Armor in WWII by Nicholas Moran aka 3star https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNjp_4jY8pY#t=31m30s PS: I'm not trying to disprove the validity of this claim, I'm trying to confirm that it still applies to tank vs tank warfare today. I take this rule as bible, really.
  5. No. 2 - I saw Colebrook get blasted by the T-72 that he couldn't shoot with his Chally, I think he said it may be related to his joystick. Would handing the tank off to somebody else be a quick solution in multiplayer?
  6. Thank you Rotar, the issue is gone now.
  7. When I look at a vehicle with FLIR, they often have graphical distortions such as the hulls becoming invisible. These distortions get worse the farther you get from the vehicle. It's hard to explain, but the videos and photos below should demonstrate the bug in action. The same issue occurs with the Spike's missile camera, so it may manifest with normal daylight optics as well. Here's a video of the bug Release 10.22.2017 -
  8. General Wesley presents the context under which the U.S. Army is developing the "Next Generation Combat Vehicle". Among others, Wesley focuses on the M1A2 SEP, and how it's increasing weight and the daily fuel consumption of the Armored Brigade Combat Team needs to be reduced to be deployable to a future theater of war. Also, enabling technologies of the NGCV are discussed, with a focus on APS, weaponry and power generation (fuel cells, electric/hybrid electric).
  9. UPDATE: The term for such armor seems to be "Keilpanzerung"
  10. Simple Question: Is there a German word/term for the Leopard 2A5/6/7's applique wedge armor on the turret face? Any term specifically for the Leopard 2's wedge armor would also be nice.
  11. This fits well when it's a an M1 vs Leopard 2 scenario.
  12. It would be nice if an English translation of "Leopard 2 sein Werden und seine Leistung" by Paul-Werner Krapke was available.
  13. Is there any quick way to override the commander as gunner to choose the ammunition type being loaded? I usually just hop into the TC seat right after a round is fired, command the ammunition type to be loaded while the loader is loading, then hop back into the gunners seat.
  14. Really interesting video of the cast turret Leopard 1 manufacturing process, we need more videos like these on the web.
  15. What are the differences between the M256 and Rh 120 L/44, other than things like breech design and recoil system?
  16. Is it for Milliradians?
  17. I recently tried sharing my CM Dongle with a friend, following the wiki's article on License Sharing (http://www.steelbeasts.com/sbwiki/index.php?title=License_Sharing), however the licenses didn't appear on my friends CodeMeter Control Center after doing the process with and without hamachi. Can somebody help us get the license sharing running?
  18. I have a friend who would like to demo Steel Beasts, but the idea of having to pay for a month license is a bit off putting. Is there any demo available so he can try out SB Pro PE without making a financial commitment?
  19. Way ahead of you on that.
  20. Does anybody have links to FM/TM's relating to the M1 Abrams, preferably the M1A2 SEP? I found FM 3-20.12 Tank Gunnery on Scribd but couldn't download it, if anyone has that please link it too.
  21. I'm having the same issue, cant view the Red Tide 85 AAR. To be fair, it's a pretty large file.
  22. I'd guess it comes from the diversity of consumer PC hardware/software, while most government users are running on pretty consistent setups.
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