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Scenario for multiplayer. External view


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I am working on a training coop mission where I want to remove the "external view".

I know how to remove the external view in single payer and it works nice however in multiplayer it does not work and no matter i select external view on or off, players always have the F8 external view avalaible.

Curious thing is that if I play the same mision single player then I have no external view.

Do I miss somethingor it is so simpe as this has can not be defined in scenario design for multiplayer?

Can be defined somehow in the host server?

While it is very cool to look at the vehicles from outside this is a very unrealistic option I would like to be able to remove from my multiplayer scenarios.

Any tip would be most welcomed :)

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So we shall assume that military customers using this sim for profesional training also have this issue and have to train with this external view "cheat" ? :eek2:

Would be nice if in some future this can be fixed for the MP scenarios.

Thanks for the fast answer :)

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It has to do with always having a default position to fall back to if your current unit is destroyed in a network session. I think we tried other ways in the past, such as forcing you into the next available position in the next available vehicle, but people complained when other users popped into their gunners position while they were in the middle of an engagement. Since its possible to lock all the other views, one had to be used, and this is what got selected. I think what we have now will probably stay in place for a while....

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It cannot be removed (external view) because of the OC observer position. Maybe one day the OC can ignore this. On the other hand, if the external position is turned off, then when people jump to your vehicle in multiplayer they will be put inside of it if you allowed people in. This was a huge pain in the past... people jumping in and out of your vehicle at the worst time.

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Well if you simply say you do not allow other people to join your vehicle before launching the mission, then they could not join, otherwise if you have previously "authorized" that people can join, the fact that they actually do so should not be of a great shock to you, I think :biggrin:

In my opinion having the external view reduces the realism. It gives you a field of view you should not have, like having a 5 meter high periscope like a submarine. Makes driving challenges easy also makes that tank commander prefers that possition instead on top of turret. I think this is more relevant than the fact that someone could join your vehicle "by surprise", issue that can be sorted out programing that after being killed you simply have access to the external view of your destroyed vehicle and that you should ask for permision to be allowed to join other vehicle for instance... ahhh wait the other players have already authorized previously to join so that should be no big deal I guess IMHO. If this is really a trouble simply do not authorize people to join your vehicle.

Was not this sim more oriented to realism instead to just a Have fun game"?

Well just my two cents about this, would be nice and REALISTIC to have the option to train multiplayer without external view. :cul:

Said this I must add that I am very happy with this sim and having lots of good time with it.

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No, not really, there are instances where you want other people to join your vehicle but you do not want the other 15 people in the scenario to jump in and out of the vehicle when they lose their assigned vehicle. Not to mention, simply disallowing others to join your vehicle to avoid people jumping in it because of lack of an external view can cause other problems.

Trust me, you don't have to explain the pros and cons of the external view in network session we are fully aware of it. ;)

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