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So i purchased the 150 dollar version of this game and i am lost as to why i cant get it to download to my computer. I tried to install using JAVA and i wasnt able to so when i went to offline installation it seems to be asking me to install into a folder/ file i dont have anywhere in my computer. I may just be lost as to how to download the game OR my fear is there is something wrong...any advice?

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Hi and welcome to the forum!


I'm not sure what you mean by "I tried to install using JAVA and i wasnt able to so ..." you just expand the first download segment and launch the executable.


I don't think it needs JAVA at all.


Happy to help if you have are still having issues - perhaps PM me and we can setup a Team speak session to talk you through it.


Edited by Gibsonm
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Please contact eSim Games by email (e.g. the address listed in your license ticket email). I can then look up your license, and render assistance tailored to your case. That being said, here are a few general hints:

  1. The Release Notes contain step-by-step instructions for download, installation, and license activation. They should be your #1 reference
  2. Because some people don't read them, I created this help thread. It's largely redundant, actually, but page 2 has illustrattions and goes a bit more into detail, so you may find it more helpful.
  3. When describing your problem, please state the version of Steel Beasts that you're trying to install, whether it's the installation process (and in case of version 4.1, the installation of which installer, and the sequence in which you installed them), or if it's about the license activation. Installation and license activation, while related to each other, are distinctly different steps.
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