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There wasn't a thread started about this week's activity but we played Kingtiger's excellent 'The demolition guard 1989 UK (3.025)' scenario:

Smithcorp accepted promotion to Major and ably led our Combat Team.  I opted for some "trigger time" as troop sergeant of the Challenger 2 (Chieftain proxy) troop, T34, which was commanded by Gibsonm. After a lot of time in recce recently (which I love), I had a fantastic time blunting the Soviet hordes in my trusty Challenger 2.  Reviewing the AAR, at final count, my tank took out three T-64Bs and 11 BMP-2s and received no less than 17 hits from T-64B main gun rounds, mostly BM-22, and survived with only minor damage, remaining combat effective until the end.  After the bridge was dropped I was isolated on the east bank of the Aschau with only T43A (T34C was destroyed early in the fight) and enemy tanks and IFVs to the east, south and south-west.  My final battle position was hull down among the reeds on the banks of the Aschau, a pretty memorable location...



It was one of those excellent multiplayer nights, with a great scenario and where the action was fast and furious, which I won't forget in a while.  Thanks Smithcorp for leading and everyone from Australia, Canada and New Zealand who joined in.  And thanks BG ANZAC for another great outing!


Edited by Panzer_Leader
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