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  1. Observe this is a big scenario. We will man parts and let one/two players command a full COY. Manning: Command RHQ 9 (Leopard 1A5): RHQ 9B (Leopard 1A5): A1 (LEOPARD 1A5) A1 A1A A1B A1C A2 (LEOPARD 1A5) A2 A2A A2B A2C A3 (LEOPARD 1A5) A3 A3A A3B A3C D1 (NZLAV-IMV) D3 D13 D23 D33 B COY CO: Nike-Ajax (Kanium,DK) C COY CO: HQ1 (CSS) (2 X M88A1 MRV) OPFOR: AI/VI - none needed Where needed: Cant make it: Hosting: TBD (1/1)
  2. Kanium Sunday 28th of July - Plug The Gap v4 by Apocalypse Where: Kanium TS : ts3.din-server.dk:10000 World Clock 1800 GMT (Same time as always in Europe - now adjusted for Summer Time: click the time below for your local time) World clock 1800 GMT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. AS always, then we are running the session with the latest version of Steelbeasts. Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance 😁 BN PlugTheGap v4 by Apocalypse I. SITUATION. The enemy has quickly assembled combat power for an immediate attack across the international boundary. We are expecting a mechanized infantry battalion (BMP-1) with T-62 tank support to smash through the border crossing of Al Diraj within the next 15 minutes. The enemy is continuing to prepare for follow-on attacks at a staging site that we have identified to the south. This attack has caught us completely by surprise and combat power in the area is extremely limited. A light infantry company from Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCL) is staged and loaded at the FARP to the north and prepared to move into blocking positions along the border. An Armored Regiment from Lord Strathcona's Horse has just arrived and is prepared to move to the border. II. MISSION. Defeat the enemy Brigade operating in the area by conducting a cross-border counterattack. III. EXECUTION Tasks 1. Hold the enemy - prevent a total breakthrough. 2. If necessary - clear Al Diraj and re-establish the border 3. Destroy the enemy forces in the marked staging area to prevent further attacks Fires. 3x Batteries (18x 155mm) guns are directly supporting 10x Airstrikes Aviation A flight of AH-64's are en route but may be diverted to other active sectors. IV. SUPPORT a. HQ SQDN has 2x Supply Trucks and a Medical Vehicle b. There is no FARP in sector V. SIGNALS Friendly ID: On Map Updates: Enabled Overhead View: On SCENARIO FOR VERIFICATION OF FUNCTIONALITY AT CLIENT END:
    Tough, difficult and really good ! Having played the updated version of this one in a Kanium session, then I can say with certainty that experienced players were challenged. Which is a good thing. You need to have a solid plan, dont overextend and in general do it right. But always more rewarding having a difficult scenario. Doubly so when the creator - completely correctly IMHO - does not give a lot of reserves. So you cant just charge in. Well made and well played.
  3. I can put in one ... would this be to your liking: Or you would prefer something else ? Also as you know if I put one in that would mean that your Map file is ok but your would have to make a new Plan file ?
  4. 1-9 Challenger 2: SwissAdmiral (Kanium,?) 1-1 Challenger 2 1-1 Higgs (Kanium,CH) 1-1B Nike-Ajax (Kanium,DK) 1-1A Badger (Kanium,CAN) 1-2 Challenger 2 1-2 Major Duck (Kanium,DK) 1-2B Panzerleader (Kanium,US) (TBD) 1-2A Connaugh (Kanium,US) 1-3 Challenger 2 1-3 PhanPhantasy (PhanPhantasy,?) 1-3B RedFox (TFhannibal,UK), ErnieSquid (TFhannibal,UK) 1-3A Tankenator (Kanium,US) 1-4 CV90/30-FI 1-4 Kingtiger (Kanium,SE) 1-4B 1-4A Snoggy (Kanium,CAN) 1-4C Wiglif (Kanium,US) RECON: 4-2 Scimitar 4-1 KnightTitus (?,?) 4-1B Hedgehog (UKarmour,UK) 4-2A Scimitar 4-1A Grenny (Kanium,DE) 4-1C CSS: 1-5 to 1-8 and PER ORDERS RESERVE: Per orders OPFOR: AI - none needed Where needed: Cant make it: Hosting: TBD (12/17)
  5. Kanium Sunday 21st of July "Operation Pathfinder" by Apocalypse Where: Kanium TS : ts3.din-server.dk:10000 World Clock 1800 GMT (Same time as always in Europe - now adjusted for Summer Time: click the time below for your local time) World clock 1800 GMT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. AS always, then we are running the session with the latest version of Steelbeasts. Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance 😁 Operation Pathfinder by Apocalypse I. Situation Friendly forces are currently set to the east of Imarat, postured to attack to seize key terrain that will enable follow-on forces a swift transition through the area, along Highway 5 and Highway 2. We have detected an enemy mechanized infantry battalion defending the area, with BMP-3, T-90 tanks, and a truck-mounted scout platoon forward. We have detected enemy scouts operating between PL BRONZE and PL PLATINUM, with small teams and ATGM trucks, and we suspect platoon-sized disruption forces to be positioned between PL SILVER and PL BRONZE, with their main defensive force around the town of Chaman. II. Mission: Attack to seize OBJ BULL no later than H+90 minutes to enable follow-on forces freedom of movement. III. Execution a. Seize OBJ BULL (60) b. Preseve Combat Power for follow-on operations (40) Fires: 155mm are allocated as direct support (288 HE/240 SMK) 12x 227mm Rockets 5x Air Sorties (15 strikes) 1x FO IV. Support. 1x Medical Track and 1x Supply vehicle are on hand V. Signal Friendly ID: On Map Updates: Own Party Overhead View: On Scripting: Clear OBJ Bull of ALL enemies and occupy with at least 1 friendly for 1.5 minutes. SCENARIO FOR VERIFICATION OF FUNCTIONALITY AT CLIENT END: Apocalypse_COOP_OPPathfinder_Sunday_v5.sce
  6. Good maps take years to make .... Settle for half - use a good map and squint
  7. It works with the same address as always: just verified it now. Apparently my provider was just blowing smoke out an orifice ...
  8. I should be good to go - will be absent next Sunday as I am somewhere far from home
  9. Tighten the string and polish the cans ... 😁👍
  10. You can always join one of the SB MP sessions ?
  11. Sadly I cant be there ... have a good 1 More importantly: I get a mail from the TS provider. It seems that they annoyingly have to change server Saturday the 22nd - which means that the IP will change: I will send @Major duck the new IP address so he can post it.
  12. I am a strong maybe But since I am not certain, I can fill any non-leadership role, but if I make it then I can also take a PLT if needed
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