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Everything posted by Sim

  1. They did that...and then Georgian's arty started working again on peacekeeping force and civilian cities...so what else should Russia do? Oh, and France / Russian peace proposal is not accepted by Georgia.....they sure don't want peace when lap-dog keep saying to news sources that they will fight until last drop of blood.
  2. This is like back to the future....Where were oscar19681 hiding all this time?
  3. I recall watching a CNN footage during Baghdad invasion; as tanks were about to cross a bridge, lead tank noticed camera on top of the building and sprayed it with coawaxs(sp?). The camera fell down (probably with cameraman) and, as always, CNN hosts started over-reacting..... " In another incident in Baghdad this morning, the office of another Arab satellite channel, Abu Dhabi Television, was hit apparently by small arms fire, as its crew filmed two American tanks positioned on a bridge over the Tigris river, the news editor of the station said. The cameras were on the roof of the Abu Dhabi office, which is also in a villa, and is easy walking distance from the Al Jazeera house, said the editor, Nart Bouran. The two cameras were taking live shots of the tanks on the bridge when one camera was hit and fell to the ground, Mr. Bouran said in a telephone interview from his office in Abu Dhabi. " http://www.axisofevildoers.org/cache/2003/2003.04.08_1952052263.html
  4. Electromagnetic (laser) 140-150mm gun? Shields? LOL Does it come with Mr Spake?
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