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Although Steel Beasts is a vehicle centric simulation, infantry play a large role on the battlefield and can be a significant thread to armored vehicles.

FM21-75 FIG 1-10.jpg

Types of infantry

Mechanized Infantry (or Motorized)

1985 US Mech Inf.jpg

Mechanized and motorized infantry, also referred interchangeably as "mech infantry" or "mounted infantry", are those that begin a mission assigned to personnel carriers or trucks, or other ground vehicles.

Mounted infantry can be dismounted with the U command, and told to mount with the Shift-U keypress. Scenario designers may alter the equipment loadout of mounted infantry in the Mission Editor by selecting the carrying vehicle and choosing "Unload troops" from the right-click context menu. You may also change the type of infantry as well, via the "Set unit type" menu selection. In this way, you can assign ATGM teams to the mechanized/motorized infantry units.

NOTE: Most modern mechanized and motorized infantry platoons have ATGM teams.

Additionally, altered ammunition loadouts when used with the global "For all other current units:" check boxes will apply to all other infantry units as well. Units unmodified by either method will continue to carry their default equipment (please see the technical pages of the PCs for hints on the squad's armament).

While the player is in the vehicle commander’s position (F7) mounted infantry will mount/dismount only on direct command (Shift+U and U). You may also instruct infantry to mount and dismount from the map view via the right-click menu's "Troops" -> "Mount" and "Dismount" selections which can be assigned to routes, waypoints and (in the execution phase), on the carrying unit's map icon itself.

If a player in the vehicle's position presses W or X to move out while troops are mounting to that vehicle, then the mounting will be cancelled as well. This will happen only when a player is manually driving the vehicle, so giving the vehicle a new route won't stop the mounting of troops (rev. 2.538).

Vehicles will automatically move towards the troops that they are loading (if beyond approximately 25 meters) (rev. 2.538). Vehicles in emplacements will remain stationary while loading troops; if you don’t want the troops to cross open ground, the vehicles need to be moved to a new location first (rev. 2.538).

Currently, mounted infantry are split into two teams (A and B), and cannot be combined. By default, A team's composition is a rifle team, and B team's composition is an LMG team, however their unit types can be changed as mentioned above, via the "Set unit type" selection in the Mission Editor. You can change infantry teams with any type of infantry type that is available.

The two half-squads of a mounted unit

In the Execution Phase's 3D world view, the vehicle icons at the bottom right of the screen will show purple when there are troops loaded and gray otherwise, and while loading and unloading the vehicle icons will flash between these two colors.

For dismounted troops the hotkey (F7) will now give the squad leader’s point of view.

Finally, dismounted infantry may be equipped with an Unmanned Ground Vehicle.

Light Infantry (Leg)

Light infantry are units that do not begin a scenario attached to a mechanized or motorized vehicle. These are always infantry that are placed on the map separately in the Mission Editor.

Light infantry are exactly the same as mechanized/motorized infantry, except that currently light infantry rifle squads cannot split into team sized units, they always are in squad sized elements (although the mission designer can make small team sized light infantry squads if desired). Mechanized, motorized, and air assault infantry are currently team sized units which cannot be combined into squads.

Even though light infantry do not begin a scenario assigned to a vehicle, they can be picked up by vehicles if there is enough spare troop carrying capacity available. In this way, you can use trucks, helicopters, or PCs to pick up light infantry and move them quickly to a different location. The only requirement is of course that the unit must have enough free space to load the infantry unit. To load infantry into a vehicle they are not originally assigned to, there are two methods:

1) Move the vehicles very close to the infantry you want to pick up, then in the 3D world view of the vehicle unit, left click on the single vehicle's icon and select "Load troops" and the select the name of the unit you wish to load. Keep in mind that if the vehicle in question has infantry assigned to it that are unloaded somewhere else, then those infantry will appear in this list. Non-assigned close proximity infantry will appear listed below a horizontal spacer line.

Once loaded into the vehicle, the infantry will then become assigned to that vehicle and they can be loaded and unloaded with the U and SHIFT + U keys.

2) Alternatively you can use the "Troops" --> "Mount" selection from the right-click map view menu on routes and waypoints. Doing this will cause a unit to pick up infantry in the surrounding area IF it has enough capacity to do so. The specific range in which a unit will pick up infantry not assigned to it is:
  • WAYPOINT: 175m radius infantry not assigned to the unit, 200m for infantry that are currently assigned to the unit.
  • ROUTE: 175m to left and right of route for infantry not assigned to the unit, 200m for infantry that are currently assigned to the unit. In other words, if you have a mount order on a route, the vehicles will travel along the route and pick up all assigned infantry that are within 200m to the left and right of the route, and will pick up all non-assigned infantry at 175m left and right of the route. It will continue doing this until it no longer has any free carrying capacity to do so.

Air Assault Infantry

Air assault infantry are infantry that begin a mission mounted in a troop carrying helicopter. For all intents and purposes, air assault infantry behave exactly like mechanized infantry.

The main difference between air assault infantry and mechanized infantry is that, obviously, air assault infantry are carried by aircraft. Because of this, loading and unloading infantry can be a little more complicated but it still follows the same basic principles. Some things that you will need to know are:

  • If flying a helicopter manually, to unload infantry you will need to stop to a hover with S, then hold Z until the helicopter lands. The helicopter will have difficult landing on steep grades or in a forest, so it is always best to land in a flat and relatively clear area. Once landed, load and unload the infantry as normal with the U and SHIFT + U keys, respectively.
  • From the map view, loading and unloading infantry occurs in the same way as mechanized infantry, however there is an additional right-click menu item of "Set flight height". In this menu, it is recommended that you choose "Ground level" if you plan on mounting or dismounting infantry, however the AI will attempt to land on its own in both cases even without this setting. Selecting "Ground level" when loading and unloading simply ensures that less will go wrong in in the heat of the action.
  • Helicopters can now be combined into platoons (flights), and these platoons can be landed, and mounted and dismounted together to allow for a larger scale air assault operations to occur with relative ease.

Individual movement techniques

In the old days, the infantry in Steel Beasts only had one method of movement: jogging. Beginning in version 3.0, infantry now have several methods of movement, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Infantry can be controlled either manually, with the A, S, D, W keys, or automatically with routes and waypoints.


Posture, as referred to here, is the height of the infantry as they are stationary or are moving. You can manually set the posture of infantry that are stationary and while they are in some movement modes. Press Q to raise your posture, if applicable, and press Z to lower it. Specifically, when laying prone and while not under fire, raising your posture will cause the infantry to go to a kneeling position, which may help with observation from the F7 view. Raising your posture again will cause the infantry to stand up. Lowering your posture works in the opposite manner. Also, when crawling or marching, you may lower or raise your posture to result in a different movement mode. For example, you could go from marching to crouched walking in this way.

Movement types

  • HALT is obviously when the infantry is not moving. Infantry must halt in order to recover fatigue and doing this is is considered as resting. In Steel Beasts, the time it takes to fully rest an infantry unit can vary, but it usually takes about 5 minutes in most cases when a unit is fully exhausted.
  • CRAWLING is the slowest movement type, but it provides the most cover and concealment. Crawling also results in a very small loss of fatigue over time.
  • CROUCHED WALKING is faster than crawling, while still providing some manner of stealth. Crouched walking does not result in a loss of fatigue, and does not regain fatigue either.
  • MARCHING is the ideal movement type for extended period movement. Marching is faster than crouched walking, but slower than jogging, however the advantage is that it is the fastest movement type that does not result in loss of fatigue. This allows infantry to advance over long distances within the scope of a Steel Beasts scenario without having to pause and rest. However, as with crouched walking, even though marching does not exhaust fatigue the unit also does not recover from fatigue either. To recover fatigue you must halt and rest. For the most part, all crew served weapons are generally limited to this form of movement as they carry their equipment into position.
  • JOGGING (aka. double time) is faster than marching, but slower than sprinting. Jogging expends a moderate amount of fatigue.
  • SPRINTING (aka. rushing) is the fastest movement type available but it expends fatigue at a very high rate. In addition, sprinting is not possible unless the unit is considered "rested" and is not "tired". See the section about fatigue below for more information.

Manual control

Manually controlling infantry works exactly like vehicles. The W key is used to move forward and increase speed, while the S key is used to slow down. Holding A and D will cause the infantry to turn left and right, respectively, and X will cause the infantry to stop. As mentioned in the section on posture, Q and Z may raise and lower infantry posture depending on the situation.

Route tactic behavior

Tactic Behavior
  • infantry will advance to contact and once in contact will stop and engage if able to do so
  • SLOW routes will cause the infantry to advance by crawling
  • FAST routes will cause the infantry to advance by jogging, until exhausted
  • TOP SPEED routes will cause infantry to advance by sprinting, until exhausted
  • infantry will advance to contact and once in contact will continue advancing by crawling while under fire
  • SLOW routes will cause the infantry to advance by crawling (before under fire)
  • FAST routes will cause the infantry to advance by jogging, until exhausted or under fire
  • TOP SPEED routes will cause infantry to advance by sprinting, until exhausted or under fire
  • infantry will advance to contact and once in contact will stop and engage if able to do so
  • regardless of route speed setting, infantry will advance by marching
  • infantry will attempt to break contact with the enemy and will use smoke grenades if available
  • SLOW routes will cause the infantry to retreat by crawling
  • FAST routes will cause the infantry to retreat by jogging
  • TOP SPEED routes will cause infantry to retreat by sprinting
  • infantry will advance to contact, then once established will observe the enemy
  • once under fire, infantry will automatically retreat back by crawling in the direction it advanced from
  • SLOW routes will cause the infantry to retreat by crawling
  • FAST routes will cause the infantry to retreat by jogging
  • TOP SPEED routes will cause infantry to retreat by sprinting
  • behaves identical to engage tactic

Note that infantry will stop and occasionally rest if they are on FAST or TOP SPEED routes, and they do this in order to maintain that higher rate of movement for as long as possible. Over time though, depending on the circumstances, they will likely become exhausted and will be reduced to crawling (for tactical considerations) until they are rested.


Fatigue, within the scope of Steel Beasts, represents an infantry unit's short term ability to exert itself through individual movement technique types. Specifically, it is a wargaming abstraction to prevent infantry from being able to sprint all the time, and as a mechanism to establish a pro-con relationship between the movement techniques.

Infantry fatigue bars, fully rested; the three sets of triangles and squares to its left are for the three different postures, left: prone and crawling, right: kneeling and crouched walking, center: standing, marching, jogging, sprinting

When occupying an infantry unit, in the 3D world view's lower right corner of the screen you will see three vertical colored bars (green, yellow, red). Depending on which bars are showing certain movement types may not be available:

Situation Status
green, yellow, and red bars visible
  • infantry unit is considered FULLY RESTED
  • all movement types are available
yellow and red bars visible
  • infantry unit is considered TIRED
  • sprinting is unavailable
red bar visible
  • infantry unit is considered EXHAUSTED
  • sprinting and jogging are unavailable
no bars visible
  • infantry unit is considered to be FULLY EXHAUSTED
  • no additional effect other than resting will require the maximum amount of time


Cover and Concealment


Cover gives protection from bullets, fragments of exploding rounds, flame, nuclear effects, and biological and chemical agents. Cover can also conceal you from enemy observation. Cover can be natural or man-made. (FM 21-75)

Open terrain

When stationary, infantry will attempt to seek cover in the bumps and folds of the terrain that cannot adequately be represented at the lowest level, which is simulated by having them sink into the surrounding terrain depending on the Bumpiness value of the applied terrain theme for each given terrain type. With bumpiness set to "0" (0%) – the default for very old scenarios – dismounted soldiers will not have cover (they will not sink into the ground). At "1.00" (100%) bumpiness they will sink to the point that only the top of their head is visible, but the controlling player of a dismounted squad will still see them somewhat elevated, making it easier to locate his own soldiers (rev 2.460).

Keep in mind that once infantry fire or move they will not be sunken into the terrain until they stop moving, or until a few seconds after they fire. The reason that infantry momentarily raise from their sunken position when firing represents them briefly exposing themselves to the enemy while engaging targets.


Infantry may take position in bunkers, or may occupy buildings. Place a waypoint with "Defend" tactics near a bunker (preferably at the rear) and infantry should occupy it.

(rev. 2.403) Computer controlled units will engage troops inside of buildings with HE or HEAT ammunition where this is available and useful.

(rev. 2.395) Troops will no longer seek cover unless given a battle position with Hold, Defend or Guard tactics. As before,

  • Hold and Defend will also cause the troops to go inside nearby buildings.
  • Guard will cause them to stay outside nearby buildings. If there are no nearby buildings they will look for cover in nearby woods.
  • Having "no tactic" or Stay tactics will result in the troops not looking for any cover and so staying where they are.
  • While troops are in buildings, the orientation of the battle position is important. The direction the battle position is pointing will determine which firing positions in the building are occupied. For example, if a large building contains a small unit of infantry, orienting the battle position to the south will ensure that the infantry will man the south wall. Keep in mind that when you change the orientation of the battle position, it will take a few moments for the infantry inside to change their position to the new orientation as they have to move to their new location in the building.
  • Note that if you click on a unit icon at the bottom of the 3D view and order the troops to a new position the waypoint at the end of the new route will have no BP ("none" tactics) unless you use the "assault to" order. So, if you want the troops to move to a spot and go into a nearby building or find cover, use "assault to." If you want the troops to NOT go in a building nor find cover, use another movement order such as "advance to" or "retreat to."

(rev. 2.440) Troops will enter buildings only on "Hold" orders to allow better control about their autonomous positioning.

Depending on their current tactics they may or may not enter structures:

Tactic Behavior

infantry will enter


infantry will enter


infantry will NOT enter


infantry will NOT enter


infantry will NOT enter

No tactics

infantry will NOT enter

(rev. 3.002) You may also order infantry to enter buildings occupied by enemy infantry. This can be used to clear buildings when the enemy is in a weakened state, or when they are known to be engaging threats in another direction. Entering a building with enemy forces should be done with caution however, because it can be very costly. Note that further improvement here is needed -- infantry will not go room to room and clear it, but rather will shoot directly at each other as they enter the building, but the intent here is to at least provide a method to completely sweep and clear the enemy from occupied buildings.


Concealment is anything that hides you from enemy observation. Concealment does not protect you from enemy fire. Do not think that you are protected from the enemy's fire just because you are concealed. Concealment, like cover, can also be natural or man-made. (FM 21-75)

Concealment is currently not modeled in great detail Steel Beasts, other than the natural concealment that occurs from ground clutter at close range, and from the cover gained from infantry sinking into the terrain or taking cover in buildings.

Body armor

Protected areas of ballistic body armor in Steel Beasts

Infantry body armor is modeled in Steel Beasts and it increases survivability of infantry by protecting them from fragments, ricochets, and direct smallarms fire. They are protected in the areas of their torso, head and shoulders, with the level of protection depending on the type of infantry.

In Steel Beasts body armor currently comes in two types: FLAK protection and ballistic protection. FLAK armor only protects against fragments from smaller high explosive rounds and grenades, while ballistic armor protects up to 5.56mm at close range, and 7.62mm at beyond 100m, depending on impact area.

  • US 2000
  • KR 2000 (South Korean)
  • CN (Chinese)
  • DE (German)
  • DK (Danish)

The US 2000, KR 2000, and CN are all based on the US interceptor body armor (IBA) model, and the DE and DK are based on the zukunft (future) model. All other infantry types have only have fragmentation protection in the helmet and torso area, which represents FLAK vests and steel or kevlar helmet. Civilians and insurgents have no fragmentation or ballistic protection.

Utilizing crew served and individual weapons

Some infantry have weapons that can be fired directly by the user. The current list of infantry weapons that can be crewed are:

When occupying one of these units, press F7 to go to the commander's eye view, then press F2 to go to the gun sight view.


In the current version of Steel Beasts, the general range of small arms fire has been set to 600 meters.


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Pages in category "Infantry"

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.