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Found 2 results

  1. KANIUM SUNDAY 17TH OF JUN 1800 GMT - "11th ACR Mission 1 Delay at Bad Hersfeld" BY Sworsmandk Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World Clock 1800 GMT(Same time as always) World clock 1800 UTC IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded w. video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel Everybody is Welcome you don't have to belong to kanium Excerpts of the battalion commander's orders for... 1) SITUATION: a) Enemy: In the last two hours we have been under heavy attack from 39th Guards Motor Rifle Division. As expected we are being forced back towards Bad Hersfeld and our minefields have been breached north of Bebra. Enemy units have been hit hard by both air attacks and our rotary assets. It is assesed that some units have been pulled out of actions already and second echelon forces have been deployed. Remaining MRR regiments we believe is at less than 75% combat streght left. Enemy appears to have three Course of Actions (COA) and looks to be focusing on two of them. Main effort (COA-1) from Herlefhausen south-west via Highway 4 and the second effort (COA-2) from Lüderbach and Ringbach south-west Highway 27. Both with main objective being Bad Hersfeld. COA-3 appears to be a probe going west/south-west along Landstrasse 3336. Enemy main effort (COA-1) appears to be along Highway 4 with 120th Guards MRR (motor rifle regiment), 117th Guards MRR, leading the way. Backing them up is the 15th Guards Tank Regiment. Enemy secondary effort (COA-2) is via Highway 27 with what we believe is 11th recon battalion leading and with 172nd Guards MRR following close behind. We have reason to believe that 80th Tank regiment is split between COA-1 and COA-2. The 3rd MTR BTN of the 172nd is reported undergoing refueling and rearming and will not be available to support their attack. Enemy is focusing main rotary effort on COA-1. Units identified 39th Helicoptor Squadron has been in action in that area. Enemy air forces is still a threat so air warning: yellow. b) Own: 3/11th is at war. We have been in the fight for several hours now and have giving ground only when forced to. Lima and Mike Troop have been fighting a delay from Lüderbach since this morning with support from 4th Squadron(Air). They are pressed hard and need to resupply and rearm soon. - India Troop (INVADER)(YOU!)(90% strenght)) is setting up for a delay in the valley north of Bad Hersfeld covering COA-2. - Kilo Troop (KILLER )(90% strenght) is setting up in the valley North-East of Bad Hersfeld covering COA-1. - Lima Troop (LEADHORSE) (60% strenght) is going through Bad Hersfeld and heading for the Squadrons Assembly and resupply area. - Mike Troop (MAULER) (50% strenght) is going through Bad Hersfeld and heading for the Squadrons Assembly and resupply area. It is CO 3/11th (BANDIT) intension to fight a delaying action in COA-1 and COA-2 delaying enemy forces for enough time to secure that Lima and Mike troop get the necessary time to rearm and get reinforcements to the area. Hold at least 1 hour if possible. You will have entire 3/11th artillery assets available (2x4 M109s). 4th Squadron(Air) is resupplying and will have a flight ready within 30 minutes to provide support. To our left we have a german Jäger Coy and to the right 1/11th ACR. Entire 11th ACR is heavily engaged and we are awaiting reinforcements to arrive from the rest of V Corps. c) Attachments and detachments: We have been assigned 1 PLT from CSS. This is 2xAmmo, 1xARV, 1xMedic. Rest of CSS is at assemly area south of Ba Hersfeld. 2) MISSION: Commander 3/11 intend is to delay forces moving along COA-2 and give Mike and Lima troop enough time to rearm and regroup. CO 3/11th estimate remaining time for this task to be 60-90 mins. Your mission is to setup a delay in the valley north of Bad Hersfeld with India Troop. You are to buy the time needed for the other troops to complete rearming. You are to minimize losses if possible but provide stiff resistance where ever its needed. Gunsmoke have 4x priority fascams fire missions ready for you. Let them know where and when. To provide support you have been assigned 1 PLT CSS. If you mange to hold for the duration you are to fallback to Bad Hersfeld past PL Alamo on command from CO 3/11 3) EXECUTION: Is up to you! 5) COMMAND AND SIGNALS: India66 - CO India65 - XO India1 - First PLT India2 - Second PLT India3 - Third PLT India4 - Fourth PLT India5 - Morter SEC Hotel1 - CSS Brevety list: BANDIT - SQ CO INVADER - India Troop KILLER - Kilo Troop LEADHORSE - Lime Troop MAULER - M Troop GUNSMOKE - Artillery
  2. Kanium Sunday 17th of Sep 1800 UTC "Operation Gauntlet" by Swordsmandk Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World Clock 1800 UTC Everybody is velcome , though we recommend that new players contact Major Duck, Swordsmandk to get an intro to our use of TS and get setup and get a small get familiar session sometime before the scen as it can be a very very steep learning curve to play multiplayer compared to single player. Its our experience that most new players hang around much longer with that approach and most learn something new that way. We have no requirement for participants to be a member of our VU(Virtual Unit) and you can be a member of other VU's and still play with us or to participate on any number of games etc..., we have a rule that says that your only velcome when you want to play and remember family is more important then the game. 1) SITUATION: a) Enemy: ENY attack in direction of the BERG RAILYARD has been slowed and ENY losses are high. We estimate ENY will attempt a flaking move south along R375 to turn our flank. An ENY mixed BTN of T80, BMP2, Hinds and possible older equipment has been sigthed heading along that road. ENY will be supported by heavy artillery and electronic warfare units with jamming equipment. b) Own: Most of our defence have been focused on holding Berg Railyard. To the south along R375 we have TNK COY (-) with mech support to delay ENY advance towards MORSHYTTAN and the ROAD JUNCTION just north of it. We have more reinforcements comming in from the south but they will have to pass through the junction and MORSHYTTAN to be able to support our defence in the area. We have been unable to reach higher command due to HEAVY radio jamming, so essentially it is up to you as COY CO to delay ENY advance on MORSHYTTAN for at least 1,5-2 hours. Delay ENY advance while keeping casulties low. c) Attachments and detachments: - 2 x TNK PLTS STRV 122 + 2x CO/XO TNK (Reserve PLT can be called in from MORSHYTTAN only if 50% tnk Casualties have occured) - 1 x MECH PLT CV9040B with NLAWs and GUSTAVS - 1x RECON PLT CV9040B with GUSTAVS - 1x CSS PLT - 2x OFF MAP BTY 155 - 1x UAV - Engineer assets for pre planned obstacles + 1 PLT ENG with M136 AT + 1 Biber 2) MISSION: 1) Delay ENY advance on MORSHYTTAN and ROAD JUNCTION for at least 1H30M - 2H 2) Minimize Casualties and conduct mobile warfare when possible 3) Protect UAV (Keep it at range from ENY since its the only one you have) ROE: 1) Only recon units is allowed to deploy north of 48 2) NO artillery strikes north of FLOT is allowed 3) Game will end if either CO or GM ends it due to losses or capture of objective 3) EXECUTION: [Finally: The player's mission] SIGNAL: COY: 26000 A1 PLT: 46000 A2 PLT: 31000 A3 PLT: 33500 Note: This will be a multi crewing scen so find a partner to dance with
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