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Found 2 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    This scenario is dedicated to my good friend Steel Beasts Cavalry aka. Cobra (base). This is a scenario that would follow on to one of my previous and best scenarios, "Gradual Retreat". This one took a while as I wanted to perfect this scenario, It is accurate, ammo types are accurate to the year as well as vehicles, (But just think that the army national guard are still operating the M901's). --- After the gradual retreat scenario, the Soviet forces over run the defensive line and are moving with a large force, but the time bought has been used for our rear forces to establish a 170 Km defensive line, this is last line of defence before the Soviet forces reach France. The rest of the British forces left in the UK are mobilsed and will be in France within the next 16 hours, along with a 4 hr transit time before the first brigade of Challenger 1's can arrive from 4 Royal Tank Regiment. They have been redeployed from the Gulf. US Forces in the area have organised a defensive strategy to reppel the soviet advance, however it is unclear as to whether it will work. 2 ACR is divided into sub groups within sectors, groups 1-8 are defending Alpha section (North), whilst 9-18 are defending Bravo section (South). Each group holds a 10km wide gap, Alpha section stretches 80 Km, leaving bravo section with 90 Km. This 170 Km line is to protect France and Belguim, however France is under threat the most. 3 Group, 2 ACR's forward elements are expected to make contact with scouting elements from the first echelon of a detachment from a Guards divison, the 5th Motorised Infantry Regiment. "2-6/A. Contact BRDM 2 platoon, moving East Grid square 20, 53."...
  2. Version 1.0.0


    The Red tide 1988. The war to hold back the Soviets is failing, the German forces have been forced to fall back as their flank has collapsed, the BAOR still stands strong, and we the US forces are on the retreat now. We have to try and hold back the soviet forces for there to be a civillian evac from the city of Archen, trucks still haven't evacuated everyone, they need an hour, so we must try and hold back the enemy force as there is no-one between us and the city. We have a simple mission, hold the enemy back for an hour. --- 1 PT of M1A1 HA 1 PT of M1A1 2 PT's of M2A2 1 PT of M3A2. With a few other assets. Good luck. NOTES: The ammo types are CORRECT. All blue and red forces are to date. Any bugs please comment below.
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