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  1. An update, or a patch, depending on your perspective. Mostly bugfixes, but also the one or other feature change. For free.
    6 points
  2. I've been updating the “Bergen-Soltau-Munster” map for a few months now. In the more than 10 years of creation, the terrain editor had also changed repeatedly due to changes in the versions. This led to inexplicable double routing and shifting of streets and paths, changes to ramps and bridges and distortions in the streets. I was able to fix this, but probably not everything ( 50 km x 40 km 🙄 ). For this I ask for your understanding and I apologize. I handed over the map as “Bergen-Soltau-Munster 7-24” to Ssnake. It will probably be included in the next update.
    5 points
  3. Steel Beasts is designed to overwhelm the player with messages. One important learning aspect is to be able to separate important from less important reports (and in multiplayer, to be efficient in communication). Arguably, the paramount task of the tactician is to have the right unit for the job in the right place at the right moment. So, being good at guessing how much time a unit will need to travel to where it's going to be needed is important. Being able to recognize when you need to give the necessary orders is another. This requires you to pick up clues about what will happen in 10, 15, 30, or 60 minutes from now, and to give suitable orders. When to pull a unit from contact to resupply. When not to do that. To recognize a moment when a unit needs to move out, and when it's too late to do so (and where else to send it). There are no standard recipes for success. But knowing each units capabilities, their strengthes and weaknesses, and knowing Chapter eight of the user's manual, are indispensable. If you don't know your tools, and the enemy's, how could you possibly be successful? The best ways to learn are - to play with experienced players in multiplayer sessions - to use the AAR playback to process what happened in the last hour
    2 points
  4. Hi, as title. Can we expect an update somewhere this year? Thanks for the info.
    2 points
  5. The nature of trade restrictions is that we can't do business with the country affected. eSim will not partake in attempts to bypass such restrictions. I am very sorry that we hsve this situation, but it's controlled by political decisions and bureaucrats for trade regulations.
    2 points
  6. No harm in that, I suppose: Please excuse the sound quality on my part. I had no idea that the headset I used produced these swings in volume. Also, this will steal almost two hours of your lifetime, and you probably know at least 50% already.
    2 points
  7. While unequal application of the law is most certainly problematic, the two cases aren't comparable for the simple fact that one happened in Greece and the other did not. I'd like to leave it there, we have a no politics rule on this board after all.
    2 points
  8. Your problem is also that often the sabot will pass right through an IFV/APC and don't necessarily kill it , so if your Hull/Turret down and you observe a small group of IFV/APCs then you can take the 8 sec to load HEAT then pop up take 2 shots jockey back to cover come up somewhere different and kill the remaining IFV/APCs then reload Sabot. Never ever stay in a firing pos to long most of us get to focused on killing stuff and forget to take cover and make it hard for the enemy so 2 maybe 3 shots then cover jockey back and go up in another fire pos preferably so far to one of the sides that your out of the enemy's sights. But it can be difficult look at fx Assasins videos he moved up and down left and right all the time. So while your new make yourself a new habit of jockey as your SOP (Standard operating procedure) and you will survive a lot longer also move like water aka down low that only works for COIN ops not Peer vs Peer. You can see that from irl videos of life fire training where the tanks go up fire 2 rounds and then the tanks drive back to simulate that Sabot can kill both whereas a HEAT unless your lucky will only kill IFV/APCs and they can also be used to great effect on INF in houses. Link to one of Assasins videos this one is in a Leopard but the same principles apply. And most of all have fun MD
    2 points
  9. I feel like this has turned into an extension of the Wishlist thread...
    2 points
  10. Version 6


    Combat Power: 3x3 CR2 Platoons 2x2 Recon Section (Pizzaro/proxy) I. Situation Friendly forces are currently set to the east of Imarat, postured to attack to seize key terrain that will enable follow-on forces a swift transition through the area, along Highway 5 and Highway 2. We have detected a reinforced enemy mechanized infantry company defending the area, with BMP-3, T-90 tanks, and a truck-mounted scout platoon forward. We have detected enemy scouts operating between PL BRONZE and PL PLATINUM, with small teams and ATGM trucks, and we suspect platoon-sized disruption forces to be positioned between PL SILVER and PL BRONZE, with their main defensive force around the town of Chaman. II. Mission: Attack to seize OBJ BULL no later than H+90 minutes to enable follow-on forces freedom of movement. III. Execution a. Seize OBJ BULL (60) b. Preseve Combat Power for follow-on operations (40) Fires: 155mm are allocated as direct support (288 HE/240 SMK) IV. Support. Organic medical and supply assets are on hand V. Signal Friendly ID: On Map Updates: Enabled Overhead View: On
    1 point
  11. Right-click a route and "copy route" or "copy route chain", then paste to a selected waypoint (again, via right-click, not Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V).
    1 point
  12. You are welcome. You can pre-position the routess and copy/paste if required - which may help.
    1 point
  13. Well that's why we at least use "Snake Patrol" when in close country and forced to use roads. Its similar to caterpillar and leapfrog (you are probably more familiar with bounding and bounding overwatch) but the units moving are single vehicles using the left and right verge of the road. The"snake" comes from the overall movement of the Troop. The complexity in SB is that you need to plot routes for the left fwd vehicle, then the right forward and finally the trailing pair: Green snake - everyone moves (approximated by column). Amber snake - 1st vehicle moves then stops. 2nd vehicle moves up and beyond 1st vehicle and stops. 1st vehicle moves again to a point beyond the 2nd vehicle. This is the leapfrog option where the threat is higher than green, but its slower than green. Red snake - 1st vehicle moves then stops. 2nd vehicle moves up next to 1st vehicle and stops. 1st vehicle moves again, supported by 2nd vehicle. This is the caterpillar option where the threat is highest, but its slowest.
    1 point
  14. Kanium Teamspeak: ts3.din-server.dk:10000 Time: 1800UTC Who: Anyone who wants! Please sign up early so we can reserve your spot. Situation: Last week, the a large force of unknown composition captured the town of Koupio in a well coordinated attack that caught the small defense force off guard and forced them to retreat. Over the week the Russians have been digging into defensive positions, though their efforts to create defensive positions with manpower came to an abrupt halt when a blizzard rolled in abruptly roughly 3 days ago. The Russians for one reason or another were seemingly unprepared for this blizzard, and many of their vehicles began to stop working in the -20 °C temperatures of early Finnish January. Your Finnish forces, on the other hand, are trained to take advantage of exactly situations like this. When the nearby Swedish forces in the area were alerted of the large enemy presence, they agreed to provide support by means of 2 platoons of Mechanized infantry to aid our advance. Recon: Recon by assets preceeding you by an hour and a half have discovered the enemy forward and main lines, categorizing them as the 6th Guards Motor Rifle Brigade. Reconnaisance efforts were able to identify and exploit both a hole and a work around of the enemy forward line, though were only able to confirm the northern boundry of the enemy main line. Enemy engineers or ARVs were not located, though the Recon did note that some of the enemy AFVs were rendered immobile by the cold. Main Objectives: - Create ideally a 3km gap in the enemy forward line. If this cannot be achieved, 2km gap can be settled for. - Secure and designate a staging area for the liberation of Koupio. - Breach the enemy main line. - Clear 2 or more routes as deep as possible in the direction of Koupio with the goal of liberating it at a later date. - Determine if there is a third defensive line between the enemy main line and Koupio. Secondary Objectives: - Explore the length of the Teisiaan railway with the intention of using it as a highway to Koupio. - Exploit any gaps in the enemy lines to infiltrate and disrupt the enemy's attempts to dig in. Assets: 1 Company of Finnish armour in 2A4s, second Coy in reserve 2 Platoons of Swedish mech in CV9040s, extra platoon in reserve 2 Platoons of Mjolnir tracked mortars 1 Battery of 2S3 Akatsiya artillery 1 Battery of BM21 Grad MLRS 1 Platoon of combat pioneers 4 Logistics trucks 2 Ambulances Weather: "The relentless blizzard covering most northern Finland has finally let up some, though there's yet more snow moving over from the Siberia region that will hit in roughly an hour. This is shaping up to be a record breaking winter for Finnish snow..." Extra notes: The 2 hours between the Recon and your attack may have given the enemy more time to dig in and/or recover losses. Expect a somewhat more entrenched enemy, and plan for engagement even in the hole the recon was able to make. There's a second company of armour waiting to reinforce you if need be. Planning scenario: Moving Along planning.sce The delta, if its needed: Kouvostoliitto Finland 50x50km EDIT3.zip
    1 point
  15. Trees and tanks aren't a great mix. When it's tactically unavoidable you'll have to decide if you like control better (keep your plt in one piece, possibly in close column) or if you'd rather spread your eyes and guns over a wider frontage, giving up some of that tight control. It's a trade-off, not a clear decision.
    1 point
  16. According to what I could find in under two minutes of googling, uninstall the Logitech drivers and let Windows 11 detect the device, then use the Windows generic joystick driver.
    1 point
  17. Some of the developers who were doing maps in Greece for the milsim/game Arma 3 with no bad intentions were taking pictures of terrain near a Greek air force base and ended up in jail for like 9 months . I have heard the Greeks are very strict about pictures taken anywhere near bases or hardware and that kind of confirmed it. Ouch But hey, look at that old guy that has dementia and has made a career lying all his life that had classified docs laying all over his garage (and did not hold an office to legally do so) and got off scot free....go figure.🤣😑
    1 point
  18. SB will use the default settings (per road type), unless you change them. I would agree that there should be a warning to the user if there is an obvious mismatch like this. But we need to focus on other development tasks.
    1 point
  19. @tankenator this is a leopard 🤣😋
    1 point
  20. 50/50 will advise if I can attend - should be there
    1 point
  21. I just had a tank platoon lose 3 tracks due to infantry with rockets. So I backed it up, brought in the Bradleys, and we laid waste to it with HEAT. Every building burning. War crime? Maybe. Yet the Rocketeers kept sneaking from one house to another. Then as we withdrew they popped out and took pot shots as we were driving away. Max range, so they all missed..... So then I ordered my M-109s to level that corner of town. Went to View mode. No more rocketeers. I mean, the battle was pretty much over. We'd knocked out a company of T-80Us and BTR-somethings and all (we thought) their infantry. Then PHHT->BANG< PHHT-BANG and a second later PHHT >BANG<. Made me mad.
    1 point
  22. I'm seconding this now. Used Lutris Flatpack edition on my Linux Mint to install SB. Grabbed the CodeMeter Linux Runtime from the Wibu-Systems Website. No fiddeling with settings whatsoever, it just works. My CodeMeter Dongle works. Made a little mission in the editor, played it, performance is as usual. I didn't test any MultiPlayer, other simulator's MP like DCS or IL2 work in Lutris fine so I'd assume it works too. Tldr: Lutris good, SB good - Good times! Edit: Should the text look weird, install Arial, in Lutris just select the game and click the wine glass on the bottom.
    1 point
  23. If you are stuck watching YouTubes, I have recently posted a few to watch. I can generate more in a day or two.
    1 point
  24. Fire, Fire Heat - Reloading will waste time and will most likely lead to you getting hit. Fire what you have in the tube and then reload the appropriate ammunition for the target. Tanks Panzerldr
    1 point
  25. There is "a general option", it just doesn't apply to vehicle crews. That in turn has (code-)historical reasons, as we made a foolish decision some 28 years ago that tank crew members would be a component of the vehicle rather than be treated as individual soldiers. Then again, a perfect code would never have been completed and the project would have died in obscurity, so taking such shortcuts was a necessary evil to get a viable product out within an acceptable development time.
    1 point
  26. Version 1.1


    This Tutorial guides people through the use of the following Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) aka "drones" recently added to Steel Beasts Pro PE. It is a "safe to fail" environment here you can make mistakes and not be punished. Quadcopter Notes: Trigger 1 Munin Notes: Trigger 2 Libelle Notes: Trigger 3 Switchblade Notes: Trigger 4 Bullitt Notes: Trigger 5 Sprite Box: Trigger 6 Sprite Container: Trigger 7 I've also updated the Wiki entry: https://www.steelbeasts.com/sbwiki/index.php?title=Category:Drones Please note there are currently some limitations on the Sprite platform as detailed here: When the issues with the Sprites are addressed, I'll post an update to this Guide.
    1 point
    Difficulty: This mission can present a challenge, and presents moments where you have to deviate from your initial plan. Massing and synchronization of your available forces and effects is essential to win while preserving enough combat power to achieve a major victory. Weight for scoring is well established and laid out, with 60 points allocated to the seizure of Objective Bull, and 40 points for overall combat power at 100%. The enemy responds in a dynamic manner to your plan, and will adjust to fight you. You absolutely must do some form of planning to achieve a major victory here. Difficulty can be adjusted to become easier through the use of AVEPs on the BLUEFOR side, though this skew the scenario's balance in favor of BLUEFOR. [ ] Easy [X] Medium [ ] Hard [ ] Kobayashi Maru Duration: This mission took me approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes total, with a split of around 1 hour for total planning time, and 45 minutes for execution. Allocated time for execution is 90 minutes for seizure of Objective Bull, so this could conceivably last for longer than 2 hours if more time is spent on planning, or execution to meet the overall objective. Time allowed for execution is sufficient, but may be a problem if there is not a synchronized maneuver plan created by the player. [ ] Less than 30 minutes [ ] 30 Minutes to 1 Hour [X] 1 to 2 Hours [ ] Longer than 2 Hours Balance: Balance of forces is excellent, with the BLUEFOR's numerical advantage offset by OPFOR's defensive plan, engineering efforts, and flexibility in responding to your actions. BLUEFOR's Challenger 2s, and Pizarros are excellently mated with the OPFOR's T-90s and BMP-3s. Employment, mass, and synchronization of all of your assets are essential to defeating the OPFOR. The enemy never felt undefeatable, while BLUEFOR definitely had to position forces appropriately to exploit the enemy's vulnerabilities. [ ] Favors BLUEFOR [ ] Favors OPFOR [X] Favors Neither Overall: This mission forces you to understand the terrain you are fighting in, the enemy's capabilities and limitations, and requires a well synchronized plan to achieve success. This is definitely manageable by a single player, though I wouldn't recommend it for your first company-level scenario. This is a good candidate for co-op without a server license with up to eight players controlling Platoon Leader/Platoon Sergeant, and Company Commander position. The terrain you fight in within this scenario is both scenic and interesting, and will slow your tempo if not properly analyzed. Engagements are immersive and possibly even stressful, with the enemy forcing you to make decisions while under direct and indirect fire. This is not a "beer and pretzels" scenario experience if you are gunning to get that Major Victory. Overall, this is an excellent scenario that does a great job showcasing what a UK Armored Company Team is capable of achieving when faced with a modern "Donovian-style" Mechanized OPFOR threat. Absolutely recommended. [ ] Awful - A Waste of Your Time [ ] Bad - Significant Design Flaws [ ] Average - Limited Replayability [ ] Good - Worth a Download [X] Excellent - A Benchmark Scenario; Must Download and Play
    1 point
  27. I purchased the SB code-meter license in 2020, but in recent years, your company have stopped selling the SB license to China. I would like to ask on behalf of the players in China who have already purchased a full license, what should we do when the SB is upgraded for a fee in the future? Can we still continue to pay for the upgrade? Currently, I know there are about more than 200 players who have this concern. Thank you!"
    0 points
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