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  1. Hello All: we will rerun this scenario so we can run it to its end. KANIUM Sunday 12th of January - Operation Street Sweeper by Apocalypse Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World Clock 1900 GMT (Same time as always in Europe - now adjusted for European Winter Time: click the time below for your local time) World clock 1900 GMT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. IMPORTANT NOTICE II: I suggest to all who play with us download and install Chris mappack - and needed for this scenario: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hr1jl33xxhacftx/SB Converted Maps v2.rar?dl=0 For the next three months at least we will be working with this mappack and the official one when making scenarios. Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance PPS. We will be playing on the new version 4.162 1. SITUATION a. Enemy. Motorized Rifle Battalion from the are defending the provincial capitol of Provinia with a Battalion that is estimate at ~70% strength), and composed of M-60 tanks and BMP-2s with support from Brigade enablers. b. Friendly. To our south, the 2nd Battalion is defending along the river, but have attached C Co (MECH) to our task force to support a hasty defense. The remainder of the BN is established in defensive positions, preventing the enemy freedom of movement in the southern portion of the city. C Co has also been outfitted with the AVEPS system to combat enemy RPGs and ATGMs. To our front, Battalion scouts have established a passage point in vicinity of the northern bridge in Kutali but have made contact with enemy forces across the river which are conducting counter-reconnaissance. Our BN Mobile HQ is established in Moda, to our east and brought its Unit Maintenance Control Point (UMCP) forward to support this operation (automatic repair/heal) 2. MISSION Attack to clear enemy forces from Provinia in order to allow freedom of movement for follow-on offensive operations. 3. EXECUTION a. Purpose. The purpose of this operation to clear enemy forces from our AO, the provincial capital in order to continue offensive operations to the East. b. Key Tasks 1. Clear enemy forces from Provinia. 2. Control Crossing Sites at BRONCO 3. Control Crossing Sites at COW. c. End State. 1. Enemy is defeated/destroyed; unable to continue offensive operations 2. Friendly forces postured along PL BRAVO; prepared to pass follow-on forces or continue operations 3. Provinia is cleared, and river crossing sites are controlled 4. Government activity can resume in the capital, and minimal collateral damage or disruption to civilian way of life d. Fires 1. 4x 120mm Tubes (organic) 2. 4x 155mm Guns (Brigade) allocated for this mission (96 HE, 96 SMK) 2. Fire Support Team (A9) 4. Service & Support a. Recovery. Organic ARV (A5) b. Repair. Battalion UMCP will repair/revive all vehicles c. Medical. Organic medical support d. Supply. Organic (2x trucks) 5. Command & Signal a. Succession of Command: A66, A65, C-66, A9 <#briefing1> Operation Operation Street Sweeper by Apocalypse Mission Orders Enemy attack is imminent - Defend Provinia at all costs - establish deliberate defensive positions at crossing sites 1-4 to prevent enemy mobility across critical river-crossing sites. Alpha Coy Command SEC A66 (Leo2): A65 (Leo2): A9 (CV90): A1 TANK (LEO2) PLT A11: A12: A13: A14: A2 TANK (LEO2) PLT A21: A22: A23: A24: A3 TANK (LEO2) PLT A31: A32: A33: A34: A4 TANK (LEO1)PLT A41: A42: A43: A44: C1 MECH (CV9040) PLT C31: C32: C33: C34: D1 Tank (Centauro) PLT D11: D12: D13: D14: E1 Bridge (Biber) SEC E11: E14: A5 Supply & Maintenance PLT A8 Mortar PLT (4 Mortars) Charlie Coy Command SEC C66 (Cv9040): C1 MECH (CV9040) PLT C11: C12: C13: C14: C2 MECH (CV9040) PLT C21: C22: C23: C24:
  2. KANIUM Sunday 12th of January - Operation Street Sweeper by Apocalypse Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World Clock 1900 GMT (Same time as always in Europe - now adjusted for European Winter Time: click the time below for your local time) World clock 1900 GMT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. IMPORTANT NOTICE II: I suggest to all who play with us download and install Chris mappack - and needed for this scenario: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hr1jl33xxhacftx/SB Converted Maps v2.rar?dl=0 For the next three months at least we will be working with this mappack and the official one when making scenarios. Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance PPS. We will be playing on the new version 4.162 1. SITUATION a. Enemy. Motorized Rifle Battalion from the are defending the provincial capitol of Provinia with a Battalion that is estimate at ~70% strength), and composed of M-60 tanks and BMP-2s with support from Brigade enablers. b. Friendly. To our south, the 2nd Battalion is defending along the river, but have attached C Co (MECH) to our task force to support a hasty defense. The remainder of the BN is established in defensive positions, preventing the enemy freedom of movement in the southern portion of the city. C Co has also been outfitted with the AVEPS system to combat enemy RPGs and ATGMs. To our front, Battalion scouts have established a passage point in vicinity of the northern bridge in Kutali but have made contact with enemy forces across the river which are conducting counter-reconnaissance. Our BN Mobile HQ is established in Moda, to our east and brought its Unit Maintenance Control Point (UMCP) forward to support this operation (automatic repair/heal) 2. MISSION Attack to clear enemy forces from Provinia in order to allow freedom of movement for follow-on offensive operations. 3. EXECUTION a. Purpose. The purpose of this operation to clear enemy forces from our AO, the provincial capital in order to continue offensive operations to the East. b. Key Tasks 1. Clear enemy forces from Provinia. 2. Control Crossing Sites at BRONCO 3. Control Crossing Sites at COW. c. End State. 1. Enemy is defeated/destroyed; unable to continue offensive operations 2. Friendly forces postured along PL BRAVO; prepared to pass follow-on forces or continue operations 3. Provinia is cleared, and river crossing sites are controlled 4. Government activity can resume in the capital, and minimal collateral damage or disruption to civilian way of life d. Fires 1. 4x 120mm Tubes (organic) 2. 4x 155mm Guns (Brigade) allocated for this mission (96 HE, 96 SMK) 2. Fire Support Team (A9) 4. Service & Support a. Recovery. Organic ARV (A5) b. Repair. Battalion UMCP will repair/revive all vehicles c. Medical. Organic medical support d. Supply. Organic (2x trucks) 5. Command & Signal a. Succession of Command: A66, A65, C-66, A9 <#briefing1> Operation Operation Street Sweeper by Apocalypse Mission Orders Enemy attack is imminent - Defend Provinia at all costs - establish deliberate defensive positions at crossing sites 1-4 to prevent enemy mobility across critical river-crossing sites. Alpha Coy Command SEC A66 (Leo2): A65 (Leo2): A9 (CV90): A1 TANK (LEO2) PLT A11: A12: A13: A14: A2 TANK (LEO2) PLT A21: A22: A23: A24: A3 TANK (LEO2) PLT A31: A32: A33: A34: A4 TANK (LEO1)PLT A41: A42: A43: A44: C1 MECH (CV9040) PLT C31: C32: C33: C34: D1 Tank (Centauro) PLT D11: D12: D13: D14: E1 Bridge (Biber) SEC E11: E14: A5 Supply & Maintenance PLT A8 Mortar PLT (4 Mortars) Charlie Coy Command SEC C66 (Cv9040): C1 MECH (CV9040) PLT C11: C12: C13: C14: C2 MECH (CV9040) PLT C21: C22: C23: C24:
  3. Version 1.2


    Hi Here is a pretty complex (red) scenario, that challenges your decision making in the field and your ability to read a map for defensive positions. You have control of a reinforced Danish Leopard 1-A5 DK-1 tank platoon. It has been reinforced with 2 more Leopards from B-company and 6 M-113's with 106mm mortar. Appart from that you have a couple of scout GD's and a support attachment. The OPFOR consists of 6 different levels ranging from 1 tank platoon to a brigade size force with support units. Furthermore the OPFOR can be enhanced with M-24 Hind airsupport, Mi-8 Airborne troops and/or a section of MRLS. So all in all a lot of different possibilitys of OPFOR. Blue force is conducting a Defence in Sector, and OPFOR is conducting a Meeting Engagement. Take your time in the planing phase so you don't get stuck with an element in the marsh or misplaced vehicle emplacements. Make sure you know how to get from one side of your sector to the other and have you your artillery priorities planed.
  4. 1CAD/KANIUM SUNDAY 28TH OF JAN 1900 UTC "FIRST CLASH, FIRST MISSION" BY 12ALFA Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World Clock 1900 UTC Open to everyone You dont need to be in one Scenario to play the next I suggest that players read the Background before playing for Immersion Players who have not been to Kanium TS before please come early so you can get setup as we have special setup and you need to get rights Briefing: NOVEMBER COMPANY ORAL ORDERS OC N Coy 3 RCR, 1 . Situation a. En Forces: 1 GTD is advancing steadily EAST to WEST hard on the heels of a withdrawing U.S. Force, b. Friendly Forces: 4 CMBG is deployed to stop the enemy advance; 3 RCR left, 1 R22eR right. c. Atts and Dets: In loc G11 (FOO from A Bty 1 RCHA) 7G (FC from Mor Pl) 2 Sect, Aslt Pnr Pl 4 and 5 sect, Armd Def Pl 1 and 2 Tp, B Sqd RCD 1/8G, 1/8G, AD Tp, 1 RCHA 2. Mission Coy will def assigned sector from 07/25/84,0330HRS 3. Execution a. General Outline: Two pis up, left 1 PI, right 3 PI, in depth 2 PI. Coy def posn centred on BLICKHEIM RIDGE WEST of FĂ–RCH facing east. B Sqn will superimpose its fire on our layout. We will provide intimate support to a B Sqn ambush in FAVORITE. b. 1 Pl (1) Grouping: In loc 4 sect. Armd Def Pl 1/8G, 2/8G. AD Tp FC (2) Task: Left forward pl, sector and arcs as laid out on our recce. c. 2 Pl (1) Grouping: Det one sect to under comd 1 Tp, B Sqn in FAVORITE initially. (2) Task: Depth pl, sector and arcs as laid out on our recce. Be prepared to conduct local counter-attacks into 4 or 6 Pl sector on order, d. 3 PI (1) Grouping: In loc 5 sect, Armd Def Pl. (2) Task: Right forward pi, sector and arcs as laid out on our recce. e. Coy HO: Dig in at assigned location, f. 2 Sect, Aslt Pnr Pl: Assist dig-in of Coy HQ. Assist pls in prep of obs and fd defences, g. Arty: FOO, c/s C11, will be with me. h. Coord Instrs (1) Timings: Main body arr def posn from 0315 hours. (2) Moves: Under comd 2ICs at each level, the move forward has already commenced. (3) Fire Plan: FOO will brief pl comds in their location. FPFs on my command only. (4) Pris Of Work: (a) Fire trench for every man to stage II. (b) Protective minefields, (c) Clearing arcs of fire, (d) Dig to stage III. (5) Deception/Concealment: Posn will be occupied at ni. No use of white li. 4. Service Support a. Ammo: 2 x maintenance ld of HMG and 84 mm HEAT to be delivered to pl posns ASP. b. Feeding: Commence hard rations on arrival on site. No fires. Tactical feeding when possible, c. Med: Ambulance w/Coy HQ; Med A to recce routes to UMS. d. Def Stores: Start w/basic Id; additional revetting materials will fol as time and tac sit permit. Make max use of locally aval materials. 5. Command and Signal a. Coy HQ GR b. Radio silence broken on contact only. Lift on order c/s 0. c. Each pl to maintain a runner at Coy HQ until line is laid, d. Passwords: Issued with SOI e. Nicknames: Ambush position around old castle FAVORITE is OLD KNIGHT.
  5. until
    Welcome to 1CAD/KANIUM SUNDAY 28TH OF JAN 1900 UTC "FIRST CLASH, FIRST MISSION" BY 12ALFA Link to event info Link to event thread
  6. until
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