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I'm so frustrated right now, I'm not even sure which forum this should be in...  It could fit in scenarios & maps, perhaps help with tactics, or maybe this is the right one.


For well over an hour, I've been trying to get a section of 2A5's into prepared positions in the  Demo scenario "Prep defense" (Leo 2A5).  It doesn't matter whether I give these two tanks a route a drive them myself, it has been impossible to get both into their scrapes before the arrival of the Red armor.  On every run, one or the other, and usually both, get hung up on a tree.  By the time I get the first sorted, and while trying to position the second, one or both wind up eating a sabot round.


The map is extremely bumpy and this may be playing a part in the pathing.  In any event, one or more trees need to go away.  The slopes are also extremely slippery which doesn't help with trying to back off of whichever tree I'm hung up on.  After at least a dozen restarts, I feel exactly like C. Brown trying to kick that damned football


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Driving through the dense forest can be very tricky. I was able to get both tanks into the prepared positions before the arrival of the enemy, but I didn't drive straight into the emplacements. I came at them from the back corner where it was clear and straightened out once each tank was in the dugout.

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My problem was by the time I was able to get the first into the scrape, the second was tied up in the trees.  The second scrape has a tree directly in line with the scrape;  the only way in is from the side.  Once I split the section, I guess I should try driving the first, while the second just sits so I can drive it along the signed path.  Oh well...  I'll try again next weekend.  Thanks for replying

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Those scenarios are very old and it sounds like they need an update to the emplacement position(s). This is a natural problem that comes with carrying all the old scenarios forward, unfortunately. 😑


But yes, in short - the emplacement is conflicting with the tree. The driver wants to go into its "enter emplacement" driving routine, which is conflicting with the driver's "avoid tree" routine, and you get that result. The emplacement is simply in a bad spot now, short of making serious AI changes.

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