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Everything posted by Gibsonm

  1. No, I'm not talking about a different site / forum. I meant merge the thread you started here some three hours after an earlier one on effectively the exact same topic. Thankfully Ssnake understood what I meant.
  2. Any chance we can merge these two threads?
  3. No office! They will work out of an annex off the back of a surplus M577 ACV.
  4. Where? All I see is a guy with orange arm bands on.
  5. Just wait for the music to stop and grab a chair.
  6. Thanks for the update. It looks like things are on track to go from strength to strength. I wish Al well, he seemed to be a real gentleman when I spoke to him at ITEC.
  7. "Copy and paste" in the Mission Editor Double arrows in the Mission Editor Easier to select text in the Mission Editor Linkage so that call signs in the map view were displayed in the respective vehicle in the 3D world. Ability in the forum to automatically scale images so people didn't put huge ones in that make scrolling up/down or left/right a PITA. ...
  8. Who? http://www.steelbeasts.com/sbforums/showthread.php?t=16238 0830 GMT on Thursday, November 22. Due to recent changes to Daylight Saving Time in some parts of Australia and New Zealand this equates to: 0830 in London 1630 in Perth 1800 in Darwin 1830 EST in Brisbane 1900 in Adelaide 1930 EDT in Sydney and 2130 NZDT in Auckland http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20121122T0830 Last week's admin session resulted in the adoption of a slightly earlier time while parts of the East coast of Australia are operating under Daylight Saving Time. Once that concludes (early April 13), we will revert to 0900 GMT. On the agenda for this meeting, a choice of: - Rhys's latest enhancement to the "delay" scenario - Recce Sqn advance to contact - Camp Hornfelt series 1 through 7 - This is a series of scenarios based on different tasks from the tank platoon field manual and mission training plan where the player commands a single platoon (we'd probably have a person per vehicle). They cover: - Tactical Movement - Destroy an Inferior Force - Attack by Fire - Conduct Support by Fire / Overwatch - Assault - Conduct a Platoon defence and displace and - Counterattack
  9. Yes that's the problem mentioned in the book, when the guys (used to short term deployments and augmenting their rations) actually ran out of all the junk food / condiments secreted in and around their vehicles and had to adjust to the issue rations instead.
  10. Well the Leo 1 is already modelled, so you have half your wish.
  11. Says the country that keeps on using two piece ammunition.
  12. "Feed cover" Well in most (0.30", 0.50", Mag-58, ...) you can achieve that anyway. You can "just push the belt in" (close cover load) and cock it twice to get the rounds on the face of the bolt or Open the feed cover, lay the rounds on the receiver under the extractor and close the cover (open cover load) and then cock once. Up to the operator.
  13. We celebrated yesterday as well (a key date in the RAAC's calendar too). However whilst Cambrai was a key battle in terms of the tank's development, later battles such as Hamel and Amiens built on it to demonstrate combined arms in the modern sense and arguably sounded the death knell for the Germans.
  14. Not a video but here's a PDF: http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA191453&Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf The fun starts on about page 8. Reload times are detailed on page 13 where it talks about reloading HE only being improved from 8 min 3sec to 4 min 23sec. And this is the quick reload (deciding to reload once the EOB warning comes on). Further: "A comparison of the mean total reload time, including both sides of the ready box, showed a drop from 12 min. and 51 sec. to 7 min. and 21 sec., providing a 43% reduction in mean time while using the new system." So that's AP and HE reloaded (pre EOB warning) dropping from say 13 min to 7 min. A touch more than:
  15. Um no. For the 25mm Bushmaster for example you need to basically pull the gun apart (strip the bolt) to load a new belt. Coax, is usually a simpler process but more "fiddly" because of where the MG is located. It is not sitting on a tripod or with lots of space above it like most ground mounted weapons.
  16. That sounds about right for most fiddly coax weapons. Try expending all your ammunition (i.e. go beyond the EOB warning) and reload a chain gun. You rapidly understand why there is an EOB warning after that.
  17. Ah but they did have ultra low light TV camera (a bit like image intensifiers) sighting systems. Not quite TI but much better than active IR / or whitelight searchlights.
  18. Well these are the 1.02 "fixes": NEW v1.02 GAME FEATURES o All BMP, BMD, and BTR series vehicles have infantry firing ports (previously only the BMP-1D did). o Team weapons that are not deployed, and cannot be fired in that state, show a "Not Deployed" message over the weapon silhouette in the user interface. o Sounds for armor penetrations and ricochets by large projectiles are louder. o Weapons fired at pickup trucks (aka "technicals") aim better. o Building collapse sounds are quieter at a distance. o RPG-16 has increased muzzle velocity and max range (500m). o Updated RPG-16 rocket model. o 82mm 2B9 Vasilyek mortar's rate of fire is lowered. o "Black" Soviet small arms changed to older wooden style. o Fixed a "seeing through walls" bug that occurred in large buildings that had internal doors to smaller, attached buildings. o Corrected an intermittent problem in networked quick battles that caused both sides to set up in the same area. o Corrected an internet-play bug that could cause the guest player's units not to respond to orders. o Corrected a problem that caused some artillery and air support sounds to play at the wrong time in turn-based mode. o Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the owners of non-deployed man-portable AT-7 ATGMs to stand up prematurely, yet disallow them from firing "from the shoulder". o Muzzle flash from BMD-2 coaxial MG is placed correctly. o Corrected silhouette of MiG-23 air support. o Corrected a hatch problem on the Shilka AAA vehicle. o Corrected stray polygons on soldier models o Separated older 7.62mm and newer 5.45mm to be more uniform within a single unit o Updated the TO&E for Soviet Airborne Recon Company o Various TO&E improvements as suggested by players, in particular BMPs and BTRs being available for Airborne forces.
  19. Yes the "downloads" area only has "election" files. Any chance you can attach and I'll go through them and come up with a consolidated list?
  20. So where did those Russians steal the CV9030-FIs from then? Zip, better check your security.
  21. SGT_Anzac appears to have left us (or perhaps is deployed) and I was wondering if anyone had the complete set of files from the Operation Vigilant Guardian campaign? I have the two ISTAR files but not the seven(?) main ones Do any of the veterans from the African excursion (Zipuli, Hedgehog, etc.) still have them on their machines? Thanks in advance.
  22. Will be interesting how the "non exercise" issues are handled, such as: 1. The drop in Canadian morale when their junk food ran out and they had to use only rations, and 2. The fact that in training no one had wanted the TOW post near them (because of the extra digging involved) but that once real tanks were coming their way, it became very popular.
  23. Well at the risk of hijacking. ... CM Afghan is now some 2 yrs old. It was a joint venture between Battlefront and some Russian outfit. The full game was subsequently patched to 1.01 and 1.02 but I think the demo remains at 1.0. I don't believe there are any plans to further update it as they have moved on to another iteration of the underlying game engine.
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