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Colebrook last won the day on July 17 2021

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About Colebrook

  • Birthday 01/06/1984

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  1. Dont know if the mission has been tested, but only looking at the unit list i think red needs much more mech inf, like +1 bmp2 platton at minimum, maybe +2 or +3. The CV-90 are far superior than bmps .
  2. I will take Team8, with 2 Leos2E and 1 Pizarro, with 1 spike LR and 1 inf squad with NLAW. Of course all with APS and best AP ammo.
  3. I can make this one.Put me in D21 pls.
  4. 1 soldier at a time?.Im sure you can mount the full squad from the units order menu.
  5. Thank you for the mission RedFox,it was very fun.Good to see that we can play big missions without problems.
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