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Sound Files Documentation 4.363


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I wanna document and present the soundfiles from the "FXList" given in the mod folder. Slowly, I add all I know and tried myself, but some I will highlight in orange color and maybe you can help me out if you know what it is. Please post what you know and I will add it to the first post.
Prefex keys:
a_name.wav = ?
x_name.wav = exterior

i_name.wav = interior

e_name.wav = environmental

m_name.wav = ?

z_name.wav = intruments/switches?

182    10x.wav
183    3x.wav

407    a_105Maingun0.wav
580    a_105Recoiless.wav
747    a_106Recoiless.wav
408    a_120Maingun0.wav
568    a_122Rocket.wav
569    a_20Autocannon.wav
403    a_25Bushmaster.wav
461    a_30Bushmaster.wav
570    a_30Rarden.wav
487    a_35Bushmaster.wav
404    a_40AGL.wav
405    a_73MaingunLV0.wav
406    a_75Maingun0.wav
409    a_ATGM.wav //ATGM Launch 1st person (Milan/TOW)
781    a_Atgm1.wav
410    a_Autocannon0.wav
411    a_Autocannon1.wav
412    a_Bofors.wav
413    a_Cal50.wav
718    a_Dragon.wav
740    a_Dshk.wav
662    a_GrenadeLauncher.wav
571    a_Howitzer.wav
414    a_Lmg.wav
415    a_M240.wav
757    a_M249.wav
671    a_M60Lmg.wav
368    a_Mg34.wav
572    a_MortarHvy.wav
521    a_MortarLgt.wav
378    a_Nsvt.wav
462    a_PktCoax.wav
416    a_Rpk.wav
670    a_SniperRifle12_7.wav
669    a_SniperRifle7_62.wav
8    amdropen.wav
147    ammoExplosion.wav //fatal ammo rack explosion
139    autocannon0.wav
172    autocannon400.wav //3rd party autocannon/SMG shot far distance?
112    auxpump.wav
17    brake.wav
109    button.wav
198    collide.wav
189    e_InsectLoop_d.wav
190    e_InsectLoop_n.wav
102    e_Rain.wav
157    e_Thunder0.wav
158    e_Thunder1.wav
159    e_Thunder2.wav
191    e_WindLightLoop.wav
310    e_WindMediumLoop.wav
0    explode1.wav
19    extcal50.wav
136    extCal50loop.wav
184    extCal50loopend.wav
18    extcoax.wav
135    extCoaxloop.wav
185    extCoaxloopend.wav
126    extm1engine.wav
127    extm1rumble.wav
120    flames.wav
130    hesplash.wav
114    HMGhit.wav
14    hmgloop.wav
106    HMGloopend.wav
751    i_105Brass1.wav
752    i_105Brass2.wav
753    i_105Brass3.wav
754    i_105Brass4.wav
755    i_105Brass5.wav
370    i_105Maingun.wav
749    i_106RecoilessClick.wav
750    i_106RecoilessLdBrch.wav
377    i_120Maingun0.wav
371    i_120Maingun1.wav
589    i_120Maingun2.wav  //leopard 2
703    i_14-5Turret.wav
573    i_20AutocannonMarder.wav
369    i_25Autocannon.wav
666    i_25BushmasterEmpty.wav
665    i_25BushmasterSear.wav
463    i_30Bushmaster.wav
736    i_30BushmasterDF30.wav
503    i_30BushmasterEjection.wav
464    i_30BushmasterEmpty.wav
504    i_30MauserEmpty.wav
574    i_30Rarden.wav
488    i_35Bushmaster.wav
317    i_35LdBrch.wav
323    i_40AGL.wav
588    i_AmmoDoorClose.wav
587    i_AmmoDoorOpen.wav
727    i_AmphibRumble.wav
290    i_Atgm0.wav
780    i_Atgm1.wav
581    i_Atgm1.wav
582    i_AtgmReloadLoop.wav
583    i_AtgmTisLoop.wav
584    i_AtgmTisLoopEnd.wav
585    i_AtgmTisLoopStart.wav
291    i_Autocannon.wav
691    i_Bmp2AtgmElev.wav
682    i_Bmp2AtgmSightClose.wav
681    i_Bmp2AtgmSightOpen.wav
690    i_Bmp2AtgmTrav.wav
677    i_Bmp2Button.wav
680    i_Bmp2GpsClose.wav
679    i_Bmp2GpsOpen.wav
689    i_Bmp2ManualElev.wav
688    i_Bmp2ManualTrav.wav
686    i_Bmp2StabLoop.wav
687    i_Bmp2StabLoopEnd.wav
685    i_Bmp2StabLoopStart.wav
678    i_Bmp2Unbutton.wav
364    i_Bofors.wav
492    i_BoforsAmmoSwitch.wav
493    i_BoforsLdMag.wav
322    i_Cal50.wav
417    i_Cal50_2.wav
418    i_Cal50Turret.wav
419    i_ChopperOh58Loop.wav
420    i_ChopperUh1Loop.wav
623    i_Cr2Button.wav
625    i_Cr2Traverse.wav
626    i_Cr2TurGrind.wav
624    i_Cr2UnButton.wav
472    i_Cv9030Engine.wav
473    i_Cv9030ReloadEnd.wav
474    i_Cv9030ReloadLoop.wav
475    i_Cv9030ReloadStart.wav
476    i_Cv9030TurretStartup.wav
489    i_Cv9035Engine.wav
477    i_Cv9035TisLoop.wav
698    i_CV9040cCoaxLoop.wav
699    i_CV9040cCoaxLoopEnd.wav
465    i_Cv90GpsClose.wav
466    i_Cv90GpsOpen.wav
421    i_CV90TisLoop.wav
467    i_Cv90Traverse.wav
468    i_Cv90TurretFanLoop.wav
470    i_Cv90TurretFanLoopEnd.wav
469    i_Cv90TurretFanLoopStart.wav
471    i_Cv90TurretGrind.wav
739    i_Dshk.wav
538    i_Elevate.wav
675    i_ExplosionERA.wav
355    i_IfvEngine.wav
356    i_IfvRumble.wav
293    i_LdrBusyLoop.wav
494    i_Leo1AuxPump.wav
522    i_Leo1Button.wav
495    i_Leo1Engine.wav
496    i_Leo1Rumble.wav
422    i_Leo1Tis.wav
523    i_Leo1Unbutton.wav
647    i_Leo2AuxPump.wav
648    i_Leo2AuxPumpEnd.wav
646    i_Leo2AuxPumpStart.wav
524    i_Leo2Button.wav
525    i_Leo2Unbutton.wav
692    i_LeoCoaxLoop.wav
693    i_LeoCoaxLoopEnd.wav
423    i_Lmg.wav
694    i_M1CoaxLoop.wav
695    i_M1CoaxLoopEnd.wav
426    i_M240.wav
543    i_M2Button.wav
541    i_M2Elevate.wav
542    i_M2MaxLimits.wav
289    i_M2TowGyro.wav
527    i_M2TraverseLoop.wav
528    i_M2TurGrind.wav
526    i_M2Unbutton.wav
497    i_M60AuxPump.wav
424    i_M60Engine.wav
672    i_M60Lmg.wav
425    i_M60Rumble.wav
717    i_M60TurretGrind.wav
575    i_ManualElev.wav
576    i_ManualTrav.wav
696    i_MarderCoaxLoop.wav
697    i_MarderCoaxLoopEnd.wav
427    i_Mg34.wav
379    i_Nsvt.wav
664    i_PizarroTisLoop.wav
478    i_PktCoax.wav
479    i_PktCoaxEmpty.wav
480    i_PktCoaxStoppage.wav
142    i_RainHatchLoop.wav
428    i_Rpk.wav
318    i_RwsPalmEngage.wav
319    i_RwsPalmRelease.wav
292    i_SeClunkIfv.wav
376    i_T72AutoLdBrch.wav
381    i_T72Button.wav
374    i_T72Carousel.wav
375    i_T72CarouselEnd.wav
383    i_T72Engine.wav
384    i_T72Rumble.wav
382    i_T72Unbutton.wav
498    i_TurretFanLoop.wav
500    i_TurretFanLoopEnd.wav
499    i_TurretFanLoopStart.wav
505    i_UlanAmmoSwitch.wav
506    i_UlanBalCmptrOff.wav
507    i_UlanBalCmptrOn.wav
508    i_UlanButton.wav
510    i_UlanChargeBrch.wav
539    i_UlanElevate.wav
511    i_UlanGpsClose.wav
512    i_UlanGpsOpen.wav
540    i_UlanMaxLimits.wav
513    i_UlanStbClnk.wav
514    i_UlanStbUClnk.wav
515    i_UlanTisLoop.wav
516    i_UlanTraverse.wav
518    i_UlanTurretFanLoop.wav
520    i_UlanTurretFanLoopEnd.wav
519    i_UlanTurretFanLoopStart.wav
517    i_UlanTurretGrind.wav
509    i_UlanUnbutton.wav
650    i_VECElevationLock.wav
651    i_VECElevationUnlock.wav
656    i_VecEngine.wav
649    i_VECLinkEjectDoor.wav
660    i_VecStbClnk.wav
661    i_VecStbUClnk.wav
654    i_VecTraverse.wav
655    i_VecTurGrind.wav
657    i_VecTurretFanLoop.wav
659    i_VecTurretFanLoopEnd.wav
658    i_VecTurretFanLoopStart.wav
634    i_WarriorButton.wav
638    i_WarriorEngine.wav
636    i_WarriorTraverse.wav
637    i_WarriorTurretGrind.wav
635    i_WarriorUnButton.wav
326    i_WheelHvyEngine.wav
327    i_WheelHvyRumble.wav
328    i_WheelLrgEngine.wav
329    i_WheelLrgRumble.wav
330    i_WheelMedEngine.wav
331    i_WheelMedRumble.wav
332    i_WheelSmlEngine.wav
333    i_WheelSmlRumble.wav
544    i_WheelSportEngine.wav
152    incoming1.wav //arty incoming far 0
153    incoming2.wav //arty incoming far 1
154    incoming3.wav //arty incoming far 2
155    incoming4.wav //arty incoming far 3
2    inthit.wav
5    intmain.wav
9    ldbrch.wav //main gun breach close

122    leoauxpump.wav
119    Leoengine.wav
111    leorumble.wav
118    Leoshutdown.wav
117    Leostartup.wav
129    leotis.wav
186    load50.wav
27    m1engine.wav
28    m1rumble.wav
116    M1shutdown.wav
115    M1startup.wav
707    M60\i_M60_GpsClose.wav
706    M60\i_M60_GpsOpen.wav
704    M60\i_M60A3Engine.wav
708    M60\i_M60A3FcsAmmo1.wav
709    M60\i_M60A3FcsAmmo2.wav
710    M60\i_M60A3FcsAmmo3.wav
705    M60\i_M60A3Rumble.wav
701    M60\i_M60A3StabLoop.wav
702    M60\i_M60A3StabLoopEnd.wav
700    M60\i_M60A3StabLoopStart.wav
715    M60\i_M60A3StbClnk.wav
716    M60\i_M60A3StbUClnk.wav
713    M60\m_M60A3EngineShutdown.wav
711    M60\m_M60A3EngineStartup.wav
712    M60\x_M60A3Engine.wav
714    M60\x_M60A3Rumble.wav
632    m_Cr2Shutdown.wav
631    m_Cr2Startup.wav
481    m_Cv90Shutdown.wav
482    m_Cv90Startup.wav
429    m_Leo1Shutdown.wav
430    m_Leo1Startup.wav
501    m_M2TowLower.wav
502    m_M2TowRaise.wav
431    m_M60Shutdown.wav
432    m_M60Startup.wav
530    m_RampDown.wav
529    m_RampUp.wav
545    m_SkidAsphaltWheel.wav
546    m_SkidDirtPC.wav
547    m_SkidDirtTank.wav
548    m_SkidDirtWheel.wav
729    m_Strb90Brake.wav
730    m_Strb90Shutdown.wav
731    m_Strb90Startup.wav
593    m_T64Shutdown.wav
592    m_T64Startup.wav
385    m_T72Shutdown.wav
386    m_T72Startup.wav
433    m_T80Shutdown.wav
434    m_T80Startup.wav
531    m_TrackHvyDBrake01.wav
653    m_VecShutdown.wav
652    m_VecStartup.wav
642    m_WarriorShutdown.wav
641    m_WarriorStartup.wav
362    m_WheelCylBrake.wav
361    m_WheelCylShutdown.wav
360    m_WheelCylStartup.wav
549    m_WheeledApcShutdown.wav
550    m_WheeledApcStartup.wav
342    m_WheelHvyBrake.wav
343    m_WheelHvyShutdown.wav
344    m_WheelHvyStartup.wav
345    m_WheelLrgBrake.wav
346    m_WheelLrgShutdown.wav
347    m_WheelLrgStartup.wav
348    m_WheelMedBrake.wav
349    m_WheelMedShutdown.wav
351    m_WheelMedStartup.wav
352    m_WheelSmlBrake.wav
353    m_WheelSmlShutdown.wav
354    m_WheelSmlStartup.wav
551    m_WheelSportBrake.wav
552    m_WheelSportShutdown.wav
553    m_WheelSportStartup.wav
554    m_WheelTractor1Brake.wav
555    m_WheelTractor1Shutdown.wav
556    m_WheelTractor1Startup.wav
557    m_WheelTractor2Brake.wav
558    m_WheelTractor2Shutdown.wav
559    m_WheelTractor2Startup.wav
161    manualelev.wav
160    manualtrav.wav
113    MGhit.wav
13    mgloop.wav
105    MGloopend.wav
132    mgsplash.wav
1    mineexpl.wav
137    pcengine.wav
138    pcrumble.wav
110    round.wav  //cannon rounds fly by
131    sabotSplash.wav
16    seclunk.wav
46    silence.wav

121    smallarms.wav //nato rifle 0
143    smallarms2.wav //nato rifle 1
144    smallarms3.wav //nato rifle 2
145    smallarms4.wav  //nato rifle 3
162    smallarms5.wav //warsaw pact rifle 0
163    smallarms6.wav //warsaw pact rifle 1
164    smallarms7.wav //warsaw pact rifle 2
165    smallarms8.wav //warsaw pact rifle 3
140    smallATGM.wav
134    smallround.wav //small arms fly by 0
169    smallround2.wav //small arms fly by 1
170    smallround3.wav //small arms fly by 2
171    smallround4.wav //small arms fly by 3
107    smokedischarger.wav 
4    static.wav
202    static3.wav
10    stbclnk.wav
11    stbuclnk.wav
123    tis.wav

12    traverse.wav
101    treeFall.wav
15    turgrind.wav
108    unbutton.wav
203    unldBrch.wav //main gun load
187    watersplash.wav
180    wheelengine.wav
181    wheelrumble.wav
188    woodrubble.wav
146    wounded.wav
306    x_105Maingun0.wav
307    x_105Maingun1.wav
365    x_105Recoiless.wav
748    x_106Recoiless.wav
6    x_120Maingun0.wav
7    x_120Maingun1.wav
302    x_120Maingun2.wav
303    x_120Maingun3.wav
304    x_120Maingun4.wav
305    x_120Maingun5.wav
567    x_122Rocket.wav
363    x_23Autocannon.wav
435    x_25Bushmaster.wav
483    x_30Bushmaster.wav
577    x_30Rarden.wav
490    x_35Bushmaster.wav
321    x_40AGL.wav
308    x_73MaingunLV0.wav
366    x_75Maingun0.wav
294    x_Airstrike0.wav
295    x_Airstrike1.wav
728    x_AmphibRumble.wav
324    x_ApcEngine.wav
325    x_ApcRumble.wav
608    x_ArtyDistantGun0.wav
609    x_ArtyDistantGun1.wav
600    x_ArtyDistantHeSplash0.wav
601    x_ArtyDistantHeSplash1.wav
602    x_ArtyDistantHeSplash2.wav
603    x_ArtyDistantHeSplash3.wav
604    x_ArtyDistantHeSplash4.wav
605    x_ArtyDistantHeSplash5.wav
606    x_ArtyDistantHeSplash6.wav
607    x_ArtyDistantHeSplash7.wav
760    x_ArtyGuided0.wav
761    x_ArtyGuided1.wav
148    x_ArtyHeSplash0.wav
149    x_ArtyHeSplash1.wav
150    x_ArtyHeSplash2.wav
151    x_ArtyHeSplash3.wav
156    x_ArtyHeSplash4.wav
299    x_ArtyHeSplash5.wav
300    x_ArtyHeSplash6.wav
301    x_ArtyHeSplash7.wav
168    x_ArtyIcmAirBurst0.wav
296    x_ArtyIcmSplash0.wav
297    x_ArtyIcmSplash1.wav
298    x_ArtyIcmSplash2.wav
758    x_ArtyNearGuided0.wav
759    x_ArtyNearGuided1.wav
595    x_ArtyNearHeSplash0.wav
596    x_ArtyNearHeSplash1.wav
597    x_ArtyNearHeSplash2.wav
598    x_ArtyNearHeSplash3.wav
599    x_ArtyNearHeSplash4.wav
610    x_ArtyNearIncoming0.wav
611    x_ArtyNearIncoming1.wav
612    x_ArtyNearIncoming2.wav
613    x_ArtyNearIncoming3.wav
769    x_ArtyNearPrecisionSplash0.wav
770    x_ArtyNearPrecisionSplash1.wav
771    x_ArtyNearPrecisionSplash2.wav
772    x_ArtyNearPrecisionSplash3.wav
773    x_ArtyNearPrecisionSplash4.wav
774    x_ArtyNearPrecisionSplash5.wav
775    x_ArtyNearPrecisionSplash6.wav
762    x_ArtyPrecisionSplash0.wav
763    x_ArtyPrecisionSplash1.wav
764    x_ArtyPrecisionSplash2.wav
765    x_ArtyPrecisionSplash3.wav
766    x_ArtyPrecisionSplash4.wav
767    x_ArtyPrecisionSplash5.wav
768    x_ArtyPrecisionSplash6.wav
104    x_Atgm0.wav//HOT_Milan ATGM Launch external
778    x_Atgm1.wav
779    x_Atgm2.wav
735    x_BoatImpactLand.wav
309    x_Bofors.wav
166    x_BombUnguided0.wav
167    x_BombUnguided1.wav
320    x_Cal50.wav
436    x_Challenger2Rumble.wav
643    x_ChieftainEngine.wav
644    x_ChieftainRumble.wav
674    x_ChopperAh1Loop.wav
437    x_ChopperAh64Loop.wav
438    x_ChopperCh47Loop.wav
288    x_ChopperMi24Loop.wav
439    x_ChopperMi24Loop.wav
440    x_ChopperOh58Loop.wav
441    x_ChopperUh1Loop.wav
633    x_Cr2Engine.wav
484    x_Cv9030Engine.wav
491    x_Cv9035Engine.wav
719    x_Dragon.wav
720    x_DragonGuidanceBoost.wav
782    x_ElectricMotor0.wav
737    x_ExplosionAPS.wav
676    x_ExplosionERA.wav
721    x_FlameJetHvyLoop.wav
722    x_FlameJetMedLoop.wav
723    x_FlamesHugeLoop.wav
663    x_GrenadeLauncher0.wav
620    x_HeGrenade0.wav
621    x_HeGrenade1.wav
622    x_HeGrenade2.wav
789    x_HelicopterCrashLand.wav
790    x_HelicopterCrashWater.wav
372    x_HeSplashSmall0.wav
578    x_Howitzer0.wav
745    x_IED_1000kg.wav
742    x_IED_150kg.wav
746    x_IED_2000kg.wav
743    x_IED_250kg.wav
744    x_IED_500kg.wav
741    x_IED_50kg.wav
460    x_InfantryRun.wav
459    x_InfantryWalk.wav
373    x_JetEngineLoop.wav
315    x_Leo1Engine.wav
316    x_Leo1Rumble.wav
124    x_Leo2Engine.wav
125    x_Leo2Rumble.wav
724    x_LuchsEngine.wav
442    x_M240.wav
756    x_M249.wav
357    x_M60Engine.wav
673    x_M60Lmg.wav
725    x_MarderEngine.wav
726    x_MarderRumble.wav
367    x_Mg34.wav
141    x_Missile0.wav
776    x_Missile1.wav
777    x_Missile2.wav
579    x_MortarHvy.wav
532    x_MortarLgt.wav
380    x_Nsvt.wav
485    x_Pkt.wav
486    x_PktCoax.wav
614    x_RoundArty0.wav
615    x_RoundArty1.wav
616    x_RoundArty2.wav
617    x_RoundArty3.wav
618    x_RoundArty4.wav
619    x_RoundArty5.wav
533    x_RoundRpg0.wav
443    x_Rpk.wav
444    x_RubbleBldng0.wav
445    x_RubbleBldng1.wav
446    x_RubbleMetal0.wav
447    x_RubbleMetal1.wav
448    x_RubbleMetal2.wav
449    x_RubbleMetal3.wav
450    x_RubbleMetal4.wav
451    x_RubbleMetal5.wav
452    x_RubbleRock0.wav
453    x_RubbleRock1.wav
454    x_RubbleRock2.wav
455    x_RubbleRock3.wav
456    x_RubbleWood1.wav
457    x_RubbleWood2.wav
458    x_RubbleWood3.wav
668    x_SniperRifle12_7.wav
667    x_SniperRifle7_62.wav
732    x_Strb90Engine.wav
733    x_Strb90Rumble.wav
734    x_Strb90RumbleTop.wav
645    x_T55Engine.wav
590    x_T64Engine.wav
591    x_T64Rumble.wav
311    x_T72Engine.wav
312    x_T72Rumble.wav
313    x_T80Engine.wav
314    x_T80Rumble.wav
783    x_TirePuncture.wav
133    x_UavLoop.wav
784    x_UavLoop01.wav
785    x_UavLoop02.wav
786    x_UavLoop03.wav
787    x_UavLoop04.wav
788    x_UavLoop05.wav
639    x_WarriorEngine.wav
359    x_WheelCylEngine.wav
358    x_WheelCylRumble.wav
334    x_WheelHvyEngine.wav
335    x_WheelHvyRumble.wav
336    x_WheelLrgEngine.wav
337    x_WheelLrgRumble.wav
338    x_WheelMedEngine.wav
339    x_WheelMedRumble.wav
340    x_WheelSmlEngine.wav
341    x_WheelSmlRumble.wav
560    x_WheelSportEngine.wav
561    x_WheelSportRumble.wav
562    x_WheelTractor1Engine.wav
563    x_WheelTractor1Rumble.wav
564    x_WheelTractor2Engine.wav
565    x_WheelTractor2Rumble.wav
566    x_WheelTractor3Rumble.wav
586    z_AtgmFov.wav
627    z_Cr2StbClnk.wav
628    z_Cr2StbUClnk.wav
629    z_Cr2SwitchDayMag.wav
630    z_Cr2SwitchTisToggle.wav
399    z_Lwr10Clock.wav
400    z_Lwr11Clock.wav
401    z_Lwr12Clock.wav
390    z_Lwr1Clock.wav
391    z_Lwr2Clock.wav
392    z_Lwr3Clock.wav
393    z_Lwr4Clock.wav
394    z_Lwr5Clock.wav
395    z_Lwr6Clock.wav
396    z_Lwr7Clock.wav
397    z_Lwr8Clock.wav
398    z_Lwr9Clock.wav
389    z_LwrBeamRider.wav
594    z_LwrDesignator.wav
388    z_LwrRangeFinder.wav
402    z_LwrTopAttack.wav
684    z_Switch10.wav
387    z_Switch5.wav
534    z_Switch6.wav
535    z_Switch7.wav
536    z_Switch8.wav
683    z_Switch9.wav
537    z_SwitchRotating0.wav
640    z_WarriorSwitchFastTrav.wav

Edited by zerocrack01
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  • 1 month later...
On 9/21/2022 at 10:50 AM, zerocrack01 said:

a_name.wav = ?
x_name.wav = exterior

i_name.wav = interior

e_name.wav = environmental

m_name.wav = ?

z_name.wav = intruments/switches?

a = Ambient (Your vehicle exterior EG when your main gun fires it will play this sound)

x = Exterior (3rd party vehicle exterior EG your wing man fires his main gun it will play this sound)

i = Interior (EG you frie your main gun from the GPS it will play this sound)

m = multipurpose (Will play this sound no matter where you are observing from.)

The files with a prefix are newer filenames

the ones without a prefix are generally older filenames before V implemented the new naming convention.


8    amdropen.wav < ammo compartment door open

182    10x.wav < switch to 10x zoom
183    3x.wav < switch to 3 x zoom

140    smallATGM.wav is the infantry's RPG launch sound

377    i_120Maingun0.wav < T72 or Challenger 2

371    i_120Maingun1.wav < Challenger 2 or T72
589    i_120Maingun2.wav  //leopard 2

2    inthit.wav <when your tank (specifically a tank) are hit by a maingun round
5    intmain.wav < ask Volcano
9    ldbrch.wav < loader manually loads the breech/gun

16    seclunk.wav < CV90 FCS Clunk
46    silence.wav < plays when engines are off in addition to other environment sounds

4    static.wav < plays when AI sends radio traffic (red text at bottom of screen)

static2 < PLays when a human sends a text message in a multiplayer session
202    static3.wav <Plays when an event message is triggered, can be replaced by an event sound in the mission editor.
10    stbclnk.wav < ask Volcano
11    stbuclnk.wav < ask Volcano
123    tis.wav < ask Volcano

203    unldBrch.wav < unload main gun

146    wounded.wav < Plays when you position you are manning is disabled


the main person to ask is @Volcano as he wrote that table and is generally "the sound guy"



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  • 4 months later...
  • Moderators

Wow, I never noticed this post until now. I guess no-one actually PM'd me (or I missed it). Better late than never, maybe.


A few things to add (although you probably figured all this out through trial and error already):


a_name.wav = actor sounds, think of these a "1st person" sounds (you firing the weapon yourself). 
x_name.wav = exterior

i_name.wav = interior

e_name.wav = environmental

m_name.wav = multiuse (sometimes used interior, sometimes exterior)

z_name.wav = miscellaneous stuff (basically everything small and miscellaneous, but yes, mainly switches/knobs).


Some sounds do not have a prefix -- these are the oldest sounds that existed before time itself. Then at some point it was figured out that the mess had to be organized, as it organically grew larger, otherwise it was nearly impossible to find anything.


Just to add to what Hedgehog mentioned above...


5    intmain.wav <- the original maingun sound when fired from the interior view, this is now used only for tanks with a stub-base (aftcap) type cartridge
10    stbclnk.wav <- hydraulics engaging
11    stbuclnk.wav <- hydraulics disengaging
123    tis.wav <- thermal imager looping sound, used specifically for the M1's TIS



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