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What is the standard load out for a M1A1?

I am new to SB and was playing the 73 Easting demo battle since I only have to control one tank and all movement is predetermined.

Anyway, I notice I have only have about 12 Sabots and 5 HEAT rounds.

I assume the M1A1 had a ready ammo supply - is this what is represented here with more rounds stored elsewhere in the tank?

Thanks in advance,


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I assume the M1A1 had a ready ammo supply - is this what is represented here with more rounds stored elsewhere in the tank?

Yes, the default load out is 13 sabot (it will indicate 12 because one round will be loaded into the main gun at mission start) and 4 HEAT rounds in the ready rack. The ready rack is for immediate use. Once the ammo in the ready rack has been used, you have to reload this from the other ammo stored in the tank (default is 17 more sabot and 6 more HEAT rounds).

The starting load out can be modified by the mission designer, so you may see these numbers change from time to time, and there are differences between the various tanks as well.

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Computer crews start a reload when they don't see enemy. It's difficult to make a computer predict when he'll be running into new enemy, but at some point they MUST reload, so what do you do... M1s at least only lose situational awareness, but remain positioned with best protection. The bad news, it takes terribly long.

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All the ammo readouts will say both how many are in the ready rack/bin and how many are stowed and need to be moved to an accessible location. For ecample, you may see "KE 12 | 17" which indicates you've got 12 rounds ready to fire (probably plus one in the tube) and a further 17 in the semi-ready. (Hull stowage in the M1 is not properly replicated). So, when you get to "KE 0 | 17", that means that you've run out of ammunition and need to fall back to spend the time required to move rounds from their stowed location to the ready rack. The Leopards are the fastest at this, and the Bradleys and ASLAV-25s take for ever and an age.


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