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Found 3 results

  1. Version 3.0


    Force Composition 3x PLT (LEO2A6) 2x PLT (CV9030DK) 1x SEC (ATTV Scout) I. SITUATION a. Enemy: Within the past 48 hours enemy forces have moved into staging areas along the Arkdon River with the known intent to attack across the international boundary to seize critical infrastructure and industrial objectives in Aarfeld. Intelligence estimates that in our area we are opposed by a Mechanized Infantry Battalion of BMP-3s supported by a tank company of T-72B3s. Objective Eagle is a major crossing point, and we assess the enemy to be defending with a recon element, supported by mechanized infantry. We expect no more than a platoon there, as it is a vulnerable location to observation and fire. Objectives HAWK and FALCON are staging areas, each with a company of mechanized infantry. The enemy has divided its tank force between its companies, so expect each mechanized company to be supported by tanks. b. Friendly. Friendly forces will attack across the Arkdon River to conduct a spoiling attack against the enemy. A Danish Combat Team is formed and prepared to seize the crossing site at OBJ EAGLE. A Joint Coalition Task Force is also reinforcing the area from the south and will attack OBJ FALCON and HAWK once the crossing site is seized at OBJ EAGLE. c. Civilian. Civilian sentiment north of the Arkdon River is unfavorable towards friendly forces. The enemy has infiltrated towns with special purpose forces to arm and provoke civilians to support an attack across the international boundary. Contact is likely in urban areas, so its best to avoid them if possible. II. MISSION. Attack to seize OBJ EAGLE to pass friendly forces across the Arkdon River. III EXECUTION Tasks 1. Seize OBJ EAGLE - defend the area and prepare to pass friendly forces. 2. Preserve Combat Power for future operations 3. Avoid collateral damage to civilians/civilian infrastructure Fires 3x Tubes of 120mm 6x 155mm Guns (180 HE / 180 SMK) IV. SUPPORT. Organic Medical and Resupply assets V. SIGNALS Map Contacts: Enabled Friendly ID: On Overhead View: On Video Playthrough:
  2. Kanium Sunday 3rd of AUG 1800 UTC "Operation Desert Tortoise I" Special NTC by Apoc Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World clock 1800 UTC Everybody is velcome , though we recommend that new players contact Major Duck, Swordsmandk to get an intro to our use of TS and get setup and get a small get familiar session sometime before the scen as it can be a very very steep learning curve to play multiplayer compared to single player. Its our experience that most new players hang around much longer with that approach and most learn something new that way. We have no requirement for participants to be a member of our VU(Virtual Unit) and you can be a member of other VU's and still play with us or to participate on any number of games etc..., we have a rule that says that your only velcome when you want to play and remember family is more important then the game. Operation Desert Tortoise I by Apocalypse 1. SITUATION a. Enemy. An Armored Battalion from the 18th Armored Brigade is established in a deliberate defense along Pioneer Pass. They currently have one company of T-80U tanks, supported by dismounted infantry forward, in vicinity of OBJ SLAYER, that has established a disruption zone to provide early warning and maneuver space for the remainder of the Battalion, which has established their main battle zone around the bottle-necked area of Pioneer Pass. The enemy maintains sufficient indirect fire and engineer assets (we anticipate at least 1x mine belt surrounding OBJ SLAYER), and is being supported by a sortie of attack helicopters that it may employ at any time. b. Friendly forces are assembling for a Brigade-sized attack that will require Pioneer Pass to be clear of enemy forces. In this sector, Team Kanium will lead this attack by clearing enemy forces within the valley and seizing Pioneer Pass, in order pass elements from 2nd Battalion that will continue their attack to the West. 2. MISSION Team Kanium attacks to seize OBJs SLAYER and ANTHRAX, to allow follow-on forces freedom of maneuver through Pioneer Pass. 3. EXECUTION a. Purpose. The purpose of this operation is to seize key terrain, so that follow-on forces have freedom of movement. b. Key Tasks 1. Seize OBJ SLAYER 2. Seize OBJ ANTHRAX 3. Clear enemy armor within Pioneer Valley & Coyote Valley c. End State i. Terrain. Pioneer Pass is seized and enemy (armor) are clear from Pioneer Valley ii. Friendly: Friendly forces are prepared to safely pass follow-on forces from 2nd Battalion. iii. Enemy: Elements of the 18th Armored Brigade are defeated, destroyed, or neutralized; unable to interfere with friendly, follow-on forces. iv. Civilian: Minimal collateral damage and disruption to the civilian way of life. d. Fires 3x Batteries of 155mm will support this operation. (Offscreen)
  3. Kanium Sunday 27th of AUG 1800 UTC "Team Kanium Movement to Contact" Where: Kanium TS World clock 1800 UTC Everybody is velcome , though we recommend that new players contact Major Duck, Swordsmandk to get an intro to our use of TS and get setup and get a small get familiar session sometime before the scen as it can be a very very steep learning curve to play multiplayer compared to single player. Its our experience that most new players hang around much longer with that approach and most learn something new that way. We have no requirement for participants to be a member of our VU(Virtual Unit) and you can be a member of other VU's and still play with us or to participate on any number of games etc..., we have a rule that says that your only velcome when you want to play and remember family is more important then the game. SITUATION Enemy: A reinforced enemy mechanized infantry company has established a defense-in-depth at two bridge crossing sites at the river. They are composed of 4x PLT of BMP2's and infantry armed with AK74s and RPG-27s. They have been supplemented with tank support, consisting of 3x Platoons of T-80 tanks. Additionally, the enemy we are facing has been given priority of engineer support - expect dug-in positions with at least one protective mine belt. Friendly: 1st Division is preparing for a massive assault within the built-up areas north, across the river. However, Team Kanium must first seize two vital bridge crossing sites to support the follow-on attack. MISSION: SEIZE OBJ ANACONDA TO PASS FRIENDLY FORCES TO THE NORTH. EXECUTION: Player driven Fires: 6x tubes of 120mm (organic) Support: 1x Suppot Platoon (Repair/Resupply) Info Friendly map updates only Friendly ID is on No penalty zones (honor system - please don't go outside of our boundaries)
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