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Found 12 results

  1. Version 0.8.2


    1986 East-German under-strength motor-rifle battalion conducts attack on US light infantry in the enemy's flank. Your equipment: Pz.T-55A, SPW-70, BRDM-2, SFL 2S1, Mot-Schützen. Enemy equipment: TOW, Dragon, 60mm mortar, light infantry. Time frame: 60 to 90mins.
  2. The purpose of this thread is to provide scenario designers with a reference for quickly finding templates for various military echelons on a global scale. Ultimately, I envision this having a table of contents on this post where a scenario designer can click and be taken directly to a template download for the country, organization, and echelon of their choice. The initial emphasis is having close approximations in accuracy for combat power at the Company level, with a workable sustainment package sufficient to maintain combat power. Table of Contents Real World I. United States of America 1. Armored Brigade Combat Team (2020) a. Cavalry Squadron i. Reconnaissance Troop ii. Tank Company b. Combined Arms Battalion (CAB) (WIP) i. Tank Company ii. Mechanized Infantry Company iii. CAB Scout Platoon II. Canada 1. Mechanized Brigade Group (2020) a. Armored/Infantry Regiment (WIP) i. Recce Troop (WIP) ii. Tank Squadron (WIP) iii. Infantry Company (WIP) 2. Historical a. Mechanized Battalion (1978) III. United Kingdom 1. Armored Infantry Brigade (2020) a. Armored Regiment (WIP) i. Tank Squadron (WIP) IV. Russia 1. Motorized Rifle Brigade a. Motor Rifle Battalion (2015-2016) 2. Mechanized Infantry Brigade a. Tank Battalion (2017) 3. Separate Motor Rifle Brigade (2010) Fictional I. Donovia 1. Mechanized Division Tactical Group (2020+) a. Mechanized Infantry Battalion Detachment - Action Element (Tier 1) b. Mechanized Infantry Battalion Detachment - Action Element (Tier 2) II. Olvana 1. Heavy Combined Arms Brigade Tactical Group (2020+) a. Olvana - Heavy Combined Arms Battalion Detachment (BDET) - Action Element (Tier 2)
  3. Kanium Sunday 17th of September OPS Winter Storm PART 2 by SwordsmanDK A follow-up to last Sundays session and Scenario Where: Kanium TS : ts3.din-server.dk:10000 World Clock 1800 GMT (Same time as always in Europe - now adjusted for Summer Time: click the time below for your local time) World clock 1800 GMT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. AS always, then we are running the session with the latest version of Steelbeasts. Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance 😁 Ops: Winter Storm - Mission 2 of 3 by swordsmandk 1. SITUATION a. Enemy. Motor Rifle BDE from the 9th Brigade is attacking along highway 34 towards our Airfield. Eny BDE has managed despite taking heavy casualties to secure highway junctions. We belive they will use H39 and H55 to rapidly move rear echelon units to the front. They have been held up in the Hunttula Forrest by Jaegers from F COy with heavy arty support and using minefields. We estimate that the leading ENY BTG have been replenished to full strength - draining reserves that the ENY cant keep up. Drones and satelite intel confirms fresh units moving on the highways despite heavy artillery from our long range guns. Special forces are still in place to our EAST and report that ENY has setup HQ in ZZ1. B3 bridge has been seized by ENY and MCOA for the ENY Mech BTN appears initially to be direction Haukjärvi. MCOA for the TNK BTN appears to be the better ground south of the airport, to bypass and flank to seize the airport, so direction OBJ SISU. Intel confirms they are composed of T-72B3 tanks and BMP-2/BTR-82 mixed. They are supported by BDE assets, including strong AA of which some are SA19 and expected to be pushed forward with the attack. ENY have taken up a strong defensive position along the FLET, in preparation for their attacking forces. Strong ENY Artillery expected in the AO. Air Warning Red !!! b. Friendly. Our Mechanized Battlegroup is to delay and attrit ENY BTG. Additional reserves can be called in from the North (1x Mech plt) and West (1 x TNK Plt Leopard 2A4). - A TNK COY (100%strength)(NOTE this has been reinfoced due to losses previous mission) - A1 (100%)(Have finished repairs and refueling at BTN CSS) - A2 (100%)(Ammo yellow)(Fuel ~50%) - A3 (100%)(Ammo yellow)(Fuel ~60%) - 2x PLTs from D COY (Mech) is at 100% strenght), Spike+NLAW combo (only small drones for inf PLTs) - Papa units - Romeo Section (2 x Recon BMP-2) - ECHO units (Biber 1 and Biber 2) - Hotel Units (AD, CSS and HQ) - 1 x PLT MECHINF from D COY to the NORTH if needed (on trigger), these MUST be pulled South to OWN AO immediately if activated ! - 1 x PLT TNK Leopard 2A4 from C COY (on trigger). 2. MISSION BG will continue to delay and weaken ENY forces advancing towards Airport. BDE command is willing to temporarily abandon airfield IOT sustain combat effectiveness of our group, and to meet main ENY effort. 3. EXECUTION a. Purpose. The purpose of this operation is to DELAY the ENY advance further and inflict losses to the ENY BTG. Prevent deceisive losses and DO NOT get fixed in place. b. Key Tasks 1. Delay along ENY MCOA-2 with armored units OR per COs plan. 2. Delay along ENY MCOA-1 with Mech units OR per COs plan 3. Do NOT get fixed 4.a Destroy B1 and B2 when withdrawing WEST 4.b Use bibers to secure bridge crossing if bridges are destroyed 5. Withdraw WEST of airport rather than be destoyed. 6. Localized Counterattacks are authorized by COs command and judgement, if they do not risk the integrity of his command or the other tasks. c. End State Key task completed. ENY BTG weakened or destroyed. Own forces able to conduct passage of lines WEST of airfield. (Mission 3) d. Fires 1x AMOS PLT 2 x 3 tubes (with limited STRIX) 1x BTY(+) 3 x 3 tubes K1 Thunder 155mm >>> NOTES (Important for CO) <<<< 1. 155Arty has to be in range of first ENY strong point to provide fire support for special forces in that area. (Cannot be moved for 45 minutes) 2. Your artillery can be killed! 3. NO fire mission behind FLET line for 15 minutes 4. STRIX are only to be used for verified targets! 5. BMS is on reflecting on modern units and BMS systems 6. If ENY units are within 100m of the B1 and B2 then the detonation charge wont work. 7. Do NOT cross FLET line with drones 8. Be careful of ENY AA - indicated range is a guesstimate and will change when and if ENY pushes AA assets forward. Test scenario (To verify that everything works at your end and Map Recce): Winter_Storm_Mission_Two version 3 TEST.sce
  4. Kanium Sunday 15th of May "Shadows of An Empire" by Apocalypse For all players: From now on we will be there about 30 minutes before go time to test everything. If it isnt sorted before GO time, then we will have to start the game at the allotted time, for the benefit of all the other players. Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World Clock 1800 GMT (Same time as always in Europe - adjusted for Daylight Savings Time: click the time below for your local time) World clock 1800 GMT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube or Twitch channel. IMPORTANT NOTICE II: I suggest to all who play with us download and install Chris mappack: ChrisReb Mappack V.4 Untile further notice will be working with this mappack and the official one when making scenarios. AS always, then we are running the session with the latest version of Steelbeasts. Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance 😁 Shadows of An Empire by Apocalypse I. SITUATION. a. General. Enemy forces attacked into the area to seize the Khandera Oil Fields but were forced to retrogade after a significant air and naval campaign by coalition forces. Enemy forces retrograded from the coast at the first signs of the coalition ground invasion. However, in their retreat they were successful in destroying the oil production infrastructure as well as preserving most of their combat power to the north of Nabarib Mountains. A coalition forces ground assault force has just landed and is prepared to expel enemy forces. b. Enemy. The enemy was able to preserve a sizeable force; we expect at least two battalions of mechanized infantry (BMP-2) supported by a third battalion of T-62 tanks. The enemy was also able to preserve its fire support and air defense systems, and will use them to support a network around their HQ to the north. The enemy force also maintains a Brigade scout platoon of fast-attack jeeps mounted with ATGMs. The exact enemy scheme of maneuver is unknown - especially since they retrograded from the area - however, expect the enemy to employ their scout platoon across a broad front to locate and disrupt friendly movement in the area. Expect mechanized infantry battle positions (company or platoon) in key terrain positions within the AO, and expect the enemy to use their tanks in a mobile defense - the T-62 is underpowered, but the enemy can mass them at any point. c. Friendly. A mixed US brigade combat team has offloaded in the area. It is equipped with a mix of Strykers and the US Army's newly fielded Mobile Protected Firepower systems (squint very hard!). A piecemeal Task Force consists of 4x Recon Platoons (Stryker Dragoon) equipped with dismounted ATGMs, 3x platoons from a Stryker Weapons Troop (Stryker MGS), and a company of light tanks. MISSION - Attack to clear the enemy C2 / HQ node from the area north of Al Rakia to disintegrate command and control for enemy forces in the area. FIRES 1x FSO 1x UAV 12x 120mm Mortars (On-Screen) 9x 155mm Direct Support (Offscreen) IV. SUPPORT HQ Supply & Medical Assets are organic - all units 100% on classes of supply V. SIGNAL Friendly ID: On Map Contacts: Enabled Overhead View: On
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This is a unit template that represents the fictional 'Donovian' 801st Mechanized Brigade. Units are notionally 'Companies' and represented with a 6-vehicle configuration to fit the entire Brigade into one template. Forces Composition 801 BDE HQ BDE Recon COY BDE Sniper PLT BDE Engineer COY BDE Support COY (medical & maintenance) 8011, 8012, 8013 Mechanized Battalions 9x IFV Platoons 1x Mortar Platoon 1x Recon Platoon 1x Weapons Platoon 1x MANPAD Platoon 1x Support Platoon (Signal Platoon not depicted) 801 Tank Battalion 9x T-90 Platoons 1x Recon Platoon 1x MANPAD Platoon 1x Support Platoon 801 Field Artillery Battalion 3x 2S35 Gun Batteries 1x Support Platoon 801 Air Defense Battalion 1x SA19 COY 1x SA9 COY 1x MANPAD COY (RBS) 801 Anti-Tank Battalion 1x BRDM-2 ATGM COY 1x BMP-3 COY 1x MANPAD PLT Reference: https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/FS/CAUCASUS/DONOVIA/80_MECH_IFV_DIV Installation: Drag the 'DONOVIA' folder to the following path: C:\Users\NAME\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\My Unit Templates\
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Overview. The purpose of these Fictional Threat Templates is to provide a capable, realistic OPFOR task organization that can be rapidly placed into new scenarios to assist with mission creation. These templates may be edited as appropriate to provide the correct level of challenge for the intended tactical problem. While these formations may have similar aspects to real world military formations, they are not intended to accurately and exactly replicate any specific country's past, or current task organizations. These organizations are built based on formations from the Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE,) OPFOR force structure at US Army Combat Training Centers (CTCs,) and from the author's own imagination. Current Content: Donovia - Mechanized Infantry Battalion Detachment (BDET) - Action Element (Tier 2) The idea behind this fictional template is to depict a Russian-style modern Battalion-sized element that can be readily incorporated into scenarios to present a capable and realistic OPFOR. The Donovian Mechanized Infantry BDET (Tier 2) is based around a BMP-3 and T-90 formation that has been designated as the Action Element of it's higher HQ, a Brigade Tactical Group (BTG). This element is expected to accomplish the BTG's primary task and purpose, and therefor has been task organized with additional attachments to increase its combat power to provide a perceived overmatch versus BLUFOR. For a greater (though less realistic) challenge, see the Tier 1 variant of this formation. The equipment within this unit template enables it to fight effectively during conditions of limited visibility. Donovia - Mechanized Infantry Battalion Detachment (BDET) - Action Element (Tier 1) The idea behind this fictional template is to depict a Russian-style modern Battalion-sized element that can be readily incorporated into scenarios to present a capable and realistic OPFOR. The Donovian Mechanized Infantry BDET (Tier 1) is based around a T-15 and T-14 formation that has been designated as the Action Element of it's higher HQ, a Brigade Tactical Group (BTG). This element is expected to accomplish the BTG's primary task and purpose, and therefor has been task organized with additional attachments to increase its combat power to provide a perceived overmatch versus BLUFOR. This element is equipped with APS, and has the "best of the best" equipment and ammunition that is currently offered by the Russian Federation. This element is provided to serve as a greater challenge; the Tier 2 variant of this unit template is much more likely to be fielded at the quantity depicted here. The equipment within this unit template enables it to fight effectively during conditions of limited visibility. Olvana - Heavy Combined Arms Battalion Detachment (BDET) - Action Element (Tier 2) The idea behind this fictional template is to depict a Chinese-style modern Battalion-sized element that can be readily incorporated into scenarios to present a capable and realistic OPFOR. The Olvanan Heavy Combined Arms BDET (Tier 2) is based around a equal-parts BMP-3 and T-90 formation that has been designated as the Action Element of it's higher HQ, a Brigade Tactical Group (BTG). This element is expected to accomplish the BTG's primary task and purpose, and therefor has been task organized with additional attachments to increase its combat power to provide a perceived overmatch versus BLUFOR. Compared to a Donovian BDET, this formation lacks the overmatch in indirect fires, does not have attack aviation available, and trades the mobility of a Light Recon Platoon for an enlarged Heavy Recon Platoon. This formation is roughly based on the new Chinese-style task organization in a similar manner to an American Brigade Combat Team. The equipment within this unit template enables it to fight effectively during conditions of limited visibility. Planned Future Content: 1. A Tier 2 African-style Motorized Battalion, augmented with tanks, roughly based on Angolan Army formations from the mid 1980s. 2. A Tier 2 South American Combined Arms Battalion meant to represent a more Western-influenced regional power. 3. Insurgents, Paramilitary Forces, and Militias. 4. Tier 3/4 variations of all of the above to provide more "historic" options for late-Cold War style scenarios.
  7. So this week I have asked TankHunter if we can start by doing another stress test of my new-ish scenario. (Its been trimmed a lot) Info on my scenario: As for TH has planned for the rest of the evening. I don't know
  8. Version 1.0.0


    V.1 WHO: US ACR vs Warsaw BTN in attack. Size: ACR SQN against RED BTN Size force (OPFOR NEEDED) Gamestyle: H2H / Blue vs OPFOR Units: M1A1, Bradley, Apache, T80u, BMP2, BRDM NOTE: 1) Kanium 22/04/16 Game 2) If you want to have OPFOR PM me on SB.COM 3) NOTE this is M1A1 ACR late 80'es. M60 version comming
  9. Version 1.0.0


    V.1 WHO: German Panzer Grenadier BG vs Russian COY(+) in defence. Size: 2x mech, 1x tnk (1+1 in reserve) vs 1x Mech COY (+) in defense Gamestyle: H2H / Blue vs OPFOR Units: Leopard 2A5, Marder, T72B2, BMP2, Mineploughs, off map arty NOTE: 1) Kanium 14/08/16 Game 2) If you want to have OPFOR PM me on SB.COM
  10. World clock Wednessday 15 June 1730 UTC - Need a couple OPFORs for a test As stated. I need a couple opfor players for beta testing a multiplayer mission for upcomming events. If you want to give it a go let me know. If you want to run as blue that is fine also, but keep in mind this is a test of Teamspeak, Mission, Planning etc. Still stuff to shoot at...
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Sunday 24th MP game. 11th ACR delay against Motor Rifle Battalion (+). OPFOR can be manned by one or two. (PM me if you need someone to do it) BLUE: Invader SQN + support RED: MRB + support
  12. In a single player mission or Coop, can an OPFOR CGF UAV call for fires?
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