[13:27:15,993] WARN : ------------------------------- [13:27:15,993] WARN : Steel Beasts Log File v3.028 (x64) [13:27:15,993] WARN : Sat Sep 26 13:27:15 2015 / 3900 [13:27:15,993] WARN : ------------------------------- [13:27:15,993] WARN : +--+ MEMORY USAGE INFO (SteelBeasts START): [13:27:15,993] WARN : | | Process: 153 MB (0 % of 128.0 TB total, 128.0 TB free) 153 MB min/133 MB max [13:27:15,993] WARN : | | Physical: 3.6 GB (22 % of 15.9 GB total, 12.4 GB free) 3.6 GB min/3.6 GB max [13:27:15,993] WARN : +--+ Pagefile: 3.9 GB (12 % of 31.9 GB total, 28.0 GB free) 3.9 GB min/3.9 GB max [13:28:41,959] WARN : +--+ MEMORY USAGE INFO (LoadFileToPlay start): [13:28:41,959] WARN : | | Process: 722 MB (0 % of 128.0 TB total, 128.0 TB free) 153 MB min/722 MB max [13:28:41,959] WARN : | | Physical: 4.0 GB (25 % of 15.9 GB total, 12.0 GB free) 3.6 GB min/4.0 GB max [13:28:41,959] WARN : +--+ Pagefile: 4.4 GB (14 % of 31.9 GB total, 27.5 GB free) 3.9 GB min/4.4 GB max [13:28:56,733] WARN : +--+ MEMORY USAGE INFO (LoadFileToPlay end): [13:28:56,733] WARN : | | Process: 1.1 GB (0 % of 128.0 TB total, 128.0 TB free) 153 MB min/1.1 GB max [13:28:56,733] WARN : | | Physical: 4.3 GB (27 % of 15.9 GB total, 11.6 GB free) 3.6 GB min/4.3 GB max [13:28:56,734] WARN : +--+ Pagefile: 4.7 GB (15 % of 31.9 GB total, 27.2 GB free) 3.9 GB min/4.7 GB max