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Just uploaded latest mission. Hopefully it will clear soon and appear in the downloads section.

I have uploaded it as a COOP but if you like operating plenty of units yourself then you can play it single handed.

Grateful if any bugs dramas etc could be forwarded to me to amend if needed.

Feedback always welcome.

Many thanks




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a) General.

Hostilities between KAMON and TYTAN formally ended with the signing of the UN ceasefire agreement. Under the terms of the ceasefire agreement KAMON forces were to withdraw WEST across the International Border. The KAMON army have not shown any intent of withdrawing and have continued to develop defensive positions inside the TYTAN border. NATO forces have continued to deploy to theatre to reinforce the Government of TYTAN (GoT). KAMON forces were given an additional 48hrs beyond the UN deadline before NATO commences combat operations in order to re-establish the integrity of TYTAN borders.

b) Enemy.

343 Motor Rifle Bn have taken up defensive position in the vicinity of the main crossing over the RIVER LOMBO. G2 assess that the other crossings have been destroyed by the KAMON army. It is assessed that 343 are to hold in place and prevent NATO/TYTAN forces liberating TIMBALA.

c) Friendly Forces

NATO are to commence Major Combat Operations in order to re-establish the national integrity of TYTAN. It is assessed that swift and decisive offensive kinetic operations against selected KAMON Army units will provide the catalyst for the overall withdrawal of KAMON forces from TYTAN.


A Sqn group are to DESTROY 343 Motor Rifle Bn, SECURE Obj KINGFISHER and SECURE phase line PLATINUM for 1st Infantry Bn’s advance on TIMBALA


a. Intent

My Intent is for A Sqn Group to ADVANCE TO CONTACT, DESTROY 343 Motor Rifle Bn, SECURE Obj KINGFISHER and SECURE PL PLATINUM in order to enable subsequent operations by 1st Inf Bn to CLEAR and SECURE TAMBALA.

b. Concept of Operations

i) Manoeuvre. I foresee the Sqn Group advancing to contact with the battlegroup close recce leading. Once the En locations have been established A Sqn Group will DESTORY 343 MRB and then SECURE KINGFISHER and PLATINUM.

ii) Fires. Brigade Artillery Group are in support of this operation. Close Air support is also on call. All ammunition

iii) Engineer/Air Defence. An Armoured Engineer Troop and Close Air defence Troop have been placed in support

c. Coordinating Instructions

Boundaries are as per the trace. Flanks will be secured by B and C Sqns

4. Command and Signals

A – A Sqn

B – Infantry

C – Close Recce Tp

D – Armd Engr Troop

E – Fitter Section



H – Close Air Defence Troop

I – B Sqn

J – C Sqn


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