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Found 18 results

  1. Kanium Sunday 15th of May "Shadows of An Empire" by Apocalypse For all players: From now on we will be there about 30 minutes before go time to test everything. If it isnt sorted before GO time, then we will have to start the game at the allotted time, for the benefit of all the other players. Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World Clock 1800 GMT (Same time as always in Europe - adjusted for Daylight Savings Time: click the time below for your local time) World clock 1800 GMT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube or Twitch channel. IMPORTANT NOTICE II: I suggest to all who play with us download and install Chris mappack: ChrisReb Mappack V.4 Untile further notice will be working with this mappack and the official one when making scenarios. AS always, then we are running the session with the latest version of Steelbeasts. Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance 😁 Shadows of An Empire by Apocalypse I. SITUATION. a. General. Enemy forces attacked into the area to seize the Khandera Oil Fields but were forced to retrogade after a significant air and naval campaign by coalition forces. Enemy forces retrograded from the coast at the first signs of the coalition ground invasion. However, in their retreat they were successful in destroying the oil production infrastructure as well as preserving most of their combat power to the north of Nabarib Mountains. A coalition forces ground assault force has just landed and is prepared to expel enemy forces. b. Enemy. The enemy was able to preserve a sizeable force; we expect at least two battalions of mechanized infantry (BMP-2) supported by a third battalion of T-62 tanks. The enemy was also able to preserve its fire support and air defense systems, and will use them to support a network around their HQ to the north. The enemy force also maintains a Brigade scout platoon of fast-attack jeeps mounted with ATGMs. The exact enemy scheme of maneuver is unknown - especially since they retrograded from the area - however, expect the enemy to employ their scout platoon across a broad front to locate and disrupt friendly movement in the area. Expect mechanized infantry battle positions (company or platoon) in key terrain positions within the AO, and expect the enemy to use their tanks in a mobile defense - the T-62 is underpowered, but the enemy can mass them at any point. c. Friendly. A mixed US brigade combat team has offloaded in the area. It is equipped with a mix of Strykers and the US Army's newly fielded Mobile Protected Firepower systems (squint very hard!). A piecemeal Task Force consists of 4x Recon Platoons (Stryker Dragoon) equipped with dismounted ATGMs, 3x platoons from a Stryker Weapons Troop (Stryker MGS), and a company of light tanks. MISSION - Attack to clear the enemy C2 / HQ node from the area north of Al Rakia to disintegrate command and control for enemy forces in the area. FIRES 1x FSO 1x UAV 12x 120mm Mortars (On-Screen) 9x 155mm Direct Support (Offscreen) IV. SUPPORT HQ Supply & Medical Assets are organic - all units 100% on classes of supply V. SIGNAL Friendly ID: On Map Contacts: Enabled Overhead View: On
  2. Version 3.0.0


    Force Composition 2x Patria AMV 2x T-72 3x BMP-2 SITUATION a. Enemy. Insurgents control Muzcal and the area to the northeast of the Huwerfa Wadi. They have been increasing attacks against the regional capital, Baghlan, and have been infiltrating additional fighters and equipment into the area. They are heavily equipped with remnants of the once-existing National Army and have several T-55 tanks, M113s, and BRDM vehicles. They are also equipped with several short-range MANPADs, ZU-23 AAA, as well as several ATGM systems. They have an extensive IED network and have emplaced minefields as a vast network of protective obstacles in the area. A Human Intelligence source has indicated the presence of a forward command post as well as a logistics node in Muzcal that are coordinating and supporting enemy activity into Baghlan. We have also received information stating that a massive attack on Baghlan would be imminent, however, that information has been reported repeatedly for several weeks and is most likely false reporting. b. Friendly. Friendly forces in the AO are part of a Finnish task force. They consist of a AFV Platoon supplemented with an IFV section and a tank section, as well as an attached scout platoon. They currently have most of their combat power positioned on the Forward Operating Base, south of Baghlan but also have a scout platoon currently stationed at the combat outpost north of Baghlan. Headquarters has allocated one engineer squad to assist with obstacle reduction for this operation. The task force also has 3x 81mm organic mortars, as well as 2x 60mm mortars organic to the scout platoon at the Combat Outpost. MISSION: Attack to clear enemy forces from Mazcal to help improve the security posture of the region EXECUTION. Tasks 1. Clear enemy from Muzcal / Destroy enemy Command and Logistics nodes 2. Preserve friendly combat power for follow on Operations 3. Retain tactical infrastructure (FOB and COP) 4. Avoid civilian casualties Fires 3x 81mm Mortars (FOB) 2x 60mm Mortars (COP) SERVICE & SUPPORT: Organic Resupply and Medical Assets SIGNALS Friendly ID: On Map Contacts: Enabled
  3. So long time ago I was fustrated because T-72 commander couldn't elevate it's periscope over seeming 0 degrees. Back then answer I got from developers was as I remember it, something along these lines: "Commanders periscope elevation is limited because of the physical movement of the periscope." Back then I accepted it, because I had no access or could not find any information or source that would prove that statement wrong. Over the years I have accuired Russian speacking friends and pestered them to search "proof" for agaisn't that statement with no success. This data just simply isn't mentioned on manuals of the vehicle, or anywhere I was able to access. I even tried contacting museum to get peace for myself about this matter for once. (My messages weren't replied to or when face to face, I was said that if I join the guild I might get change to... etc) The best source I have been able to find was from this blog called "Tankograd" https://thesovietarmourblog.blogspot.com/p/home.html I have linked it several times over the year. Problem is that sources are not mentioned. I could and will ask, if need to. - I do hope that this what I am going to write and illustrate below with pictures is enough to convince you developers of the issue, that I wouldn't need to. In his blog he gives following values and descriptions for commander periscopes in various Soviet / Russian armored vehicles. T-72 - TKN-3M To scan in elevation, the TKN-3M can be elevated by +12 degrees and depressed by -8 degrees. The full range of elevation is 20 degrees, and the total vertical field of view is 30 degrees. This was a noticeable improvement over preceding medium tanks, which had an elevation range of only -5 degrees to +10 degrees. https://thesovietarmourblog.blogspot.com/2015/05/t-72-soviet-progeny.html#tkn-3m T-62 - TKN-2 "Karmin" The periscope could be manually elevated upwards by +10° and downwards by -5°, and the cupola would have to be manually spun to scan horizontally. https://thesovietarmourblog.blogspot.com/2015/12/t-62.html#tkn-2 BMP-2 The range of elevation is +10° to -5° https://thesovietarmourblog.blogspot.com/2016/05/bmp-2.html#tkn-3 Mine and my friends honest opinion is that commander periscopes on T-72s, T-55, T-62, and BMP-2 are next to useless because those cannot be elevated over 0 degrees. And because those can depress in some cases.. insanely much. (I think in past, I argued that there must be a bug because one can see trough turret roof [Now you can't but elevation didn't change]) Now I am going to try to illustrate problem in the game: For all my testing and these pictures I made custom delta map on the "FLAT MAP" And i edited terrain to be all hard and bumpines values to 0 I also for double measures, put in highway, that I leveled. This is picture of T-72 on flat surface, taken with binoculars from other vehicle some distance away. Notice that horizontal line goes from commanders periscope to buildings "doorbell" that is located to left side and center in height. So that is effectively 0 degrees elevation. Aiming commanders periscope first down as far as it can we will see the stairs ( I moved vehicle until croshair touches the stairs. ) And now aiming it as up as it goes. Notice.. it has effectively 0 elevation Now.. the problem is not only lack of elevation. But also that this makes this range measuring tool below reticle in commanders periscope practically useless. This is from direct front. You cannot elevate it more than this. One simply cannot measure distance with that range finger. It makes no sense. And when you cannot elevate periscope more than this... any hill or anything.. makes this sight practically useless. Back to the argument. "Commanders periscope elevation is limited because of the physical movement of the periscope." I also toop pictures from Gunner location how commanders periscope actually looks when fully elevated. notice that it is upright "Vertical" And when fully depressed Okay. I get it, kind of what is the idea here. But I am not bying it. No... Thing is on the source I found that says that TKM-3M can be elevated +12 degrees and depressed 8 degrees. It seems obvious to me that there is mirror in an angle that makes it possible to elevate the sigh picture upwards? Also.. here is what gunner can see in comparison. This is what gunner can see when gun is elevated as high as possible. Red line shows where optic center is. And as depressed as possible. This problem that commanders periscope doesn't have elevation. Is present on all crewable tracked vehicles of Soviet / Russian origin. (Not a problem on wheeled BTRs or RDM-2 as these are okay in my opinion) But for example.. BMP-2 commanders periscope.. can depress insanely much. And it too.. cannot elevate more than 0 degrees. Values from https://thesovietarmourblog.blogspot.com/p/home.html make sense to me. T-72. TKN 3M -8 degrees depression and +12 degrees elevation. T-55, T62 and BMP-2 TKN-2 and 3 -5 degrees depression and +10 degrees elevation. The way how things currently are.. DO NOT make sense in my opinion. 😔
  4. KANIUM Sunday 8th of December - Operation Ride of the Valkyries by Nike-Ajax Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World Clock 1900 GMT (Same time as always in Europe - now adjusted for European Winter Time: click the time below for your local time) World clock 1900 GMT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. IMPORTANT NOTICE II: I suggest to all who play with us download and install Chris mappack - and needed for this scenario: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hr1jl33xxhacftx/SB Converted Maps v2.rar?dl=0 For the next three months at least we will be working with this mappack and the official one when making scenarios. Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance Operation Ride of the Valkyries 16´th of October 2020 SB Mission by Nike-Ajax Scenario notes: This is an attempt to emulate if not simulate, a BTN sized MP engagement with limited numbers of players. To keep complexity down and reliability up, then it requires at least one human OPFOR player, as well as a quick and smooth transition from manning A COY to B COY so recommended players retain their positions in the force structure. It requires both an experienced CO and OPFOR. 0. Background Sometimes history does not progress through peace. This at least seems to be the impression of our enemy. Or maybe they just ran out of options. Three months ago a series of coordinated electronic strikes of European infrastructures left much of Europe in chaos. Despite promises to the contrary, then it seems that the governments across Europe did not execute sufficients failsafes and redundancies to maintain security in the electronic battlespace of the 21´st century. At the same time multiple media outlets both old and new, were sent packets of what amounted to a series of scandals ranging from sexual indescretions, over financial misdeeds to outright treason within both governments and the civil servants across Europe. Despite attempts to brush it off as Russian Trolls, then many if not most of the facts turned out to be at least partially verifiable, which in turn caused more chaos as demands for justice began resounding and several Euopean governments are on the brink of toppling as many ministers and civil servants have been forced to resign Reeling from the double hits, Europe was ill-prepared for what turned out to be the next hit, as Russia turned off all supplies of oil, Natural gas and other supplies just as Winter was coming. China in the meantime took up the slack and expanded business with the Russians. Europe thus seemed paralyzed. Finland however started tightening up their border security, including placing concrete barriers along possible attack routes, and also managed to create a defence agreement with Sweden - another neutral nation. Sweden in line with this sent a reinforced Mechanized Battalion, callname Valkyrie, to Finland which was placed on a heightened alert status. A month ago the next hit came as Russian units on a broad front invaded and after a fierce series of battles, in which they caught NATO forces out of place, posture and readiness, and was thus able to seize the Baltic states rapidly, although they took substantial losses. This in turn accelerated Finnish prepararions, made more urgent by Russian troop movements to the East. Russia last week issued an statement, which by many was interpreted as an ultimatum. This in essence stated: Accept the new status of the Russian states geographical and economic position or face worse consequences and allow Russian "freedom of movement". Europe including EU were unable to formulate an unified response, and with NATO being paralyzed by French and Turkish resistance, this in turn meant that no state decided either way. Finland and Sweden being close to the epicenter, however refused. The Russian response came 72 hours later with what seemed to be a full invasion of Finland which included naval landings aimed at the area around Helsiniki, with threats against Swden being made in no unclear terms as well. This in turn forced Sweden to allocate whatever forces they had to the defence of the homeland, and thus unable to reinforce their contingent in Finland. However then this turned out to be Maskirovka or a ruse, because the Russian forces fell back before incurring any significant losses and in fact did not land any troops. Shortly after Russian forces instead struck hard in the North of Finland supported by GRU Spetznas that had previously infiltrated into the area - thus threatening both Sweden and Finland. They were reinforced by a number of means while the Russian forces attacked Swedish and Finnish airbases with both planes and cruise missiles. From there the Russians tried to strike out and broaden what turned out to be an armored thrust across Finland towards Sweden and supported by a number of secondary attacks, leaving most of the Finnish armed forces to fight for their lives, as both the Finnish and Swedish politicians are desperatly trying to get international assistance, while the military are equally desperatly trying to get more units into the AO to contain the Russian attack. However to the joy of the Finns and Swedes and not so much for the Russians, then the Finns have stopped most of the landattacks - for now at least - as they were fully prepared if not for the scale, then at least for the attack. So far no other fronts have been opened, but this seems to be only a matter of time. From intel then we have been informed that the Russians seeking a new avenue of attack, and will strike across the International border to the east of where the Swedish Taskforce is located soon. We have also been informed that Russian ressources are pressed, and that they need a win to bolster the national will to continue the war. And finally that they are pressed with regards to both logistics and operational units in this theater. Confidence of this intel is HIGH. Time therefore has become of the essence: Sweden thus needs to strike a decisive blow to inflict a heavy enough defeat on the Russian forces, to hopefully avert further aggression and stop the Russian offensive and open options for a diplomatic solution. We have lured a sizeable ENY force into a trap of our making to achieve just that: We have leaked intel to the oppposing side that our Regional headquarter is situated at Defence Zone Valhal, and it looks like they have taken the bait and is about to engage us along the anticipated axis of attack. However we might possibly have been too successfull as the Russians seem to have deployed a significant force, and thus outnumber us by a margin of at least 3:1 I. Situation Time: 0630 Local Time Weather: Ligthly clouded with no chance of rain, 15 degrees Centigrade, no wind and LOS 3000 Meters General War have been initiated without a declaration of war from our ENY, although we have since declared war on them. Our strategic objective is to BLOCK the ENY ATTACK into Defence Area VALHAL with A COY, thus DENY it to the enemy and breaking their momentum as well as protecting our HQ to the west. The Enemy is RAPIDLY ADVANCING and will push north and north-west with maximum effort (Refrence Map trace). Do NOT push past Line Of Exploitation (LoE) with A COY under any circumstance (Reference Map Trace). Once the EN ATTACK HALTED, forces in VALHAL (A COY) will CONSOLIDATE and then DEFEND in place to safeguard our HQ. Simultaneous then the forces prepared at Assembly Area MIDGAARD (B COY) and ONLY them, will COUNTERATTACK along the indicated general attack vector from SW towards NE (see map trace) and EXPLOIT IOT DESTROY the EN force & SEIZE (if possible) the EN HQ at OBJ LOKE. Forces at MIDGAARD (B COY) will be released by HQ when the ENY ATTACK has been HALTED, and with a 5 minute Warning. Be careful of the concrete barriers erected by the Finns when crossing the international border (concrete barriers can be destroyed by TNKs) - Engineers have placed demolition charges with which you can destroy barriers at given locations (reference Map trace and activated via trigger), but you are free to breach anywhere with your TNKs. Reinforcements from C COY in the shape of 1 PLT STRV122 and 1 PLT CV90/40-B, stands ready with a 10 minute warning to assist if needed in both the defence and offence. (Activated via trigger by CO) Terrain: Mixture of closed and open, with channeling and blocking terrain including hilly features particularly to the east and becoming more closed and defensible as you push North-east and near the Enemy HQ IVO OBJ LOKE. Fortunately there are fewer villages as you near the ENY HQ. Obstacles: Minefields (Reference Maptrace) to the South-East of Defence Area VALHAL. THIS AREA IS PROHIBITED to all our forces on pain of DEATH. Also the International border to our East, has concrete obstacles all along it except for a small opening to the south and one opening (reference Map trace) to the East. We expect ENY have made several breaches in it as well, just as our engineers preprared several breaching charges before they pulled back. These have been marked on the map, and will be detonated on CO´s orders (Via trigger). Current Situation. The Enemy is on the OFFENCE with superior numbers, but we have the better positions, in general better equipment and to some degree the element of tactical surprise and they have not had the time to entrench. Our Taskforce (TF) VALKYRIE, have been tasked with this mission, allthough fewer than the ENY then we are better equipped and trained. They expect us to defend, but INTEL indicates they do not expect us to counterattack in significant numbers. Confidence is HIGH. We are on our own soil, but most if not all of our civilians in the AO have been evacuated, and yet every round fired lands on our allys land. But the political and military stakes are as high or higher than they have been for our country in centuries. Therefore, you are tasked to win and disregard collateral damage IF it is necessary in order to win the battle . FIRES in the Urban areas are only authorised by TF CO. Enemy Forces Strength: ENY Combined Bn(+). Equipment: At least three (3) full combined and reinforced Companies in the attack, with T72B1, T80 and possibly a number of T90 (INTEL indicates PLT´s formed with 4 vehicles), BMP-2´s and BMP-3´s (in PLTs of 4), BRDM-2 AT´s/BTR-80´s/BTR-82´s and with additional support and recon troops (From INTEL likely BRDM). Likely also a screening forces SV of the Enemy HQ to protect their southern flank, and with the same composition as above, estimated as at least two (2) COY+ strength, and deployed in a defensive posture including ATGM´s. The confidence of this is MEDIUM to high: as there might possibly be a another ENY COY in the AO along with support vehicles. ENY has strong AA assets IVO their HQ at OBJ LOKE, which precludes the use of our air assets to attack this directly. Eny Artillery expected in SIGNIFICANT volume. Quality: Likely at least experienced conscripts with fresh experience from the Baltic campaign and their ammunition the best they can get but do NOT understimate the ENY. However from our experience so far it seems they have a limited number of missiles for the more modern tanks. MDA: ENY only in HASTY DEFENSE in Main Defensive Areas (MDA), no constructed defences, entrenchments and major obstacles identified or likely - aside from the known minefields Southeast of your Defence Area VALHAL, as well as the obstacles along the International border to our East (Reference Maptrace), confidence about which is HIGH. Reinforcement: NOT expected from the East nor South as their lines of communication are cut for now. Confidence HIGH. Expect ENY defence to stiffen IVO the ENY HQ at OBJ LOKE. ENY CoA: Likely will initially continue their attack in the NORTH, but once their attack is broken, likely try to lure our forces into an attritional fight where their numerical advantage, and use of terrain, will make up for their relative weakness in equipment. ENY have access to Artillery in substantial numbers, exact units deployed for this operation unknown. Friendly Forces (FF). Local AIR SUPERIORITY achieved - for now, strong ENY AA defence IVO OBJ LOKE means we are unable to attack this directly with AIR assets. Flanks. FF Northwest and Southwest to SECURE Flanks, but not to Spt Attack apart from the forces mentioned at Assembly Point VALHAL (B COY) and the reserve from C COY. TF VALKYRIE: TF in Defence Area VALHAL (A COY) consists of 3 x tank platoons of STRV 122 as well as 2 x mechanized infantry platoon of CV90/40-B, along with an identical force placed at Assembly Area MIDGAARD (B COY). We have friendly SOF units, in the shape of PLT sized members of Swedish SOG, which is under the direct command of CO BTN and will try to supply tactical intel on the movement of the ENY. Also there have been allocated an infantry PLT reinforced with a PLT of CV90/40-B, protecting the southern flank of Defence Area Valhal. Furthermore we have one PLT of ATGM equipped INF (RBS-56 BILL), assisting in the defence. These will support BUT are under direct command of BTN CO, and will only defend in place. Finally we have reinforcements from C COY, in the shape on 1 PLT STRV122 and 1 PLT CV90/40-B, each of 4 callsigns, which are on 10 minute stand-by alert, and can be called if needed to assist both A COY and B COY. (On trigger with a 10 min delay) A and B Coy Dismounted infantry equipped with Anti-Tank teams (Carl Gustav) and LMG Teams . Each MECHINF platoon in A and B COY thus has 4x Anti-Tank teams and 4 x LMG Teams, the rest being issued with AT-4s and rifle grenades plus a medic team, and are all considered Elite. FIRES; 4 x 6 Tubes of 155mm SP howitzers, no FASCAM available (With the howitzers being further back, so off-map). 1 x 6 x 120 mm SP mortars with their own supply trucks, in A Coy and B COY respectively so total of 2 x batt of SP MTR when B COY is activated. 10 CAS strike missions on call. (As usual: ALL ARTILLERY IS UNDER THE CONTROL OF CO AND FO: So do NOT touch the ARTY controls if you not one of these two). LOGISTICS: In both A COY and B COY: Repair Sect, 2 x Supply and 1 x MED Sect. NO Engr, as there are expected no major obstacles in vector of attack aside from what has already been described. So BYPASS any ENY obstacles encountered. Rules of Engagement. NOTHING IN THESE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT LIMITS YOUR RIGHT TO TAKE APPROPIATE ACTION TO DEFEND YOURSELF AND YOUR UNIT. A. You have the right to use force to proactively engage any and all ENY targets of opportunity. B. You are cleared to fire first on all hostile targets or targets with deemed hostile intent, including armed civilians. C. The force should be used under the circumstances and proportional to the threat. D. We are at war. Destruction of civilian property has been cleared by the local authorities if CO deems that there is a CLEAR military value and goal in said destruction, including FIRES in urban areas. E. All Laws of War are to be observed. II. Mission: TF VALKYRIE is to BLOCK ENY attack towards Defence Area VALHAL with A COY plus reinforcements from C COY if needed. Then on orders ATTACK and CONDUCT EXPLOITATION with B COY (and ONLY B COY, plus reinforcements from C COY if needed), DESTROYING the ENY between PL THOR and PL ODIN, SEIZE ENY HQ ivo OBJ LOKE, IOT DENY the area to the ENY and disrupt their future operations. III. Execution Concept of the Operation: Taskforce VALKYRIEs A COY BLOCKS the ENY IVO Defence Area VALHAL. Then TF VALHALSs B COY, ATTACK from SOUTHWEST to NORTHEAST; conducting an attack by fire from PL THOR towards PL ODIN (See Map trace), and then ASSAULT to SEIZE ENY HQ at OBJ LOKE. Once SECURE, PREPARE HASTY Defence to HOLD Objective until relieved. This will DENY the area to the ENY and PREVENT further ENY offensive operations, achieving our immediate military and political goal. Reinforcements from C COY can assist both, when and if needed by CO´s judgement. Commanders Intent Purpose - The purpose of this operation is to DESTROY the ENY forces in the AO, then OCCUPY, thus weakening the Enemys will to fight and persuading them not to conduct further offensive actions. Key Tasks: 1. DEFEND Defence Area VALHAL, BLOCKING the ENY attack using A COY. 2. Attack from PL THOR towards PL ODIN to DESTROY the ENY using only B COY. 2. Seize ENY HQ at OBJ LOKE. 3. Conduct HASTY DEFENSE ITO DEFEAT ENY Counter Attacks IVO OBJ LOKE End State: Friendly. FF postured in or IVO ENY HQ at OBJ LOKE; consolidated and prepared and able to continue operations towards the EAST and SOUTHEAST. Enemy. ENY DESTROYED between PL THOR and PL ODIN, unable to support Enemy forces EAST of the Defence Area VALHAL. Terrain. All tactically commanding terrain features SECURED and CLEAR of ENY. Civilian. As little disruption to civilian life and property as possible, without disrupting or weakening your military goals and the security of your command. Fires Concept. 4 x 6 Tubes of self-propelled 155 mm howitzers that will directly support this operations with HE, ICM and Smoke but NO FASCAM, from outside of the AO (offmap) and One (1) x Six (6) tubes of 120 mm self-propelled Mortars for use in AO per COY, with integral ammo supply trucks. There are Ten (10) priority missions ready for tasking. 1 x 6 x Tubes of 120mm organic fires under TF CO control per COY (P1 for A COY, and P3 for C COY), with organic supply vehicles (P2 and P4 respectively). 4 x 6 x Tubes of 155 mm off-map fires under TF CO control (NO FASCAM). 10 CAS sorties were awarded during this targeting cycle of the ATO under TF CO control. Aviation Nil IV. Sustainment Supply TF and per COY will carry forward 2 x resupply vehicles, P-1 and P-3 additionally have 2 x supply vehicle allocated to them specifically (P2 and P4). No resupply possible beyond that . Maintenance TF and per COY will carry forward 1x combat repair team (CRT) Medical TF and per COY will carry forward 1x foward aid station (FAS) V. Command And Signal Succession of Command A COY: ALPHA-66 TF Commander ALPHA-65 TF XO Alpha-11 1 PLT LDR/A Alpha-21 2 PLT LDR/A Alpha-41 4 PLT LDR/A B COY: BRAVO-66 TF Commander BRAVO-65 TF XO Bravo-11 1 PLT LDR/B Bravo-21 2 PLT LDR/B Bravo-41 4 PLT LDR/B Signals No Change; as per unit SOP
  5. until
  6. KANIUM SUNDAY 24th of November - Apocalypse Assault on Stadthagen by Apocalypse Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World Clock 1900 GMT (Same time as always in Europe - now adjusted for European Winter Time: click the time below for your local time) World clock 1900 GMT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. IMPORTANT NOTICE II: I suggest to all who play with us download and install Chris mappack - and needed for this scenario: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hr1jl33xxhacftx/SB Converted Maps v2.rar?dl=0 For the next three months at least we will be working with this mappack and the official one when making scenarios. Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance Apocalypse_Assault_on_Stadthagen Mission by Apocalypse Situation The 1st Battalion (Mechanized Infantry) of the 111th BTG is established in a hasty defense around the city of Stadthagen. In our sector, a Company of Mechanized Infantry defends hill 96 and Objective Bull, a small suburb of Stadthagen. Enemy Assessment by War Fighting Function: Maneuver The enemy is a motorized infantry Company consisting of BMP-2's, and dismounted infantry with AK74 rifles, RPG-7's, and PK Machine Guns. Additionally, they are reinforced with a tank platoon (T72) from the battalion reserve. Intelligence The 111th has deployed their reconnaissance units; platoons of BDRM2 and dismounted scouts Logistics The 111th can sustain themselves independently for up to 72 hours, and is currently 100% on unit basic load ammunition Fires The 111th has two batteries of 4x 120mm mortar tubes (8 total) Protection The Company we are facing has been in a defensive posture for approximately 48 hours, but has not received engineer support from their parent battalion. Expect obstacles to consist of hastily strung wire and surface laid mines. Mission Command We anticipate the enemy company commander to locate himself within the defenses of OBJ BULL. If he is killed, there is a high percentage that remaining troops will flee or surrender. Friendly Forces Our parent Battalion will conduct an attack on Stadthagen, and your Company is first in the order of attack. Our Battalion is conducting a penetration attack and your Company must seize Objective Bull to open the gates into Stadthagen. Mission Attack to seize OBJ BULL so that follow on forces can conduct an attack into Stadthagen. Execution Player-driven Fires 1x Mortar Platoon in support (4x tubes) Support -Organic Resupply -Organic Medical Support -All repairs will be conducted post-operation, during reconsolodation.
  7. KANIUM SUNDAY 8th of September - Operation Uppercut by Nike-Ajax Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World Clock 1800 GMT (Same time as always - now adjusted for European Summer Time: click the time below for your local time) World clock 1800 GMT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. IMPORTANT NOTICE II: I suggest to all who play with us download and install Chris mappack: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hr1jl33xxhacftx/SB Converted Maps v2.rar?dl=0 For the next three months at least we will be working with this mappack and the official one when making scenarios. Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance Operation Uppercut 25th of December 1989 SB Mission by Nike-Ajax 0. Background And so it is Christmas ... But not a peaceful one. Events staring around Oktober looked like they could usher in a new era, and possibly break down the Iron curtain and the wall between East and West. And for a time it looked like it would do just that, however conflicts between demonstrators and police and eventually military escalated. And in a rerun of previous Soviet invasions in Hungary and Czechoslovakia and latest in Afghanistan, then the Soviet politbureau decided to use force in and ended up with a blood bath that was aptly named as the Red October. In what quickly spiralled out of control, this in the end sparked a direct confrontation between Soviet and NATO troops around Berlin, which soon brought in more troops to the conflict elsewhere. Neither side had really planned for it so in what ended up being a rerun of the start of WW 1, then both sides scrambled to bring their forces into position. However that is where the similarities ended. Once the Soviet Juggernaut got moving, then as countless wargames had demonstrated it was hard to stop them. However the price in blood and materiel for the Warsaw Pact has been far higher than either side anticipated - mostlyu because of the not quite planned offensive. The unplanned nature is probably what have held back the Soviets from using the hundreds of nuclear strikes they had planned. This however might soon change depending on how this battle goes. I. Situation Time 0800 Local Time Weather Lightly Clouded with no chance of rain, 2 degrees Centigrade and LOS 3000 Km General. In light the direct attack on several of our allies in NATO, Article 5 of the NATO Charter has been evoked. And following that then NATO is now formally at war. Operation Reforger are in full swing, but have yet to stop the Soviet Juggernaut. We are part of an Adhoc brigade sized Battlegroup, created from the remnants of German and American units that have been subjected to heavy losses, and are now south of Hannover in a defensive position. We have been tasked with first stopping, and then if possible blunting the momentum of the enemy through a limited but aggressive counter attack. NATO have been inflicting horrendous losses on the Warsaw Pact enemies, but the WAPA have mobilized everything. And even though the combat have weeded out the incompetent and unlucky on both sides, and we have inflicted far bigger losses on the enemy, then they have far more than us to expend. And so they still outnumber us by a considerable margin. Moreover then many of the newest and most techical advanced weapons in our possession are being pressed to their limit, and what is worse are beginning to run out of the most advanced weapons. Our Taskforce - Taskforce Boxer - is part of this Battlegroup, and have been assembled to block, and then clear the Enemy to our East. From SIGINT confirmed by our LRRP Patrols, then it seems that the Enemy have been careless and have moved a major HQ too near the forward lines, something we will exploit if possible. Our forces are not strong enough to punch through to it however, so we need to force the Enemy through attrition into a more manageable size. We are on our allied Nation´s soil, but times are desperate so you are cleared to use all weapons at your disposal with extreme prejudice. The Battlegroup commander minced no words: "Gentlemen: you are all that stands between the Enemy and a major breakthrough in this sector. My Headquarter lies only a few kilometers to your rear, and the order is that if you fail, then Tactical Nuclear weapons are now cleared for use on the battlefield. So make sure that you make the enemy die for their country instead of the other way around" Enemy Forces. The Enemy to our overall front is a Brigade sized(+) Soviet Force, of which we expect that they will use a Battalion(-) in the AO of Taskforce Boxer. From Intel, then this seems to be at least one full Company of T72B1 and another full company of BMP-2, with additional support and recon troops. To their rear they have an exposed Forward HQ, which can be expected to be defended - but not entrenched - heavily: Expect a mixture of dismounted infantry including ATGM as well as limited armored/mechanized assets defending this specifically. As the ENY are on the attack as part of a bigger offensive, then we do not expect any major Obstacles or minefields, confidence about that is HIGH. Regardless of this and given the intel then we do expect them to be entrenched and in a combat stance, and have a layered defence around their forward HQ. From SIGINT we know that the ENY have access to Artillery in substantial but unknow amounts. Friendly Forces. We have temporary local air superiority, but are limited to strike planes. This is both due to strong local Air defence, but also to attrition of our rotary wing assets. We have other NATO Forces to our NORTH (German) and SOUTH (US) that will push forward and support our attack. So do NOT cross the Taskforce boundaries reference Map trace, to avoid risk of Friendly Fire. Our Taskforce consists of 3 x tank platoons of M1A1 as well as 2 x mechanized infantry platoon of M2A2, along with a tactical reserve of 1 PLT of Leopard 2A4 and a 1 PLT of Marder 1A3 detached from a German Company to our North. We have also been augmented with a COY of German Panzergrenadiers which will only hold and defend in position (Reference Map trace), and are under BTN Command. These have put up obstacles including 3 minefields (reference Maptrace). We also have 3 x 6 tubes of M109 155mm howitzers, which have a full range of rounds, including Two (2) FASCAM missions and 6 x 120 mm mortars from Fox Company with its own supply truck (with the howitzers being further back, so off-map), as well as support assets from Hotel Company (repair, 2 x supply and medical). Our dismounted infantry from B COY is equipped with light machine guns (FN MAGs) and Anti-Tank teams ( 4 x M47 Dragon). Each MECHINF platoon in A COY thus has 4x LMG teams and 4x Anti-Tank teams plus a medicteam, and are all considered Elite. Rules of Engagement. NOTHING IN THESE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT LIMITS YOUR RIGHT TO TAKE APPROPIATE ACTION TO DEFEND YOURSELF AND YOUR UNIT. A. You have the right to use force to proactively engage any and all ENY targets of opportunity. B. You are cleared to fire first on all hostile targets or targets with deemed hostile intent, including armed civilians. C. The force should be used under the circumstances and proportional to the threat. D. We are at war. Destruction of civilian property has been cleared by the local authorities if CO deems that there is a military value and goal in said destruction, including FIRES in urban areas. E. All Laws of War are to be observed. II. Mission Taskforce Boxer Blocks Enemy attack, and then on TF CO´s initiative and order, attacks to destroy enemy defenders between PL HOLYFIELD and PL TYSON to stop or slow the WAPA offensive, and create depth in the NATO defence and if possible allow friendly forces to continue offensive operations further North and South. III. Execution Concept of the Operation Alpha Company and with 2 German PLT´s from their D Company in tactical reserve, Block the enemy attack. Having stopped the enemy attack, the Taskforce on TF CO´s initiative and orders will then attack from the WEST and towards EAST, setting an attack by fire from PL HOLYFIELD towards PL TYSON, and use own assets if possible to clear the Enemy HQ at OBJ KNOCKOUT. This will create a defence in depth for our forces and enable the remaining forces to follow up and expand our zones of control as well as degrade the enemies command structure. Commanders Intent Purpose - The purpose of this operation is to clear the Enemy forces and defeat their will to fight in this AO as well as attrit their command structure. Key Tasks 1. Block the Enemy Attack vicinity PL HOLYFIELD 2. Counterattack and Clear OBJ OMEGA End State Friendly Friendly forces postured on PL TYSON; consolidated and prepared to continue operations towards the EAST. Enemy Enemy forces defeated or destroyed between PL HOLYFIELD and PL TYSON, and if possible cleared from OBJ KNOCKOUT; unable to support Enemy forces in the AO. Terrain OBJ KNOCKOUT are cleared of enemy forces. Civilian Not relevant as all LOCAL inhabitants are estimated to be gone Fires Fox Company has 3 x 6 Tubes of self-propelled 155 mm howitzers that will directly support this operations, from outside of the AO (offmap), including Two (2) FASCAM missions and 6 Priority fire missions . Additionally there have been allocated Six 120 mm M1064 for use, with integral ammo supply truck. And finally our Air assets will provide 8 CAS strikes. 6 x Tubes of 120mm organic fires under TF CO control (F-1) 3 x 6 x Tubes of 155 mm off-map fires under TF CO control 8 x CAS sorties were awarded during this targeting cycle of the ATO Aviation Nil IV. Sustainment Supply TF will carry forward 2 x resupply vehicles, F-1have 1 x supply vehicle allocated to them specifically. No resupply possible beyond that . Maintenance TF will carry forward 1x combat repair team (CRT) Medical TF will carry forward 1x foward aid station (FAS) V. Command And Signal Sucession of Command Alpha-66 TF Commander Alpha-65 TF XO Alpha-11 1 PLT LDR Alpha-21 2 PLT LDR Alpha-31 3 PLT LDR Signals No Change; as per unit SOP
  8. KANIUM SUNDAY 19th of May 1800 GMT - Cutting the Motti by Nike-Ajax Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World Clock 1800 GMT (Same time as always - now adjusted for European Summer Time: click the time below for your local time) World clock 1800 GMT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance Operation Cutting The Motti 29' th of July 2020 SB Mission by Nike-Ajax 0. Background Älkää helvetti kämppikö puukoilla, kun teillä on uudet moottorisahat What if a war didnt start with a plan? What if instead it started with a collection of misunderstandings, mistakes and refusal to admit your mistakes? This seems to be the case in Finland. Finland has always trodden a dangerous path, trying to steer clear of issues that will lead it into another conflict with the big neighbour which they once were part of for over 100 years. Mostly they have been successfull, and after the end to the Continuation war and after they miraculously managed to live up to Stalins impossible demands to evict the German soldiers with a reduced army in the Lappland war, there have been peace. They have come close to war such as in The Note Crisis (Finnish: noottikriisi) in 1961, but have averted it while remaining and maintaining an armed neutrality. Until now. Russia under increasing internal and external pressure; made worse by the decline in oil price, an international embargo and an inability or refusal from the west to accept or even acknowledge the Russians political needs and demands, have experienced an expanding political and economic crisis. This as been aggravated by what Russia sees as a deliberate and constant international attempt to encroach upon Russian interests and support of their enemies. Or just lack of understanding for the Russian choices with regards to fighting their enemies domestic and abroad. And also also by trying to expand NATO into what Russia terms "The near abroad". Finland have wisely mostly stayed out of this and thus have rarely been the subject of Russian anger or ire. However the same cannot be said of the Baltic states including Estonia which Finland have close ties to. In fact a month ago Finnish soldiers were on an exercise in Estonia, when a skirmish erupted on the eastern border between Russian Border guards and the Estonian army. Accounts differ wildly as to how it started, but what is know is that the battle probably unplanned, unscheduled and without any clear goal broke the Estonian defenders. And that the Russian forces followed further into Estonia, for lack of better explanation then much like a Cat would follow a mouse because its in its nature. Or like a kid would follow another kid in a schoolyard after having had a fight which wasnt finished. This however brought them closer to the Finnish contingent, whose CO relying on his standing orders chose to arm his unit while trying to get orders from his HQ. Orders that through confusion and mistakes werent forwarded up the chain of command. The Russian CO in the meantime did much the same and sadly for many of the same reasons with the same lack of results. So like two blinded boxers the units came into contact with each other and then clashed. This quickly escalated as both sides screamed for reinforcements and support, and by the time the respective political and military leaders managed to seperate the forces dozens were dead and hundreds wound including many locals. Then came the blaming game, which resolved nothing. This was made more difficult by NATO and EU going along their own tangents and moving to their own agendas. But as Russia strenghtened their military presence along th Finnish border, then prudence forced Finland to do the same. A week ago someone threw a lit match into the powederkeg, as a bomb blew up a Russian borderpost. Finland denied any and all involvement and denounced it as terrorism and offered to help find the criminals who did it. This however did not ease tensions and two days after that an artillery duel started across the border. This set events into motions as Russian forces crossed the border at several places. The war that wasnt declared or planned is now in motion. I. Situation Time 1100 Local Time Weather Clear sky with no chance of rain, 15 degrees Centigrade and LOS 3000 Km. General. We are at war, allthough it hasnt been formally declared yet. Due to the fact that this war seemed to start as a collection on coincidences and unplanned events, then the enemy - or for that matter ourselves as well - arent fully prepared. The Enemy has thrust a few miles into our territory and in our AO has set up a temporary airport for their rotary wing planes to our North. Their airport isnt big enough to handle fixed wing planes, so it is expected that they will soon thrust South to take the airport we are currently in control of. Or likely primarily also to deny us its use. The terrain is fairly closed, but not as closed as we would have liked. Still it is the estimate of HQ that it just might - combined with the unprepared stance of the ENY - might be possible to do in smaller scale what our great-grandfathers did in the Winter Wra. Namely to hit them while they are enroute to deploy. It is uncertain which route they will follow, so therefore 2 platoons from the Utti Jaeger Regiment (Finnish: Utin Jääkärirykmentti, (UTJR)), have created a number of Observation Posts to our North so we and you hopefully can get real-time Intel on how the ENY deploys and where. Their orders in true Recon fashion is to avoid combat at all costs: their mission is to use their eyes and ears, and not their trigger fingers. Also we have allocated an UAV for your use. But for the same reason that you can get no fixed- or rotary wing support, then you cant push it too far north North as the ENY both enjoy local air superiority AND have formidable AA capabilities to the north. We have plotted our best estimate based on SIGINT and HUMINT, where their coverage ends. With these assets, then it is hoped that you will be able to hit the ENY while he is out of formation and unable to bring his forces to bear. In short we are hoping that you will be able to create one or two Mottis and Defeat the enemy in Detail. From the size and composition of the Enemy then we expect that he will use two routes at most for his attack on the Airport, with an additional portion of his forces set aside for reinforcements/QRF. For those of you too young to remember the lessons of the Winter War, then Motti is Finnish military slang for a totally encircled enemy unit. The tactic of encircling it is called motitus, literally meaning the formation of an isolated block or "motti", but in effect meaning an entrapment or envelopment. The word means "mug" in many Finnish dialects; an alternate translation refers to a cubic meter of firewood, a relatively small area in which an encircled enemy could be "cut down" like trees. We are politically and militarily still building up, so we need the Enemy to get a bloody nose and show our potential allies and helpers that we are viable and that they can bet on us not to fold before they might help us. Allthough we are rapidly reactivating old equipment and reservists, then the simple math is that the enemy is bigger, stronger and has far more ressources than us. So we need to be smart and flexible. We expect the ENY to have far less flexibility in their Command and Control structure, which is another reason the Motti tactic hopefully will work. Like our forefathers we need to know when to hit, when to fall back and when to shift positions. Remember the words of the great American General Patton: “No dumb bastard ever won a war by going out and dying for his country. He won it by making some other dumb bastard die for his country.” Our Taskforce SISU, as part of an ADHOC Battlegroup, have been tasked with this mission. You will be outnumbered but not outfought. We have a difficult tasking in that our options are very much open, and the HQ needs us to exploit any mistakes the ENY makes and use all opportunities. But our primary task is to deny the ENY the use of the airport to the South, and inflict the maximum damage possible to him in the process. All this while remaing combat effective for the next battle. If it turns out that the chance shows it self, then you are free to use your own initiative to push further north as long as it doesnt endanger your other tasks. From INTEL, then it appears that the Enemy have no prepared defences in the north or elsewhere in this AO but from HUMINT and SIGINT, then its expected that they have a light screening force in place to hold off any attack from the South, as well as a COY(+) sized QRF to support where needed. Taskforce SISU have been assembled to defend OBJ PUUKO and destroy the Enemy to our North. We on our Finnish soil, however the situation is dire. Thus you are cleared to use all weapons at your disposal with extreme prejudice in all of the AO, including FIRES in the Urban areas. And you have the full weight of the BTN artillery at your call. Enemy Forces. The Enemy to our overall front is a Battalion sized(+) combined Russian Force. From Intel, then this seems to be at least two full combined and reinforced Companies with T72B1, BMP-2, BTR-80 and with additional support and recon troops, and with further reinforcements or QRF - estimated to be at least another combined and reinforced COY of MECHINF and TNKS. Added to which is a light screening force around the ENY forward HQ/Airbase and ENY AA units spread out in the northern AO. We expect the ENY to be experienced and their ammunition the best they can get. The Enemy is on the offence and have constructed no defences nor we do not expect any ENY Obstacles or minefields in your AO, attack vector and direction, confidence about that is HIGH. But we do however expect them to be aggressive and in a combat stance. We expect the ENY to reinforce from the North (Reference Maptrace), when you hit them. We have no ETA on the ENY reinforcements/QRF from the North but from our observations would expect that they are in a 15 minute alertpattern, so you have some time before they arrive. Confidence about that is MEDIUM. In line with the previous including their OOB, then we expect them to use two routes and moving by road until they get closer to our airport, which is their obvious OBJ, before they switch into a Combat stance and formation. This is in part due to the terrain which has a number of lakes, swamps and waterways. HQ have promised that other opearations will deny the ENY of any further reinforcements from the North beyond what is described above. Confindence about that is HIGH. From SIGINT and knowing their SOP, then we know that the ENY have access to Artillery in substantial but unknown amounts. Friendly Forces. We have no local air superiority, and therefore we have no strike planes nor rotary wing support. This is primarily due to strong local Air defence, but also stronger ENY airforces than ours in this AO. We have NO other friendly forces in our immediate vicinity, with the next line of defence - IF we fail and fall - further West. Our Taskforce consists of 3 x tank platoons of Leopard 2A6 as well as 2 x mechanized infantry platoon of CV90/30-FI, along with a tactical reserve of 1 PLT of Leopard 2A6 and a 1 PLT of CV90/30-FI. We also have 4 x 6 Tubes of 155mm SP howitzers, which have a full range of rounds including Four (4) FASCAM missions (self-destruct 30 mins) and 2 x 6 x 120 mm SP mortars with their own supply trucks (with the howitzers being further back, so off-map), as well as support assets from HQ Company (repair, 2 x supply and medical). We have no Air due to heavy presence of ENY AA and AAA in AO, but we do have an UAV (P-4). But do not push the UAV too far north or it will surely be shot down (Reference Map trace) Our dismounted infantry from B COY is equipped with 2 x Anti-Tank teams (SPIKE MR) (Odds callsigns). Each MECHINF platoon in B COY thus has 2x Anti-Tank teams, the rest being issued with 4 x M72A4 and riflegrenades plus a medicteam, and are all considered Elite. Our engineers have readied charges to give you four (4) Abatis to be placed by your command. Rules of Engagement. NOTHING IN THESE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT LIMITS YOUR RIGHT TO TAKE APPROPIATE ACTION TO DEFEND YOURSELF AND YOUR UNIT. A. You have the right to use force to proactively engage any and all ENY targets of opportunity. B. You are cleared to fire first on all hostile targets or targets with deemed hostile intent, including armed civilians. C. The force should be used under the circumstances and proportional to the threat. D. We are at war. Destruction of civilian property has been cleared by the local authorities if CO deems that there is a military value and goal in said destruction, including FIRES in urban areas. E. All Laws of War are to be observed. II. Mission Taskforce SISU is to destroy enemy defenders between PL YKSI and PL KAKSI, and to defend OBJ PUUKO. And to prepare to repulse ENY Counterattacks/QRF from North. III. Execution Concept of the Operation: Taskforce SISU with 2 PLTs in tactical reserve, will attack from the SOUTH and towards NORTH, setting an attack by fire from PL YKSI towards PL KAKSI, and try to catch and isolate the ENY while they are out of formation and position. They have 4 FASCAM missions to assist in this goal. They will also use own assets to defend OBJ PUUKO from the Enemy, including the sizeable Artillery assets at its command. This will open the area for further offensive operations, disrupt the Enemys defences in the area and achieve our overall political goals in this stage. Do not risk the integrity of your command by attacking the Enemy forward HQ and temporary airbase to the North UNLESS the TF CO is positive enough that this can achieved successfully and without compromising the integrity of his command. However you are encouraged to use initiative and ingenuity in executing the goals. Commanders Intent Purpose - The purpose of this operation is to attack, and then clear the Enemy forces and defeat their will to fight in this AO, while defending OBJ PUUKO. Key Tasks 1. Attack from vicinity PL YKSI towards OBJ KAKSI destroying the ENY as you go. 2. Defend OBJ PUUKO and repulsing ENY QRF. 3. If possible and sensible exploit any opportunities including attacking the ENY HQ and forward Airbase to the North. End State Friendly Friendly forces postured on or in vicinity of PL KAKSI; consolidated and prepared and able to continue operations towards the SOUTH. Enemy Enemy forces defeated or destroyed between PL YKSI and PL KAKSI, unable to support Enemy forces in the Southern part of the AO. Terrain All tactically commanding terrain features in friendly hands and cleared of enemy forces. Civilian Not relevant as all LOCAL inhabitants are evacuated Fires We have 4 x 6 Tubes of self-propelled 155 mm howitzers that will directly support this operations, from outside of the AO (offmap) and Six (6) 120 mm self-propelled Mortars for use, with integral ammo supply trucks. Also we have an UAV (P-4), to assist with target identification and possibly BDA. 2 x 6 x Tubes of 120mm organic fires under TF CO control (P-1 and P-2) 4 x 6 x Tubes of 155 mm off-map fires under TF CO control, including 4 x FASCAM NO CAS sorties were awarded during this targeting cycle of the ATO, due to presence of strong ENY anti-air capability in AO. Aviation Nil IV. Sustainment Supply TF will carry forward 2 x resupply vehicles, P-1and P-2 have 2 x supply vehicle allocated to them specifically. No resupply possible beyond that . Maintenance TF will carry forward 1x combat repair team (CRT) Medical TF will carry forward 1x foward aid station (FAS) V. Command And Signal Sucession of Command Hotel-66 TF Commander Hotel-65 TF XO Alpha-11 1 PLT LDR/A Alpha-21 2 PLT LDR/A Bravo-11 1 PLT LDR/B Signals No Change; as per unit SOP
  9. KANIUM SUNDAY 3rd OF FEB 1900 GMT - The Chariot V. 2.0 by Zipuli and tweaked by Nike-Ajax Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World Clock 1900 GMT (Same time as always - now adjusted for Winter Time) World clock 1900 GMT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance THE CHARIOT Ver. 2 - Made by Zipuli, tweaked and changed by Nike-Ajax Somewhere in Sweden ... Sometime in the not too distant future SITUATION: Our weakly defended front here has received a strong blow from the enemies and the defences at MALMBY couldn't hold. The Mech Coy (-) there took heavy casualties and started withdrawing an hour ago. The enemy force attacking them was equipped with T-72B1 and BMP-2 AFVs, consisting mainly of Mech Inf. The remaining units are moving through your positions in a few minutes and pass some info about the enemy if they can! MISSION: Alpha company (YOU!) will conduct a counterattack in this sector along ROUTE CHARLIE, clear the route and push the enemy from MALMBY and take and HOLD the bridges at C10. After the bridges are secured we can move in more homeguard forces to stabilize this front and enable relocating your Alpha company and remains of Bravo company to more important sector. SUPPORT: Your Alpha Coy has 2 x 6 tubes 155mm Howitzers for support (HE, SMOKE, ICM). OTHER: The delaying unit laid a hasty minefield at MALMBY but they reported enemies breaching the minefield just before the visual was lost to the area. So the minefield is most likely breached... NOTE: MECH INF have the following composition: 1 x Spike SR + MG and 2 CG + MG teams -MISSION ENDS WHEN 1) BRIDGES ARE SECURED AND ENEMY IS BEATEN OFF THE AREA (You will be informed by BTN S2)
  10. KANIUM SUNDAY 27th OF JAN 1900 GMT - The East Wind Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World Clock 1900 GMT (Same time as always - now adjusted for Winter Time) World clock 1900 GMT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance Apocalypse_The_East_Wind_20350807 The East Wind Day 1: 07 AUG 2035 Story: ArmA III SB Mission by Apocalypse I. Situation General. NATO forces begin their invasion of Altis with initial landings in the Northeast by 2nd Battalion, 7th Brigade, 111th Infantry Division. 2nd Battalion will land a combat team with tanks and infantry, supported by attack aviation, UAS, and direct-support artillery. Meanwhile, elements of 7th Brigade and the 21st Brigade are both offshore with 6th Fleet, preparing for additional landings in eastern and southern Altis against Altis Armed Forces (AAF). Enemy Forces. The Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty (CSAT) has roughly a Battalion of combat power defending the area, with at least two tank companies (T-100 "Varsuk", T-72B Export), one company of motorized infantry (MSE-3 "Marid" - a 6-wheeled vehicle with a 12.7mm machine gun), and one Company of Mechanized Infantry (BTR-Ks - a tracked vehicle similar to the BMP-2), supported by 152mm artillery (2S9 Sochor) and protected by ZSU-39 "Tigris" (with SAM capability). Dismounted infantry organized as 2x LMG and 2x Anti-Tank teams per platoon and are equipped with light machine guns and RPG-32s - a light guided missile that is both limited in range (1500m) and penetration (much like an updated M47 Dragon) Friendly Forces. Our Combat Team consists of 2x tank platoons as well as 1x mechanized infantry platoon; our Rhino MGS platoon is currently undergoing repairs from the invasion, but will arrive in roughly 30 minutes. We have been augmented with 1x attack helicopter and a UAV from Golf Company, 2x 155mm guns from Fox Company, as well as support assets from Hotel Company (repair/rearm, and medical). Our dismount infantry is equipped with light machine guns (M-60A4 w/ optics) and Anti-Tank missiles (Spike). Each platoon has 4x LMG teams and 4x Anti-Tank teams. II. Mission 2nd Battalion, 7th Brigade Combat Team, 111th Infantry Division attacks to destroy CSAT forces between PL NEPTUNE and PL SATURN to destabilize the CSAT-AAF alliance and enable future NATO landings across Altis. III. Execution Echo Company will clear CSAT armor and mechanized infantry from the towns of Molos and Sofia; This will create a sizeable security area surrounding Molos and enable the 2nd Battalion to continue to generate combat power. Additionally, this will enable NATO landings at Chalkeia and Poliakko that will quickly open simultaneous fronts on Altis. Commanders Intent Purpose - The purpose of this operation is to destroy the CSAT and defeat their will to fight on Altis, breaking their alliance with the Altis Armed Forces. Key Tasks 1. Clear Molos 2. Clear Sofia End State Friendly Friendly forces postured on PL SATURN; consolodated and prepared to continue operations to the south, in support of future landings Enemy Enemy forces defeated or destroyed between PL NEPTUNE and SATURN; unable to continue supporting AAF defenses on Altis. Terrain Molos and Sofia are cleared of enemy forces. Civilian Minimal collateral damage to inflicted on civilian infrastructure Risk Risk to force is extremely high - we are fighting on a narrow front, against CSAT regular forces. The correlation of forces between NATO and CSAT also creates a risk; we are fighting against three times our number of CSAT armor. We will mitigate this risky by applying a combination of UAS, attack aviation, and artillery in support of ground maneuver - the CSAT/AAF alliance is highly political. Although CSAT openly supports the alliance, they also have low tolerance for the deaths of their own in support of Altis, and may quickly evacuate the island if brought under enough pressure. Fires Fox Company has four self-propelled guns that will directly support this operations. IV. Sustainment H CO (2nd BN) will support all logistical requirements and provide the following attachments: Medical 1x Ambulance Truck Repair 1x IFV-6C ARV Supply 1x Ammunition Truck V. Command And Signal E-66 has overall mission command of this operation Designer Notes This mission follows the story of the NATO invasion of the island-nation of Altis in the game ArmA III, and is based on the Tanks DLC Showcase Scenario ("Tank Destroyers").
  11. KANIUM SUNDAY 20th OF JAN 1900 GMT - Assault on Jalibah Airfield V2.2 Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World Clock 1900 GMT (Same time as always - now adjusted for Winter Time) World clock 1900 GMT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance Assault_on_Jalibah_Airfield_V2.2 ************************** You are commanding a taskforce consisting of two Leopard 2A6 PLT´s, one CV9040-FI PLT and a supply plt. Your mission is to capture Jalibah airfield. In order to succed your mission you are to control the airfield and destroy all refuelling trucks at the airfield. Ver: SBProPE 2.5XXX Author: Magnus Ronner aka Alpha Sierra Date: 2010-08-05 1) SITUATION: a) Time: 200330ZJAN2019, Local time: 0630 - just before dawn b) Terrain: Dry and arid. Open terrain favor Armd manoeuver and long range engagements including with ATGM. No Major obstacles in the area. Small villages are scattered throughout, no friendly civilians present. c) Weather: Overcast with no chance of rain, 20 degrees Celsius, low wind. Visibility good out to 4km. No impact on sensor capabilities. f) Enemy: The enemy occupies the Jalibah Airfield and is defending with a mechanized Company composed of BMP2's and T72B1's. From intelligence then they expect a confrontation, so are expected to be arranged in defensive positions. -The enemy is defending with one ADA platoon, consisting of ZSU-23-4's. -The enemy has 1 flight of Mi-8T transport helicopters that are stationed at the airfield. -The enemy maintains a reserve force of 1x Tank COY south of the airfield likely T72B1´s, and will deploy them if necessary. -The enemy are expected to have a limited number of ATGM´s -The enemy have gotten limited help from some local militants -The enemy can call upon 152mm artillery support from rear positions, it is not expected that they have access to modern ammunition types. g) Own: You command a Tank CO/BG with 2x platoon of Leopard 2A6, and 1x platoon of CV9030-FI IFV's. (Javelin team in B11 and B14, otherwise armed with CG/MG - all INF are handpicked so elite) You have been allocated a AH-64 (initiated by trigger). There is another in reserve, but will only be allocated to you if you suffer severe losses to your TNK (25% remaining or less). Attachments and detachments: 1x Flight (2x1) AH64 (Trigger: CAS, or later by losses) 1x Support Platoon (refuel / rearm/ casevac) 5x sorties of CAS 1 Battery of 4 x 6 Tubes of 155mm Artillery (HE and Smoke). Priority targets 1-8. 2) MISSION: Attack to seize the Jalibah airfield. 3) EXECUTION: Key Tasks: 1. Clear enemy presence from Jalibah Village 2. Attack and seize the Jalibah Airfield. 3. Destroy all combat service/support vehicles on site There are no non-combatants in the AO: You are weapons free in all of the AO. 4) COORDINATION In line with orders outlined above and by CO´s command 5) Command and Signal Per Usual Kanium SOP Good Luck Commander Ver: SBProPE 2.5XXX Author: Magnus Ronner aka Alpha Sierra Date: 2010-08-05 Edited by Apocalypse 31 Date: 2019-01-05 Tweaked by Nike-Ajax and Apocalypse 31 Date: 2019-01-15
  12. KANIUM SUNDAY 2nd OF DEC 1900 GMT - Counter Attack at Anttila - Empire Strikes Back V2 by ???, tweaked by Nike-Ajax Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World Clock 1900 GMT (Same time as always - now adjusted for Winter Time) World clock 1900 GMT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance Kanium - Counter Attack at Anttila - Empire Strikes Back V2 BG HAMMER 1) SITUATION: a) Enemy: ENY has defeated our attack and is preparing to counter attack. ENY is suspected to be in the order of a MECH BTN attacking in our AOR. Expect a MECH COY (+) and a TANK COY (+) along with RECON and a lot of artillery support. From preliminary INTEL it looks like the enemy is using older equipment such as T-72M, BRDM and BMP-2 It is expected ENY will attack ANTTILA (OBJ GOLD) and other strategic objectives in our AOR b) Own: OWN TNK BTN is conducting defensive action in area of ANTTILA. Your BG is defending OBJ GOLD with what remains of our BG and artillery support. RECON units have been assigned to locate ENY COA. c) Attachments and detachments: - H66 Leopard 2A6 - H65 Leopard 2A6 - A1 TNK PLT (4 x Leopard 2A6) - A2 TNK PLT (4 x Leopard 2A6) - B1 Mech PLT (4x Marder, PzF + MG + 2 x teams with MILAN 3ER (A31 and A34) ) - B2 Mech PLT (4x Marder, All callsigns has Milan 3ER) - R1 - 3 x Luchs - P66 (M113/FO) with 1x Mortar PLT (6 Tubes) + 2 BTY M109 (2 x 6 tubes: offmap HE and Smoke only - we have run out of ICM and FASCAM) + 2 Supplytrucks for Mortars - S1 - CSS elements + (H1: 1PLT PzGrnd + a MILAN Team, but under higher HQ Command: Will only cover, defend and hold their ground) 2) MISSION: It is BTN CO intent to defend OBJ GOLD and SILVER while denoying ENY access to our rear. Main Effort is on OBJ GOLD. CO BG is free to use whatever solution and level of aggression in achieving the goals he chooses, as long as it does not compromise the overall mission of holding OBJ Gold and Silver. a) DEFEND OBJ GOLD and SILVER b) Deny ENY access to our rear area. c) IF total force is combat ineffective withdraw behind PL DECEMBER (withdraw zone/penalty) d) DO NOT CROSS PL JANUARY 3) EXECUTION: UP TO YOU
  13. KANIUM SUNDAY 8th OF April 1800 UTC "Dahlumer Roulette Part 2" by Abraxas translated by Duke Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World Clock 1800 UTC Everybody is Welcome you don't have to belong to kanium Everyone is allowed to play but leave the drama at the door YOU are company commander of 4./911. Orders CDR PzBtl 911for defense south of ELM (excerpt) 1. situation a. enemy: RED is attacking from the EAST with point elements near OSCHERSLEBEN (15km south-east of SCHÖNINGEN); spotted 1 reinforced Tank Regiment (T-80U / BMP-2) in 1st Echelon (Div). Intention: Taking the STRAIT of SCHÖPPENSTEDT - WINNIGSTEDT (10km south) and continuation attack with 2nd Echelon (Div). b. own: PzBrig 91 will defend with 3 BNs in line, main effort in the centre, on line RÄBKE - EITZUM -BARNSTORF - WINNIGSTEDT, delay 1st Echelon (Div) and dismiss attack latest on FEBA. Destroy, under frontal bind, enemy 2nd Echelon (Div) by counterattack in their flank. PzBtl 911 situated in the centre, main effort, is currently set up for defense between EITZUM and BARNSTORF. attachments: 3rd company PzGrenBtl 912 (3./912), 1 tank hunter platoon (PzJgZg) in cooperation: 1 SPAD (self propelled air defense) platoon 2. mission reinforced PzBtl 911: - cover recon patrols EAGLE11 and EAGLE14 from 900th armored recon company (PzAufklKp 900) along passage lanes (LANE A, LANE B), - afterwards delay enemy forces about 90min, together with right neighbor PzBtl 912, - canalize enemy 1st Echelon (Div) to area GROSS DAHLUM - WOBECK - DOBBELN - INGELEBEN and defeat them, - then bind 2nd Echelon (Div) frontal, to create the conditions for the counterattack of BrigRes in the flank of enemy 2nd Echelon (Div) and their destruction. 3. execution Intention CDR PzBtl 911: - reinforced PzBtl 911 will delay enemy 1st Echelon (Rgt) with an armor heavy force, - Therefore defend in such a way, that with long range weapons, artillery and obstacles as well as flanking fire, RED is weakened early and channeled into the center (main effort) of our defense. - block enemy forces flexible and - defeat enemy with all available units by flanking fire. 2./911 (B/911): …... - after delay new BN Res: - supply after arriving in area of Res immediatly; - prepare as BN Res: o reinforce 3./912 in bp 10; o stop enemy from bp 11; o counterattack BLOW against enemy in front of 3./911 and 4./911; o counterattack STITCH against enemy in front of 4./911 and 3./912; 3./911 (C/911): - detachments: 1 tank platoon to 3./912; - in cooperation with tank hunter platoon (PzJgZg) and 1 SPAD vehicle; - secure from X+45 south of INGELEBEN from bp 3S and over watch and cover withdrawing elements of 2./911; - defend southern area of defense along bp 3, 6 and 9; - engage blocked enemy forces in front of 4./911 and 3./912 with flanking fire; - be prepared to support counterattack STITCH; - no obstacles in the area of STITCH. 4./911 (D/911): - main effort; - attachments: 1 PzGren platoon from 3./912; - in cooperation with 1 SPAD vehicle (under BN lead); - secure from X+45 eastern part of GROSS DAHLUM bp 2S with a tank section; - over watch and cover withdrawing elements of 2./911; - engage enemy early from bp 2; - defend centre of area of defense along bp 2, 5 and 8; - hold SCHLIESTEDT; - block enemy forces, possibly with BN Res, latest from bp 8; - support counterattack of BN Res from bp 2. 3./PzGren912 (C/912): - attachments: 1 tank platoon from 3./911; - detachments: 1 PzGren platoon to 4./911; 1 PzGren platoon to 2./911(back subordinated after delay); - secure from X+45 ca. 2000 north of GROSS DAHLUM in ELM, bp 1S; - over watch and cover withdrawing elements of 2./911; - engage early enemy point forces from bp 1; - defend northern part of our area of defense along bp 1, 4 and 10; - over watch and block with preferably less forces western forest area of ELM; - hold EITZUM possibly with support from BN Res; - engage blocked enemy forces in front of 3./911 and 4./911 with flanking fire; - support counterattack BLOW from bp 1; - no obstacles in the area of BLOW. tank hunter platoon: … ... … 4. service support - battalion aid station (BAS) at HOSPITAL SCHÖPPENSTEDT, mobile health team for delay by 2./911 ; - combat trains (CBT TNS) north- western part of SCHÖPPENSTEDT, parts of CBT TNS attached to delay force 2./911 (ammo, maintenance); - maintenance collection point (MCP) at BANSLEBEN 5. leading elements - radio silence with exception 2./911; open radio after start of defense - brevity list: ALPHA - MIKE ; - BN HQ: southern part of SCHÖPPENSTEDT ; Remarks on the situation: BLUE: - Ammo and Fuel 100%, exception delaying forces ca. 50%, - Equipment: Leo2A5, Marder1A3, M113G3DK/TOW (proxy for JAGUAR), 2S6 Tunguska proxy for GEPARD (=CHEETAH) and STINGER - arty: 6 platoons à 4 tubes (HE, smoke, ICM, FASCAM) - SPAD units additionally equiped with STINGER - priority of fire first by delaying force 2./911; FASCAM (self destruct: 30min) released for it; More details according to blocking and fire plan (TRIGGER!); each company has 1 FO. RED: - strength: ca. 85% - Equipment: T-80U, BMP-2, initial situation: enemy: Attack of 1st Echelon (Rgt) stopped in the area of TWIEFLINGEN - HOIERSDORF - SÖLLINGEN. Enemy forces had heavy losses and preparing a hasty defense. The 2nd Echeleon (Rgt) will attack shortly with 2-3 Tank-/MechInfBN. We think main effort will be in front of 3./911 and 4./911, possibly secondary attack against 3./912. own: 911 delayed succesfully without appreciable losses. Delaying forces withdraw with last elements and started resupplying. Currently no enemies spotted in front of PzBtl 911. 4./911: - centre area and full resupplied; - 910th armored engineer company (PzPiKp 910) finished preparation of vehicle emplacements. ( You can move the emplacements in the assembly area ); - Arty fire 9153, 9154, 9156, 9157 u. 9158 (self destruct 30min) retrievable via FO ( TRIGGER ); - BN Res shortly retrievable in bp 11 to support ( TRIGGER ); - your callsign: LONG PIPE It`s now: X + 100 ! NOTE: You can move your units in the assembly area of 4th company! After mission START you have 5min to go in position, after 5min the RED script will start. Mission time: 70 minutes! The marked battle positions (bp) 1-11 in the overlay orders are the intention of your BN CDR to show his continuity of defenses. The real battle positions of the tanks or IFVs can deviate up to 500m! If you want to fall back with your company, you have to make a request to your BN CDR ( TRIGGER )! Follow the situation development from your neighbors ( CHATBOX ) ! Good Luck! This scenario is based on a tactical challenge during a tactical further education of the german army.
  14. Should be ready for download shortly
  15. Version 1.0.0


    A small sound mod for the BMP-2. Includes: Engine (stationary) Engine (moving) PK Coaxial Machine gun (1st and 3rd person) 30mm 2A42 autocannon (1st and 3rd person)
  16. While at the Tank Range, I noticed that after firing an ATGM from the BMP-2, I was able to turn the launcher power off, switching back to a stabilized turret, and was able to power traverse the turret laterally to guide the ATGM onto target. From both looking at the wiki and checking out a 4.0 Demo Video, it seems that you are only supposed to be able to guide the ATGM by manually cranking the turret. Is this a bug, or can you actually do this on a real BMP-2?
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