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12 minutes ago, Nike-Ajax said:

The first casualty of war is Truth ...

exactly....thats why I find these posts so funny.

"All the Ukrainian/western takes on it are fake and should be Ignored. ....Here, take my totaly objective cremlin take on the issue."

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Personally and with no drama, then I am so sick and tired of hearing about "fake news". And usually from journalists and politicians who are as fake as they come.

Any news from any warzone regardless of who brings it will be biased. Any politician regardless of his or hers country and party are biased. Every journalist regardless of network is biased - plus some of them are VERY biased and not terribly competent.

This is nothing new, with modern media then the volume of biased and manipulative information have just gotten bigger. And the competence and knowledge base of some "journalists", in sharp decline.


ALL news have ALWAYS had elements of being "fake", whatever that shallow and meaningless phrase is supposed to mean.

So digest news and information with a critical mindset in general and base your opinion on sources with different views. And reflect on those with the available data at hand ... and maybe just maybe ... you do not have enough data to have a firm opinion on a matter and need to learn more to reach a informed decision.

And dont let anyone else tell you what to think, mean or feel. Certainly not a politician or journalist, who are about as credible and reliable as a used car salesman in a backlot.

Have discussions with other people, listen to their arguments and having reflected on what they say or write, then meet their arguments with your own if you disagree. And listen to their reply. 


You do not need to agree with them to have a meaningful discourse. In fact I often learn much more discussing with people I disagree with, than with people I agree with.


As long as they argue with facts and not just their opinions then its worth it IMHO, in order to broaden your scope and view on a subject.

You might reach the point where you agree to disagree. And that is OK.

But make up YOUR mind ...


Do not let yourself be treated like a sheep by people who try to make THEIR opinion the "right" one and paint every one who disagrees with them as project "disinformation" or "fake news".

Edited by Nike-Ajax
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if you've ever watched the opening scene of 2001: a space odyssey, that is what it is about. the human animal like the rest of the animal kingdom by the virtue of existing is in a survival situation- it must figure out how to eat, how to reproduce, how to defeat rivals and so on- so a certain intelligence evolved in some primate species which figured out how to use a tool as weapon against a stronger or more aggressive opponent; from this point on the arms race also evolves, only it gets more complicated, because this intelligence evolves with the game- but the game also evolves, per the red queen hypothesis, there is no finish line for anyone- no end to the game, what worked yesterday becomes obsolete eventually, and then a new technique or strategy is used, which means that a new countermove is developed, and it keeps going: measure for measure it keeps evolving. with this evolving intelligence comes a particular social and political mind, so in as much as brute force or a tool is a weapon, so is information- and you literally see this happening in primate species like chimpanzees where they deliberately practice dissimulation, deceit, appear to form plans and employ stratagems, coalitions form to take down stronger rivals, and the coalitions break up or fight among themselves after routing their enemies, where the more clever of the bunch form new plans and so on; you see deception and camouflage elsewhere in nature, but often in a passive, unconscious sort (for example in insects or reptiles where mimicry and false signals are used such a color patterns which suggest toxicity), but in more intelligent animals outright examples of what appears to be learned strategies for outwitting food, or predators, or rivals and so on. that is what it is, and out of this here we are as an extension of it, we are a symptom of it as a product of evolution as how we got here; even playing war simulations or competitive sports, you are scratching an itch that is deeply wired into your brain



Edited by Captain_Colossus
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21 hours ago, Grenny said:

lol sure,

videos on a telegramm chanel, will be as "objective" as the Ukr.-defence ministry uploads on youtube

not saying its objective it just shows the hole video not just a short clip...

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