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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Overview. The purpose of these Fictional Threat Templates is to provide a capable, realistic OPFOR task organization that can be rapidly placed into new scenarios to assist with mission creation. These templates may be edited as appropriate to provide the correct level of challenge for the intended tactical problem. While these formations may have similar aspects to real world military formations, they are not intended to accurately and exactly replicate any specific country's past, or current task organizations. These organizations are built based on formations from the Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE,) OPFOR force structure at US Army Combat Training Centers (CTCs,) and from the author's own imagination. Current Content: Donovia - Mechanized Infantry Battalion Detachment (BDET) - Action Element (Tier 2) The idea behind this fictional template is to depict a Russian-style modern Battalion-sized element that can be readily incorporated into scenarios to present a capable and realistic OPFOR. The Donovian Mechanized Infantry BDET (Tier 2) is based around a BMP-3 and T-90 formation that has been designated as the Action Element of it's higher HQ, a Brigade Tactical Group (BTG). This element is expected to accomplish the BTG's primary task and purpose, and therefor has been task organized with additional attachments to increase its combat power to provide a perceived overmatch versus BLUFOR. For a greater (though less realistic) challenge, see the Tier 1 variant of this formation. The equipment within this unit template enables it to fight effectively during conditions of limited visibility. Donovia - Mechanized Infantry Battalion Detachment (BDET) - Action Element (Tier 1) The idea behind this fictional template is to depict a Russian-style modern Battalion-sized element that can be readily incorporated into scenarios to present a capable and realistic OPFOR. The Donovian Mechanized Infantry BDET (Tier 1) is based around a T-15 and T-14 formation that has been designated as the Action Element of it's higher HQ, a Brigade Tactical Group (BTG). This element is expected to accomplish the BTG's primary task and purpose, and therefor has been task organized with additional attachments to increase its combat power to provide a perceived overmatch versus BLUFOR. This element is equipped with APS, and has the "best of the best" equipment and ammunition that is currently offered by the Russian Federation. This element is provided to serve as a greater challenge; the Tier 2 variant of this unit template is much more likely to be fielded at the quantity depicted here. The equipment within this unit template enables it to fight effectively during conditions of limited visibility. Olvana - Heavy Combined Arms Battalion Detachment (BDET) - Action Element (Tier 2) The idea behind this fictional template is to depict a Chinese-style modern Battalion-sized element that can be readily incorporated into scenarios to present a capable and realistic OPFOR. The Olvanan Heavy Combined Arms BDET (Tier 2) is based around a equal-parts BMP-3 and T-90 formation that has been designated as the Action Element of it's higher HQ, a Brigade Tactical Group (BTG). This element is expected to accomplish the BTG's primary task and purpose, and therefor has been task organized with additional attachments to increase its combat power to provide a perceived overmatch versus BLUFOR. Compared to a Donovian BDET, this formation lacks the overmatch in indirect fires, does not have attack aviation available, and trades the mobility of a Light Recon Platoon for an enlarged Heavy Recon Platoon. This formation is roughly based on the new Chinese-style task organization in a similar manner to an American Brigade Combat Team. The equipment within this unit template enables it to fight effectively during conditions of limited visibility. Planned Future Content: 1. A Tier 2 African-style Motorized Battalion, augmented with tanks, roughly based on Angolan Army formations from the mid 1980s. 2. A Tier 2 South American Combined Arms Battalion meant to represent a more Western-influenced regional power. 3. Insurgents, Paramilitary Forces, and Militias. 4. Tier 3/4 variations of all of the above to provide more "historic" options for late-Cold War style scenarios.
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