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A little news from Hoggy


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So around the end of September last year some of you will have noticed I dropped off the face of the earth and apart from some brief comms with other members of UKA I disappeared.

Well around that time I and my partner Rebecca were expecting the birth of our first child.

Sebastian J H Morton was born on the 4th of Oct but things were not perfect. He was born with transposition of the great arteries and needed open heart surgery at 9 days old. All went well and apart from some medication and high calorie food (due to post op weight loss) he is now a happy and healthy 4.5 month old. obviously he will always been under specialist care but things are looking good.

As you can imagine all this on top of being a first time parent took its toll and SB was the least of my concerns. It may still be some time before I am back playing but I will be popping in here from time to time to see what you lot are up to.

Thanks to all those who did contact me over that time, alas things were hectic and my memory is awful so if i haven't thanked you directly it is no snub I just had a lot going on at the time.


P.S. Myself Becky and Seb are planning a trip to tankfest this year, so in the years to come do not be surprised if another tank mad Morton with better gunnery skills than I starts racking up kills in a CR2!

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Congratulations to you and yours, and welcome to the world Sebastian! Thank you for sharing the news, hoggydog. My wife gave birth to our third child exactly a month after your Sebastian, and as a fellow parent your story really hits home. I am so happy for you and yours that your boy is doing well. Best wishes to you all and take care.

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